...Report on THE IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE ON MOTIVATION IN WORK ORGANIZATIONS Submitted to: Lorin Walker, Manager and Gary Hart, Instructor for OB 689R Submitted by: Leonard Winegar April 20, 1977 i ABSTRACT This report is an evaluation of leadership style as it affects motivation and productivity in work organizations. The terms pertinent to this work are first defined. Historical and current theories are then presented and discussed. Theory understanding and implementation are essential to increase motivation in the organization. Data from leadership style studies is presented showing that situational determinants, traits, and wide style range are essential to promote motivation and effective leadership. There is no single "narrow" leadership style for all occasions rather the whole leader is needed for optimum productivity. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................i TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ii I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1 II. LEADERS DEFINED...............................................................................................................2 Leadership and Leadership Style Illuminated...........................................
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...4-1-2010 Can Leadership Be Developed by Applying Leadership Theories? : An Examination of Three Theory-based Approaches to Leadership Development Joshua C. Laguerre Rhode Island College, JOSHUA.LAGUERRE@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ric.edu/honors_projects Part of the Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Human Resources Management Commons, Industrial and Organizational Psychology Commons, and the Organizational Behavior and Theory Commons Recommended Citation Laguerre, Joshua C., "Can Leadership Be Developed by Applying Leadership Theories? : An Examination of Three Theory-based Approaches to Leadership Development" (2010). Honors Projects Overview. Paper 42. http://digitalcommons.ric.edu/honors_projects/42 This Honors is brought to you for free and open access by the Rhode Island College Honors Projects at Digital Commons @ RIC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Projects Overview by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ RIC. For more information, please contact hbenaicha@ric.edu, andrewjasondavis@gmail.com. CAN LEADERSHIP BE DEVELOPED BY APPLYING LEADERSHIP THEORIES?: AN EXAMINATION OF THREE THEORY-BASED APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT By Joshua C. Laguerre An Honors Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Honors in The Department of Management and Marketing The School of Management Rhode Island College 2010 1 Can Leadership Be Developed?...
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...Cedar Technologies | | | | | Odessa BakerLisa BlochMelissa DanielsPaterno DubriaMelinda Tomenis | May 15, 2011University of La Verne | | Table of Contents Synopsis 3 Chapter 1: Organization mission/Goals/Strategies………………………………………………..5 Chapter 2: Effective Organizational Culture……………………………………………………...6 Chapter 3: Motivating Employees 8 Chapter 4: Training and Diversity 12 Chapter 5: Organizational Structure and Design 15 Chapter 6: Communication Effectiveness 18 Chapter 7: Group Decisions 21 Chapter 8: Leadership Style and Development 24 Chapter 9: Empowerment Plan 27 Chapter 10: Building Group Teams 30 Chapter 11: Managing Change 32 References 35 Synopsis Mount Cedar Technologies, Inc., also referred to as Cedar Tech, was founded in Los Angeles, CA in 1995 by John Curtis and Frank Mathew. More than 80% of Cedar Tech’s business comes from customers within California while less than 20% comes from other states. The company started off as an importer and distributor of computer accessories such as computer cables, audio/video cables, surge protectors, etc. In 1998, the company added new products by becoming a provider of third party technology, including hardware, software and services to corporate customers including computer and networking accessories, computers, peripherals, printers, displays, printer consumables, and software. They also offered services such as installing hardware and peripherals into systems, provided...
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...Enron’s Communication and Leadership Training Program In the aftermath of Enron’s collapse, compelling questions have been raised about the cause of the Enron debacle. Actions and events that led to the company’s collapse are still being pieced together. Responsibility for the losses suffered by the investors has been laid to the company’s executive management, its board of directors, its auditors and the Securities and Exchange Commission (Foundation of Economic Development, 2002). In developing a training plan to increase the effectiveness of groups and teams, Team B constructed a plan that would have hopefully, helped Enron succeed instead of fail, through a discussion of the benefits and challenges of communication, collaboration and conflict management. The training program will show the group the benefits of developing strong communication skills as a foundation of being an effective leader as majority of them have significant roles in leadership and management. Effective communication occurs only when the intended receiver understands the exact information the sender is intending to transmit. The purpose of the Communication and Leadership training program will be to provide the management group at Enron an opportunity to fix many of their problems by developing their communication skills. Many of the problems in organizations are because of faulty communication. It leads to confusion and causes most great plans to fail. In the training program, trainees will understand...
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...THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR GREENHECK FAN CORPORATION by Kathleen A. Drengler A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Training and Development Approved for completion of 4 Semester Credits 198-750 Field Problem in Training and Development _________________________ Research Advisor The Graduate College University of Wisconsin-Stout December 2001 2 The Graduate College University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 ABSTRACT Drengler (Writer) (Last Name) Kathleen (First) A (Initial) The Design and Implementation of a Leadership Development Program for Greenheck Fan Corporation Training & Development (Graduate Major) Jerry Coomer (Research Advisor) December 2001 (Month/Year) (No. Pages) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Name of Style Manual Used in this Study) The purpose of this field problem was to design and implement a leadership development program for Greenheck Fan Corporation. Consistent growth over the prior five years and aggressive growth projections created leadership opportunities throughout the organization. A corporate culture that supports promotions from within and a projected workforce labor shortage required development of the skills of existing employees to fill emerging leadership roles. This leadership development program defines the competencies necessary...
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...Transformational Leadership on Follower Development and Performance: A Field Experiment Author(s): Taly Dvir, Dov Eden, Bruce J. Avolio, Boas Shamir Source: The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4 (Aug., 2002), pp. 735-744 Published by: Academy of Management Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3069307 . Accessed: 13/10/2011 04:47 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Academy of Management is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Academy of Management Journal. http://www.jstor.org c Academy of Management Journal 2002, Vol. 45, No. 4, 735-744. IMPACT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ON FOLLOWER DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE: A FIELD EXPERIMENT TALY DVIR DOV EDEN Tel Aviv University BRUCE J. AVOLIO University of Nebraska BOAS SHAMIR Hebrew University In a longitudinal, randomized field experiment, we tested the impact of transformational leadership, enhanced by training, on follower development and performance. Experimental group leaders received transformational leadership training...
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...OBJECTIVE To assess the underlying rationale of the training module INTRODUCTION Properly designed and implemented, effective training improves one company's success. Without a basic sales process and methodology, sale people are left to their own devices. That leaves management without a standard way to review trouble areas and predict success. Improved sales benefit every part of one company. Sales training can address multiple areas involving personal and interpersonal skills, business knowledge, and sales process and methodology. Each area has specific value and delivers different benefits to help individuals to be better. THE JOURNEY WE TOOK IN DEVELOPMENT OF OUR TRAINING MODULE. METHOD STEP 1 Our facilitator briefed us about training modules and the activity started in class. The idea was proposed by the facilitator and we were all supposed to come up with whom to impart training for and on what product as a class. As a class we came up with the idea of developing a training module for 4 northern regions Area Sales Manager working for a high-end detergent powder company with the aim of imparting them skills which will help them increase the sale of the product. STEP 2 The facilitator then divided the class in groups of four and asked the groups to develop a training module. The module is as follows – (attached in the end) This module had its own criticisms, other groups training modules were also discussed and the facilitator then asked...
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...Leadership Commitment to Physician and Staff Wellness Create a leadership commitment to the principle of caring about, monitoring for and op6mizing the health, wellness and sa6sfac6on of the providers and staff in the organiza6on. This func6on of “looking in the mirror” -‐ to focus on op6mizing the experience of the people working inside the organiza6on -‐ is emphasized at the same level as the organiza6on’s outward focus on the quality of the pa6ent experience. Mission Statement Commitment to Physician and Staff Wellness and Satisfaction ! Mission Statement Planning Retreat to put the Physicians/Provider and Staff health, wellness and sa6sfac6on on equal foo6ng with Quality of Care and Pa6ent Sa6sfac6on ! This retreat is to begin the alignment of the en6re organiza6on with the principle of equal focus on both physician and pa6ent sa6sfac6on Physician Wellness Committee ! A standing and ac6ve Physician Wellness CommiMee ! With a significant budget ! Charged...
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...Beller April 20, 2009 Working Together To Accomplish the Mission In any organization or group of workers there has to be a set of guidelines or goals in place to be a successful organization or company. Goals such as group goals, social interdependence, trust, leadership, team development and team training are examples are what organizations and groups are investing money and time on. The outcome of the organization and group depends on how well these goals are understood by leaders, members and employees. As a member of the U.S. Army each goal as stated is implemented in the way we operate our Army and the understanding and teaching has lead to successful wining Army that has help shape our country and citizens. I will explain to you why each of the goals as stated can help or hurt the way organizations are operated and how it affects the behavior of the employees or members. Every organization has their own way of setting goals and these goals must be determine by the leaders and members of the group. When setting goals, keep these goals key points in mind, they should be realistic and attainable, they should improve the organization (morale, monetary, etc.), all the people should be involved in the goal-setting process, and the program should be developed to ach eve each goal. Effective group work is influenced by whether or not groups periodically reflect on how well they are influencing and plan how to improve their work processes (Johnson &...
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...THE LEADERSHIP TRAINING ACTIVITY BOOK 50 Exercises for Building Effective Leaders LOIS B. HART, Ed.D. CHARLOTTE S. WAISMAN, Ph.D. AMACOM AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION New York | Atlanta | Brussels Chicago | Mexico City | San Francisco Shanghai | Tokyo | Toronto | Washington, D. C. Special discounts on bulk quantities of AMACOM books are available to corporations, professional associations, and other organizations. For details, contact Special Sales Department, AMACOM, a division of American Management Association, 1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. Tel.: 212-903-8316. Fax: 212-903-8083. Web site: www.amacombooks.org This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hart, Lois Borland. The leadership training activity book / Lois B. Hart, Charlotte S. Waisman ; foreword by James M. Kouzes. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-8144-7262-1 1. Leadership—Study and teaching—Activity programs. I. Waisman, Charlotte S. II. Title. HD57.7.H383 2005 658.4′092—dc22 2004019036 © 2005 by Lois B. Hart and Charlotte S. Waisman All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America...
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...Leadership Training In Public Administration Mr. Khalid abdulaziz Introduction As leaderships training is one of the significant parts in each organization and it is one of the reasons to enhance the organization, this essay will discuses the two types of leadership and how they affect the organization. In Addition, this essay will take in consideration the organization structure and its culture. The main concern of this essay the relation between the leaders and their followers and how it is improved through leadership training. Background information In the recent years, many nations have seen a paradigm shift in public administration. This shift to a new paradigm is often referred to as new public management (NPM). In essence, NPM is based on two philosophies: economic rationalism and managerialism. In Australia, the implementation of reforms in public services have become more efficient, effective and economical (James 2005). This can be further enhanced when a market-oriented approach will be taken in public policies and with the introduction of business methods and practices in public sector management. Public sector management can be developed because of leadership training for organizational change. The ability to lead is not always acquired naturally. It is not always apparent and is not found in the behavior and personality of the individual. Proper education and training can draw the leadership ability and help it become...
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...Developing a Training Plan University of Phoenix Organizational Leadership – LDR/531 Bridget Peaco December 6, 2010 Developing a Training Plan Organizations can help to improve employee communications and ethical practices among employees by having a successful training program in place. When a successful training program is in place, those trainings can provide other unique opportunities for organizations because those trainings can help to give employees important information that can help them be more successful at their job. When employees are successful at their job, that then equals more success for the organization. Training new employees and team environments is best implemented when the organization develops a training program that will give the employees useful information they will need to get a full understanding of the organizational structure, policies, and goals of the company. This paper will review some practices that prevented Enron from collaborating and communicating effectively, provide training ideas that could have helped the management staff be successful and lastly, address how this training plan could have improved Enron’s management team and other employees. When developing a successful training plan, one must identify the issues that were present within Enron’s leadership and management team. Training should start from the top, that way, the people with leadership status, including the management team, will be well prepared to successfully...
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...organization assessment will determine whether the organization has the support system it needs to perform a leadership and management intervention. An individual assessment will determine who the suitable candidates for the training are. Developing the objectives and design of the training is also an important step. The outcome objectives of the program must be decided upon as well as the ways in which certain results will be achieved. The training must be delivered using a method that is most appropriate for the audience. Finally, the training must be evaluated to determine whether it has accomplished its...
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...'There is no point in sending people to do leadership training and development courses, as leaders are born, not made.' Analyse this claim with reference to different theories of leadership. Introduction What is a leader? It is impossible to obtain a single definition. But it happened when achieving an objective and when more than one people are needed to do it. Nowadays, there are many leadership training and development courses that train people to be the position of leaders. Companies send their staff to these courses in order to increase the organizational effectiveness. However, some people argue that these courses are useless. It is because they believed that leaders are born, but not made. This essay will analyse this claim by using different leadership theories as well as discussing the impact on leadership development courses, in order to identify whether leaders are born or are made. Leaders are born There are many successful leaders who demonstrated their skills at an early age. They have natural talents that make them to be 'natural leaders'. Sometimes they also obtained characteristics or elements of a leader when they are born. Trait Theory is one of the main leadership theories and it suggested that certain characteristics are particularly suit to become a leader. Leaders are made Furthermore, there are also many leadership theories that support leaders can be made. According to the Behavioural Theory, leaders can be made rather than are born. The theory focused...
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...management and leadership In this assignment it's going to be discussed about the strategic management and leadership. It will be analyzed the relationship between the strategic management and leadership. The organization which will use to describe the link between strategic management and leadership is TESCO and it will discuss about the impact of strategic management and leadership on the organization and how they work. LINK BETWEEN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP: Strategic management: According to Neil Ritson "Strategic management is the organised development of the resources of the functional areas which are financial , manufacturing , marketing , technological , manpower etc, in the pursuit of its objective it is the use of all the entity resources, It is a set of policies adopted by senior management, which guides the scope and direction of the entity. It takes into account the environment in which the company operates". (Neil Riston, 2008) Desired objective Strategy Development of resources rereresources So simply strategic management works in the organization according to their mission statement and find methods to achieve certain goals through the proper utilization of their resources. LEADERSHIP: In Audrina words a leadership is when you guide the organization into a result that your group has agreed upon. You and the rest of the team have a defined understanding to determine the ability and to articulate visions and goals. Leadership is said seen just...
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