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Growing Up Asian In America Summary

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What does the American Dream really mean? “ For many, the american dream has become a nightmare”. The quote by Bernie Sanders states a bad result in a dream. It is true that we all have dreams and aspirations to fulfill through the efforts that we make during our existence. But the American Dreamers do not have access to achieve it because they encounter many obstacles that keep them away from achieving what they want, even if they strive to achieve it. People risk everything to get those dreams and leave with a intention of having a better life.
To begin with, the American Dream is not accessible to all people because they have many obstacles without knowing what really awaits them. For example, according to David Wallechinsky he states …show more content…
The entitled essay “Growing up asian in america” by Kesaya E. Noda highlights that “ you are other. You are less than. You are unalterably alien”. In other words, they are discriminating them just because they do not belong to their country. This is significant because nobody should be discriminated against because it is supposed to be a free country where everyone comes in search of having a better opportunity a better life. In addition, “ Aliens ineligible for citizenship, were prohibited from owning, buying, or leasing land. They did not and could not belong here”. In other words, the American Dream is not possible because we do not belong to their country. Therefore, this is not fair because the way they are threatening them is not correct because as humans we all have rights. The American Dream is not possible because we encounter with many obstacles that do not let us achieve our goals.
Some may argue that the American Dream is something that you fight for, you persist, and you work hard until you achieve it. However, it is not easy many come with the illusion of having a better life leaving their loved ones without knowing if they will be able to make that progress that they had dreamed

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