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Guns, Germs And Steel: Old World And The New World

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Guns, Germs and Steel It is known that Europe conquered America, but what was the reason to this happened in this way and not the other way around? One of the factors that helped Europe to conquer America is that when we analyze the Old World and the New World we can notice that the Old World first began to develop technology and agricultural techniques and start to sell their crops. The New World took much longer to develop them. That's why at the time of being face to face Europe had the best weapons, better farming techniques and a higher economic level than Native Americans. Europe always had the advantage; while developing its agriculture and its technology, it became richer and expanded faster than America. With this money the trips of Cristobal Colon were financed. Also the religion of the Europeans was an influential factor in the conquest, they were Christians and this led them to believe that they were superior because the others were pagans. They wanted to conquer to make the other people Christians like them. …show more content…
According to the history the infectious diseases were transmitted through domestic animals, such as pigs, dogs etc. Most of these animals belonged to the continent of Europe. They used the animals for their own benefit; for example, they used goats, cows, pigs and sheep to obtain furs, clothing and food. Large animals like horses and camels were used as a means of transport. In this way the people who lived in this continent were exposed from their childhood to these animals and developed antibodies that made them immune. The Americans had not been exposed to these animals and therefore the infectious diseases of them infected and kill the

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