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Hair Loss After Pregnancy Research Paper

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Hair loss after pregnancy is a very common occurrence. As distressing as it can be, especially with the concerns of having a new baby, the hair loss is simply indicating that your hair is slowly but surely returning to it's normal condition.

There are two hair growth phases that we need to take into account when looking at hair loss after pregnancy.

There is a growth period that can last anywhere from 4 years to 7 years. This is called the "Anagen" phase with hair growing approximately 1-2 cm a month.

After each growth period there is a resting phase known as The "telogen" phase. This period of the hair growth cycle lasts for 3-4 months typically, whereupon the growth phase signals the beginning of a new cycle.

What happens during this part of the cycle, is that older hair falls out due to the new hair growing and pushing it out of the follicle. In normal conditions it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. …show more content…
To keep the hair growth and loss balanced and under control, while some follicles are in a growth period others are resting.

The hormonal situation in a woman's body while she is pregnant keeps the hair in a strong growth phase. Many will comment to a pregnant women, how healthy and thick her hair looks. This is due to the fact that she is not losing hair that she would normally be losing and so the density of her hair increases during her pregnancy. So not only do you have above average normal hair growth during pregnancy, you also do not lose hair during pregnancy that you normally would.

However once the child is born, dramatic changes in the hormonal system occur. Part of this rapid change is that all hair follicles simultaneously go into a resting period. The resultant after pregnancy hair loss can be

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