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Community College Research Paper

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Community colleges also help students find what they want to do in life. According to the Penn State Division of Undergraduate studies 20 to 50 percent of students enter college as an “undecided” major. Also, 75 percent of students change their major at least once before their expected graduation date. In a College Student Journal survey, 800 students were asked to talk about their future career interest, and other factors that lead into deciding a major. This study found that students were choosing their major based upon assumptions and not knowing their own personal future goals. These students were mostly looking at their future salaries and not their personal wants and desires. Community colleges are an exceptional way to find one’s career path for a much less cost than attending a four-year college. …show more content…
This another great reason to attend Community colleges. Many students find themselves struggle in High School want to achieve an Associate's degree or even a Bachelor's degree. They set up students who struggle in a classroom that is a smaller size than what they would be in if they were attending a public or private university. This is beneficial because teacher will have more in-class-group discussion due to the smaller class size. The smaller class size of Community colleges also allows teachers to give their students extra help because they the smaller class sizes allow time for questions and peer interaction. They allow more time for this because in Community college the classrooms are more set in a traditional classroom. At a public or private college courses are taught in lecture halls, with possible hundreds of other students in them. Community colleges allow students to excel in their studies if they struggle because of the smaller classroom setting (Source). Community colleges are also beneficial because of the Community college transfer

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