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Ottoman Empire Research Paper

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The Turks are one of three major ethnic groups that dominate the Middle East, the two others are the Arabs and Persians. The Turks originated from Central Asia and by the middle of the 11th century Seljuk Turks had descended into Iran and conquered much of that territory and ruled it. They had moved up into Anatolia which is where modern day Turkey resides. This was the heartland of the Byzantine Empire. The Turks transformed Anatolia from a Greek speaking, Christian land into a Turkish Islamic land. They had excellent horsemen and warriors which gave them an edge in most conflicts. Osman the founder of the Ottoman Dynasty and was able to consolidate a large amount of lands around 1300. By the 16th Century the Ottoman Empire had reached …show more content…
The head of the Ottoman household personified this attachment in his two offices as Sultan and Caliph. The Title Sultan which means “the person who hold power.” Which is synonymous with the English word “King.” The title Caliph which means “successor to the prophet.” This placed the head of the Islamic religious establishment of Europe, as well as the head of temporal power. In a pre-modern world where authority and morality were seen to be granted by God this turned out to be a powerful combination. To understand the success of the Ottoman empire you must understand how the hierarchy was broken up in authorities. The with the Sultan as the head equivalent as a king. Then the Divans below him an interesting fact to understand was the actual heads of the individual religions which were called Millets. During the height of the Ottoman empire they instilled a system called the Devshirme system which enabled the Janissary corps by enslaving non-Muslim boys at a young age. This was another strength of the Ottoman Empire was its military. The Janissary crops were the first professional standing army introduced in early modern Europe. The Janissaries were strictly disciplined, they also formed their own social class. The brightest of the Janissaries were sent to palace schools to become viziers or ministers which would run the

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