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Haiti Where Aid Failed Analysis

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Five years after the earthquake in Haiti, one and a half million people remain homeless and the country is still the poorest in the western hemisphere and also known for political instability (Gotev, 2015, para. 1). With the severe starvation and health problems going on, long-term solutions need to be implemented immediately. With the tragedies going on in Haiti, Americans should help Haitians get on their feet so that they can take care of themselves in the long run. Tracy Kidder (2003) says, “Most Americans if they visited Haiti would, I imagine, come away with new definitions of poverty” (para. 2). Unni Karunakara, the author of the article, “Haiti: Where Aid Failed”, addresses the sanitation problem that makes illnesses more frequent and never ending. Even before the massive earthquake in Haiti, only twelve percent of the nine point eight million people received tap water, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) (Karunakara, 2010, para. 4). Cholera is a bacterial disease of the small intestine, normally contracted from infected water supplies. Karunakara (2010) says, …show more content…
Licensed doctors and nurses are being asked to volunteer to travel to Haiti and help cure the ill Haitians and try to save the dying people. According to Tracy Kidder (2003), the author of the article, “The Trials of Haiti”, says, “Diarrhea kills sixty eight Haitian children out of every thousand before the age of five” (para. 9). So many of the illnesses and diseases occurring in Haiti are preventable with the right knowledge and treatment. Hand sanitization is the number one way to prevent the spread of illness. Hand sanitizers and bacterial soaps will also be a item our group seeks to get from donors. First aid kits are also a must need that we would be taking to Haiti with the other donations and volunteers. We will create a website where people can be informed of our plans and get more

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