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Handwriting Without Tears Research Paper

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Handwriting Without Tears

Putting pen to paper gets the brain’s attention like nothing else, even in this modern age of texting, e-mails and tweets. In fact, learning to write in cursive is shown to help brain development in the areas of thinking, memory, and language. Cursive handwriting stimulates brain synapses between the left and right hemispheres, something printing and typing doesn’t do for you. The College Board found that students who wrote in cursive for the essay portion of SAT scored a bit higher than those who didn’t write in cursive and just printed. As a result, the physical act of writing in cursive leads to increased and better comprehension and participation. A few years ago, the College Board found that students who wrote in cursive for the essay portion of the SAT scored slightly higher than those who just printed, which experts believe is because the speed and efficiency writing in cursive allowed the students to focus more on the content of their essays and actually think when they’re writing. Some argue that cursive is no longer relevant because it isn’t included in Common Core State Standards and because most people don’t handwrite that often. But these standards only include those skills that are testable and measurable in the classroom; they don’t address basic …show more content…
Because of this, students need a variety of technologies, including cursive handwriting, to succeed. Overall cursive writing is very helpful to the brain to this day and is recommended still. Your brain will think of it more than just by printing and typing because you space out and it does not really stick to your head how you’d want it to. Cursive writing looks nice and professional too. That doesn’t mean it has to look really nice though because not all people write nice in cursive some just prefer

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