...In today’s society parents have a choice if they want to send their children to public school or private school. Which public school is determined by what district or zip code you live in. Private schools are stricter were parents have to pay tuition and sometimes the child has to go through an interview to attend the school. The schools focus on the child’s health record and determine if the child has been given the proper vaccines. The parental rights are then questioned if the child is not up to date with their vaccinations. The schools then let the parents know that their child will not be allowed to attend school until their child has the proper vaccinations determining what is right for your child. Neither the government nor a school system should be making decisions on if your child should be allowed to attend school based on vaccinations, because vaccinations are not 100% effective. Parents should be allowed to send their children to public schools unvaccinated because they pose no threat to the children that are vaccinated. Vaccinations to enroll in school seem to be ill-advised and have no true basis. One cannot help but wonder how an unvaccinated child can actually affect a vaccinated child, if the vaccination is serving its true purpose. However, since the 1980s, as stated by Stay “the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention worked with state legislatures to require every child to provide proof of immunization in order to enroll and stay in public...
Words: 2021 - Pages: 9
...To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate Many parents stress over the choice of deciding whether or not to vaccinate their children. The reason why deciding to vaccinate children is so difficult is due to the wide range of myths and side effects that are connected with vaccinations. Myths spread to parents all over the United States that the diseases don’t even exist anymore, rumors of vaccinations weakening a child’s immune system, and the risk of a child becoming autistic due to thimerisol in vaccinations. Side effects also scare parents out of getting their children vaccinated like brain damage, seizures, or allergic reactions, but then parents are pulled back to the thought of the possibility of their child catching a very serious life threatening disease. Vaccines improve immunity to a disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-ridden microorganism or a weakened form of a microbe. Vaccines do not guarantee complete protection from a disease, and many people are beginning to question the effectiveness of vaccines. Parents wonder if vaccinations really help in the prevention of illnesses. Although vaccinations can bring adverse effects, it is necessary to provide oneself with the protection against various diseases. This is why schools make it mandatory for children to have their up to date immunizations before entering school. I know there are some cases that gets waived for religious reasons. When children...
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...Ever since the invention of the first vaccine more than two centuries ago, there has been plenty of controversy over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of vaccination and immunization. Parents should be required to vaccinate their children. Throughout this essay, the focus will be on the health of the children, the falsifying data about vaccinations, and the benefits of them. Every parent’s biggest concern is the health of their children. As a parent, you make informed choices about your child’s health and safety every day. The health of any child depends heavily on if they receive vaccinations. The children that receive these vaccinations tend to be more resistant to some diseases than those who do not. Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected against more diseases than ever before. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated completely and others are close to extinction primarily due to safe and effective vaccines. When asked in a survey, 60% of the sample answered all children should be required to be vaccinated. 52% also replied, when children are not vaccinated, they should not be able to attend public schools. This is due to the safety of the children (“To Vaccinate”)....
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...the Health of Civilization One of the greatest achievements of modern medicine has been the development of vaccinations to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. This innovation has greatly improved the quality of life in modern civilization, and has nearly eradicated many deadly diseases. Children are vaccinated to prevent many illnesses in their early years and these vaccinations are carried out according to a set schedule through a child’s physician. These immunizations are a requirement for entrance to public school. This requirement is in place as a safe guard to protect the population from outbreak. There are many reasons for which parents are hesitant to vaccinate their child. Although there are some reasons that parents have for resisting...
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...Chatham Chris Bishop Engl 1302 October 10, 2015 Should parents be required to vaccinate their children? Back in the 1990’s, people started becoming worried after many years about the mercury in the vaccines their kids were receiving. Then, in 1996, a former British surgeon and medical researcher, Dr. Andrew Wakefield put out a now disproved study linking the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine to autism and bowel disease (Ferric C. Fang). Before his study was disproved, it was a major argument for anti vaxers to cite. The investigation into his study began in 2004 and it wasn’t until 2010 that it was disproved and withdrawn. In that time, many people with autistic children began to believe that this study showed why their kids were disabled. Wakefield's study and his claim that the MMR vaccine might cause autism, led to a decline in vaccination rates in the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, which caused a rise in measles and mumps. During this time, from 2004 to now, his continued warnings against the vaccine have contributed to a climate of distrust of all vaccines and the reemergence of other previously controlled diseases (Gregory A. Poland). So the question begs, should parents be required to vaccinate their children. One position on legally requiring vaccines is that it is a complete violation of our civil rights. This is usually the position of people who do not want to vaccinate their kids. The people at the National Vaccine Information Center are very upset...
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...College of Nursing Week-4 Ethics Paper May 29, 2016 While some parents see vaccination as a medical necessity others see it as endangering their children. This is one of the main problems that first time mother face. Example when I became a mother I was confused when I was asked about vaccinating my child. Like many people I did not fully understand the benefits and side effect of vaccination so I only agreed because I was told it was good for my child. On the other hand, I did my own research online and majority of what I came across talks about why not to vaccinate your child. Studies as show that vaccination prevent childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough and chicken pox. While some may say that vaccination is the best way to protect our children some will also argue that injecting chemicals to our children is not safe. Over the years I have come across many people that believe that vaccinating their child was the cause of their children autism and other behavior problems. Working on the autism units in a mental hospital for children we often come across patients that are strongly against vaccination and sometimes medications because it is believe that adding what was not created in the body to the body is dangerous and only makes their child worst. Some parents believe that refusing to vaccinate their child is their chose (which it is) and that it only affects their child; sadly, it is not true since vaccination are based on herd immunity meaning...
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... Advances in science and how vaccines are developed have greatly reduced many diseases that at one time spread like wildfire throughout the United States. “Because of the success of vaccines, most young people have never seen the devastating effects that diseases such as polio, measles, or whooping cough (pertussis) can have on a family or community” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). However, diseases such as polio and measles, which were once thought to be extinguished here in the United States, are now making a comeback due to parents refusing to vaccinate their children. Parents are able to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children, and many are beginning to question...
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...utterly stumped. About an hour before the Sabbath ended, before I could start actually writing this paper, a friend was over and she told me she was not planning to vaccinate her children. Her reasoning was that her mother had an adverse reaction to some vaccination, and she doesn't want to risk it with herself or her kids. I disagreed with her and told her she should not use this minimal amount of information to make such a drastic decision. There was a high possibility that her mother had simply had an adverse reaction it to this specific vaccination, and would be okay with other ones. The chances that she herself would have the same reaction was not great enough to justify not getting any vaccinations! Not vaccinating her children was absurd! And just like that, I had my topic....
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...Tichina Berryhill Professor Rouse English 102 26 September 2015 The Vaccine Debate During the last ten years or so, there has been a debate on childhood vaccinations. This debate all started from the acquisition that vaccines cause autism. Since the debate, many parents have been skeptical on whether or not they will get their children vaccinated. From the negative comments that are going around from highly respected people new parents doubt vaccines importance to the world. Parents are concerned, which they should be, about if vaccines are beneficial or harmful to their kid’s health? Some claim that vaccinations are needless and unsafe. With the misleading information in parent’s ears they are stuck with the big question. Should I vaccinate my child? Since this vaccine debate, “about 40 percent of American parents today has chosen to delay certain vaccines or outright refuse to allow their children’s physicians to vaccinate their children with one or more of the recommended or mandated vaccines” (Largent). As the rates of being vaccinated go down, it is putting not only that child in danger but also the whole community. Diseases that were once gone are on the rise.” A 2013 study published in the journal Pediatrics reports that California’s worst whooping-cough outbreak, which infected more than 9,000 people (Rothstein)”. Also “the CDC reports that from Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2014, 54 people in the U.S. have reported being infected with measles” (Sifferlin)...
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...Running head: VACCINATING Vaccinating Children Caitlin Darby Missouri State University Vaccinating Children Thesis 1) Vaccinating children helps stop the spread of diseases in the community. 2) Children should be vaccinated in order to stop the spread of diseases in the community. Introduction In the past many people have died from many diseases and illnesses. Today, our modern medicine can treat almost every disease out there. For example, the Bubonic Plague once killed millions of humans around the world. Once antibiotics were created to counter this disease, the mortality rate was lowered significantly. There has been a big war in this country for many years. It causes friction between families, husband and wives, and even doctors...
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...Many controversies surround vaccinations, one of them being the fact you have to vaccinate children before they can be accepted into school. Many claim that vaccines can be harmful or just don't want to give their children vaccines, others side with logic and reason, giving their children the required vaccines for school and proper health to ensure their child's safety. Anti-vaccine parents tend to worry about the rare side effects and the ethical morality behind the science, that they obviously do not understand. They question the integrity of the scientists and their research. So instead these parents go to dodgy websites that smudge data or flat out lie to their readers. Instead of looking at both sides of the argument they instead choose...
Words: 535 - Pages: 3
...Timmons Writing 122 May 12, 2015 Research Argument Outline Attention Grabber- little story or startling fact/statistic Over one million infants and young children die each year from pneumococcal disease and rotavirus diarrhoea (World Health Organization). ------------------------------------------------- Introduction and thesis (claim with ‘should/should not,” “because,” reasons 1,2,3) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The main purpose of a vaccine is to prevent children from getting an infectious disease that can lead to death. With the correct information provided to families, the vaccination rate of children can be raised by providing the reasons why vaccines were created to benefit children of the world, and it is important for children to receive all their vaccines. ------------------------------------------------- Background of the Problem (history and context, or misconceptions) Vaccines have been deemed as a negative and unnecessary step in order to protect children of the world. Parents have associated children vaccines with chronic illnesses, syndromes, and negative side effects. It has also been said that the infectious disease rates are extremely low that there is no real reason to vaccinate your children. (www.publichealth.org) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Body: 1st Major Point ...
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...there would not be a need for a vaccine, but, sadly, perfect does not exist. Living in this world, people encounter diseases very frequently, and many diseases cannot be defeated by immune systems without previous exposure to the virus. This would not be a problem to the human body for illnesses like the common cold or the flu, but, for deadly illnesses like smallpox, the body most likely will not be able to defeat the illness and will begin to shut down. Here is where the question arises, should vaccinations be a requirement for all children? Some would argue with a strong no saying vaccines cause more harm than good, but statistics prove this to be false. By getting...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...debate was brought to my attention when I heard the different cases of Measles that started in Disney at California. As I watched the news broadcast in NBC I was suddenly thankful for all the vaccines that I had when I was a child. The story of the outbreak revolves around the spread of a disease because people weren't vaccinated. "The United States has already had more cases of measles in the first month of 2015 than the number that is typically diagnosed in a full year." (Corum, Keller, Park, Tse 2). This is a huge deal and a fact that is fueling the debate between whether people should or should not vaccinate their kids. Vaccines actually do have side effects that might be why some parents doubt whether they should submit their child to them. For example the vaccine for chicken pox has mild and severe side effects that can make any parent worry and ultimately chose not to vaccinate the child. Some of the side effects are...
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...Don’t Wait, Vaccinate! In the recent few years, researchers, doctors, and parents have been having a huge debate on whether or not children should be required to have all of the vaccines suggested by The Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Many parents refuse to have their child(ren) fully vaccinated because they fear that the child may suffer from a mental disability such as autism. Parents make that decision because they are only looking at the risks for their own child’s health, but the don’t keep in mind the health of the people that are constantly around their children. There have been too many deaths from vaccine preventable diseases. “Since the 25th anniversary of HIV, there have been about 2.1 million deaths from vaccine preventable diseases; 1.4 million of those deaths were children under the age of five-years-old. This is a very alarming statistic, and something needs to be done to help lower these numbers. It needs to be required that parents have their juveniles vaccinated because without their immunizations they are putting their child’s health at risk, and also the people who are around them, on a daily basis. Vaccines are one of the most cost-effective inventions in the medical field (Colgrove), and the cost is just going to get even larger as more research is done. All of the different vaccines have helped reduce the number of deadly infections and diseases people can get. Most, if not all, health care providers recommend that health care workers, frequent...
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