...The Importance of Vaccinations for Children Since Edward Jenner introduced the first vaccine, a vaccination against smallpox, in 1778 (Allen, 48) the world has been a bit skeptical. The concept of inoculation is counter-intuitive—what sense does it make to inject a healthy person with the very virus they’re trying to prevent he or she from contracting? The very idea of it seems dangerous, even reckless. The issue with this uneasy feeling about the safety and sense of vaccinations is ignorance. We do not fully understand our own body’s immune systems; therefore we cannot fully understand how vaccinations work. Many people are under the impression that extremely harmful diseases are, for the most part, wiped out or incredibly rare. They may not see the reason for immunizing themselves or their children. But the truth of the matter is that these incredibly harmful, even deadly diseases are very much prevalent in today’s world. People come into contact with these infectious viruses on a daily basis; it is only our immune systems that keep the infections at bay. And our immune systems can only fight off these diseases through the use of vaccinations. There is a growing percentage of the population that is choosing against vaccinating their children. These parents against child inoculation have various reasons for opting not to vaccinate, including health concerns, cost of medical treatment, religious or philosophical beliefs, or their place of residence. Large portions...
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...Jennifer Krahenbuhl English 102 Patricia McKeown September 1st 2014 Pros and Cons to Vaccinations in Children Almost everyone has heard of the benefits and dangers of childhood vaccines. Parents are especially eager to do what is best for their child to protect him or her. Some people have different opinions on what the best specifically entails when it comes to childhood vaccines. Vaccinations are a controversial discussion as parents question whether it should be mandatory or optional when they feel the cons outweigh the pros. The government says it is the right thing to do for parents and their families to remain safe from illnesses and diseases. However, there have been opinions of opposition voiced by parents and health advocates about whether or not it is worth the risk of being sick once vaccinated and whether these vaccinations actually work. The argument on both sides range from First Amendment right issues all the way to disabling health concerns. This essay will serve to examine and elaborate both the positive and negative perspectives on vaccinations in infants and children and why certain parents hesitate in vaccinating their children. The center of disease and control prevention(CDCP) claim there are five important vaccinations every child should receive. The chicken pox vaccine, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) Vaccine, the Hepatitis vaccine, the haemophilus influenza type B(HIB) Vaccine, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. The chicken pox vaccine is probably...
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...bacteria will continue to live freely and happily while the host will have to suffer the effects of it. Some diseases are caused by viruses. A virus is basically a non-living infection that attacks the immune system and tries infecting other living cells. Children are much more vulnerable to diseases compared to adults because of the fact that their immune systems is still developing. Children are weak because they haven’t lived life long enough to gain immunity to diseases. So how could children protect themselves from diseases one may ask? Taking vaccination early will not only protect you from diseases, but greatly improve your immune system to counter all the other diseases. The invention of medical immunizations has not only been used to heal from the disease, but also to keep the spread of disease low. Having immunizations available have greatly lowered the amount of deaths in the world. Vaccination should continue to stay mandatory because it keeps diseases from spreading and eventually killing everyone. Bacteria and viruses infect humans in many different ways. Breathing in bacteria and viruses is one way. This can cause chest pain and coughing which is a symptom of Meningitis, one of most popular diseases in children. Meningitis is an infection in the cerebro-spinal fluid which surrounds the brain and spinal cord. During the infection, people...
Words: 1196 - Pages: 5
...harmful effects, but the many dreadful effects that may possibly occur from the one shot is life changing. Children vaccination effects is a huge reason why the percent of children getting vaccinations is decreasing. Families expect these vaccinations will make sure their child is healthy and safe from harmful diseases. Researchers have found out that vaccinations are useless and could injure your child for life. Vaccinations are unnecessary and unhealthy the chemicals, unsafe industry, and the vaccination injuries and effects, are not worth the risk. One of the many reasons these horrendous vaccinations are gruesome is the amount and untrustworthy chemicals in one vaccination. Parents think vaccinations will help prevent sickness. But would you want to inject monkey cells into your child? The monkey cells are found in popular vaccinations, like polio. Other life threatening chemicals are Gelatin, found in pigs. Also more common chemicals in these vaccinations are aborted fetus cells, aluminum, and...
Words: 601 - Pages: 3
...that vaccinations were just a normal part of growing up, just like any other milestone such as potty training or losing teeth. However, in recent years more parents are choosing not to have their children vaccinated. Although many believe that vaccinations do more harm than good, vaccines should be mandatory because they are beneficial to the economy, provide safety for those who cannot get vaccinated, and protect future generations. One reason as to why many parents neglect to have their child vaccinated is the cost of vaccines, without health insurance vaccinations can be out of reach for some families with financial issues. When in reality vaccinations are economically beneficial to the general population as well as the parents of the child....
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Words: 3927 - Pages: 16
...Unvaccinated Children: Should they be allowed in public schools? Assignment 5: Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with VisualsYour Name Lisa Teitler Eng 215 March 13, 2016 Unvaccinated Children: Should they be allowed in public schools? Today’s vaccinations are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to ensure their effectiveness and safety to the general public. Currently there are no federal laws which mandates vaccination, but there is a vaccination requirement per state for children entering school. The chart below details which vaccines are mandated for public school by several states: Children who are not vaccinated have a greater chance of death than children who received the required vaccinations. The safety of vaccinations is in questioned by many, asking if they are safe for children to receive. They are safe and should be required for children since those vaccinations help prevent illnesses, lower the risk for some diseases and it might even cause financial growth. There are several advantages of receiving the recommended vaccines. One advantage is that they are designed to put foreign antigens into the body so the body will produce antibodies to fight it off. The body will produce two types of immune responses when an antigen is introduced in order to ensure total immunity from the disease. Vaccines ensure that children get immunity from diseases instead of contracting them. Having immunity is a major advantage...
Words: 2003 - Pages: 9
...Universal vaccination of infants provides hard immunity that protects children who are either too sick or too young to be immunized. Vaccination is not only for the interest of the individual children; rather, it is a protection for the whole population. The debates majorly discussed issues such as the benefits of giving parents the rights to make decisions regarding their children’s vaccination. The possibility of wrong decisions by the parents on issues of vaccination makes the matter dispensable to the government’s decision. Vaccination should be mandatory for children because vaccination keeps a child’s life safe, saves money and time and there are no considerable side effects associated with it. First, vaccination of children is one of...
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...Should Vaccinations be Made Mandatory for Children? Throughout history, there have been many deadly diseases and viruses that have plagued humanity, killing thousands - even millions. Since vaccination techniques and practices started appearing during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, diseases such as smallpox, polio, and yellow fever have nearly been wiped out, proving that vaccinations are effective in preventing the spread of disease and virus. Smallpox has been officially eradicated, and polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1989 (World Health Organization, 2015). In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting 28 doses of 10 vaccines for kids aged 0 to 6, however, there are currently no federal laws that mandate vaccination for all children (CDC, 2015). Immunizations keep our children safe, healthy, and most importantly, alive. Despite the high success rate and plethora of benefits of immunization, not everyone is on board. Though there is high pressure for children to be vaccinated, and all 50 states...
Words: 1433 - Pages: 6
...Non-vaccinated Children Allowed to Attend Public Schools – This Is Not Acceptable Assignment 4 – Persuasive Paper Part 1: Revision of a Problem Exists English 215 February 24, 2013 This is a question that every parent must consider when they allow their school-aged child to attend public or even private school. How do you feel about allowing your child to attend school with children who have not been vaccinated? Would it bother you? I’m sure there are several different answers to these questions. This paper will focus on the reasons why unvaccinated children should not be allowed to attend public schools as well as the benefits of vaccination. Every parent wants to raise a healthy child. Every parent wants to make sure their child is protected from infectious diseases and wants to do everything in their power to prevent any illness in the future. Every day there are thousands of babies born in this world and as parents we know that their immune systems are not ready to take on the illnesses that this world has. So why not protect your child? The American Academy of Pediatrics state that childhood vaccines are 90 – 99% effective in preventing disease. The risks of not being vaccinated far outweigh the small risks associated with vaccination. This is an issue that some parents face each time we prepare our children to attend public schools. We all know the common cold is air born and school aged children are prone to picking up that strand from another child. There...
Words: 1785 - Pages: 8
...Abstract Data in regards to the rates of vaccinations among child has been decreasing. The reasons cited by parents are wide with concerns and fears leading to refusal. Healthcare providers play a major role in providing information for patients with questions regarding vaccinations and nurses are often on the front line when it comes to battling the resurgence of diseases such as the measles and pertussis. These providers must be comfortable, and understand the reasoning while discussing the reason for the vaccination, their schedule, and the effects of vaccines. There are several ways nurses and healthcare providers can help reduce the fear, and bring understanding to the parent who may be refusing vaccines. Some factors the nurse is unable to change, however there are ways to be able to make vaccinations more accessible to the whole population. Since vaccinations laws in the US were enacted in the 1960’s and 70’s, childhood vaccinations have been required to occur before beginning school. By the 1980’s all 50 states including DC required vaccinations for entrance into public school. Exemptions could be made for families that made the decision to refuse vaccinations based upon medical reason, religious reason, or personal philosophy (Blendall & Farre, 2012). Rates for non-medical reasons to withhold vaccinations have increased significantly over the past years, despite the evidence that communicable disease have declined, and documented safety...
Words: 2656 - Pages: 11
...some parents see vaccination as a medical necessity others see it as endangering their children. This is one of the main problems that first time mother face. Example when I became a mother I was confused when I was asked about vaccinating my child. Like many people I did not fully understand the benefits and side effect of vaccination so I only agreed because I was told it was good for my child. On the other hand, I did my own research online and majority of what I came across talks about why not to vaccinate your child. Studies as show that vaccination prevent childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough and chicken pox. While some may say that vaccination is the best way to protect our children some will also argue that injecting chemicals to our children is not safe. Over the years I have come across many people that believe that vaccinating their child was the cause of their children autism and other behavior problems. Working on the autism units in a mental hospital for children we often come across patients that are strongly against vaccination and sometimes medications because it is believe that adding what was not created in the body to the body is dangerous and only makes their child worst. Some parents believe that refusing to vaccinate their child is their chose (which it is) and that it only affects their child; sadly, it is not true since vaccination are based on herd immunity meaning that in order for the vaccination to be affective a...
Words: 679 - Pages: 3
...77% of American kindergarteners are up to date with their vaccinations. (Park, 2008) This percentage makes Americans the most vaccinated group of people in the world. The number of shots required for school age children has doubled since 1980; today’s children will receive up to 28 injections for 11 to 15 diseases by the time they go to kindergarten. Many of these mandatory vaccinations are not safe because of the toxic chemicals, the multiple doses that they are administered in, and the neurological disorders, such as autism, that the immunizations may be causing. One main concern for many parents is the amount of injections that infants and young children are receiving at once. It is very common for the doctor’s office to administer three or even four different vaccinations in one visit. Many doctors and nurses share the concern that it is unhealthy for our children to receive so many shots at one time. One survey taken in Minnesota found that between 60 and 70 percent of the pediatricians, nurses, and parents they asked, felt uncomfortable giving a child more than two vaccinations in one office visit. (Madlon-Kay & Harper, 1994) The simultaneous injections can cause more severe side effects for the child and also increases the level of mercury that the child is exposed to because of the multiple doses. One the same line as simultaneous injections is combined injections. These are multiple vaccinations administered with one shot. One example of a combined injection...
Words: 1314 - Pages: 6
...they mandate some level of compulsory vaccinations for its citizens. In order for a child to attend public schools, they must receive all required vaccinations. Throughout history, many have disagreed and opposed vaccinations for various reasons. Many of the citizens do not believe that vaccines mandates to be constitutional. Also, many do not believe the state legislatures have the power to require everyone to receive certain vaccinations and view the authority as a violation of their constitutional rights. Recently, there has been an increase in people who are against to vaccinations as a possible factor to Autism in children. Also, religious beliefs play a role in opposing vaccinations for themselves and their children. These have built anger and opposition to the states mandates of some vaccinations. In 1813, United States Vaccine Agency was established. “The U.S. Congress authorized and James Madison signed ‘An Act to Encourage Vaccination,’ establishing a National Vaccine Agency” (History of Vaccines RSS). This Act was the first push by the United States for citizens to get vaccinated. In 1855, Massachusetts was the first state that passed a law for vaccinations for all children that is attending school (History of Vaccines RSS). Passing laws for vaccinations brought more dispute and oppositions to vaccines, as well as, oppositions to vaccine requirements. By 1922, many United States schools required smallpox vaccination before children...
Words: 2388 - Pages: 10
...use of vaccinations is one way in which medical science has come a long way. Vaccines are used to try to provide an immunity against diseases and to act as an antigen. Vaccines are responsible for many successes such as the decrease in diseases such as Polio, however vaccines are also responsible for failures and cause much protest within our communities. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting 28 doses of 10 vaccines for kids aged 0 to six (“Should Any Vaccines”). However, No US federal laws exist that makes vaccinations...
Words: 1055 - Pages: 5