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Wheat Civilization

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Geography controls whether or not a civilization can have domesticated animals, was able to produce steel and also had immunity to germs. Without having any of those, it lead for some civilizations to become unequal. Laboring specialists enabled certain groups to develop weapons and tools, and also disabled some to develop weapons, armor, tools. With some civilizations being able to develop faster, and some not being able to develop, that cause inequality in the world.
Agriculture affected what crops a civilization could grow because they have to have the right climate to grow crops. Wheat has to have a dry climate, but yet, moist climate, sago, grows in a very wet climate. Wheat is easily harvested, sago pulp takes the whole tribe just …show more content…
The sago pulp is low in protein and takes three or four days just to prepare. Harvesting sago burns more calories than it gives. Now in the Fertile Crescent, harvesting wheat takes just a few people, and just a few hours to harvest the wheat. Wheat is also high in protein. Now unlike sago, wheat is easily harvested and only take about three to five people to harvest the wheat and then a couple people to replant the wheat so it can grow again. With wheat only taking a few people to harvest and just a few hours to complete the harvesting, people in the Fertile Crescent now have time to invent something new, unlike in Papua New Guinea, how they don't have time to invent something new. Wheat led to the emergence of specialists in the Fertile Crescent since, when the people of the Fertile Crescent, they were able to have specialists that worked on one thing for ten hours a day, they had specialists that would keep track of their animals, specialists that harvested the wheat. In Papua New Guinea, …show more content…
That affected the development in that animals produce graze, milk, hide and meat, and without all that, it's hard for a civilization to develop. The requirements for domestication are, the animal must be at least, one hundred pounds, they must produce milk, hide, and meat. Not all animals could be domesticated by the reason of, some didn’t one hundred pounds, and not all animals produce milk, hide, and meat. Domesticated animals benefit a civilization in view of, they produce graze, which helps crops grow. When someone is a hunter-gatherer, they’re less likely to get what the food they need from the animal when it kills it to eat it, sometimes the hunter-gatherer didn’t even get food. When there were domesticated animals, the civilization used them to get milk, meat, hide and graze from them so they can survive. In Papua New Guinea, they don't have domesticated animals because of their climate there, the only animal they have to help them farm their crops is the pig. In the Fertile Crescent they have thirteen domesticated animals, making it to where they can develop because whatever is left over from the crops that they pick, they let their animals eat that, then the animals poop it out and that is now used as fertilizer. In Papua New Guinea, they are still hunting because they don’t have domesticated animals, but in the Fertile Crescent,

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