...Mandatory Vaccinations Since the dawn of time human beings have been plagued with copious diseases. Through a plethora of years scientists have been working hard to discover cures for these detrimental diseases. Whether or not a person decides to receive vaccines is up to them. Looking back at the effects of these diseases poses the question; should vaccination be mandatory? When people are not vaccinated, they cause a great threat to the health of the public, therefore, vaccines should be made mandatory. A vaccine is a substance that makes your body produce antibodies and gives a person immunity against one or more illnesses. They are generally made with a biological pathogen from the illness. It acts as an antigen which is a relatively harmless part of the pathogen and allows the body to produce more antibodies to fight the disease. Vaccines work as a mock infection. When the powerless virus enters your body, it produces more antibodies. When it easily destroys the virus your body is left with the surplus of the disease specific antibodies that prohibit the virus from causing any harm (U.S. Department of...
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...there is a very effective vaccination. The measles a very contagious disease, and also a preventable disease will most likely continue to spread without widespread vaccinations. As other diseases continue to spread many people are having second thoughts about whether to require preventative vaccines. It’s leading many people to question laws that allow parents not to vaccinate their children. So, if we are so afraid of an epidemic outbreak; then why do we have such laws, allowing parents to opt out of vaccinating their children? Vaccinations should be required for every child. To estimate the vaccination rate in the context of the 2015 measles outbreak Maimuna S. Majumder, MPH (Master of Public Health), and his colleagues obtained data from the California Department of Public Health and HealthMap media alerts. They used the incidence decay and exponential adjustment (IDEA) method to approximate the effective reproductive number. They...
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...In the middle of the 20th century when vaccines were introduced to the general public life expectancy substantially rose and so did the general health of the citizens. So why would we not have vaccinations be a mandatory thing if all it can cause is better quality of life for everyone? Not only do vaccines provide a better quality of life for us but they keep our loved ones, families,friends,and even our neighbors safe as well. Currently in third world countries there are mass epidemics of diseases. Why? Most of these countries don’t have vaccines available like we do in the united states yet, some of our community members aren’t using them and contracting many disease that could potentially harm themselves and our youth that can’t be vaccinated yet. Vaccinations should be mandatory because it puts the community in jeopardy, not only that but helps the government and also the hard working taxpayers save money , but more importantly it protects future generations from coming in contact with horrendous diseases . Not being vaccinated will result...
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...Herd immunity occurs when the majority of the population is immune through vaccination against a disease or virus making it tough for the disease to spread throughout the population because there are only a couple people that aren’t immune. Herd immunity benefits those who can’t be vaccinated which are mostly made up of young children, the ill, and those who have immune system problems. It is beneficial to have herd immunity because it can stop the disease from spreading in a population. However, when not enough of the population is immune to the disease herd immunity will disappear leading to the continued spread of the disease. Among those who are not immune are children whose parents refuse to vaccinate due to religious beliefs or because...
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...Should Vaccinations be Made Mandatory for Children? Throughout history, there have been many deadly diseases and viruses that have plagued humanity, killing thousands - even millions. Since vaccination techniques and practices started appearing during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, diseases such as smallpox, polio, and yellow fever have nearly been wiped out, proving that vaccinations are effective in preventing the spread of disease and virus. Smallpox has been officially eradicated, and polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1989 (World Health Organization, 2015). In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting 28 doses of 10 vaccines for kids aged 0 to 6, however, there are currently no federal laws that mandate vaccination for all children (CDC, 2015). Immunizations keep our children safe, healthy, and most importantly, alive. Despite the high success rate and plethora of benefits of immunization, not everyone is on board. Though there is high pressure for children to be vaccinated, and all 50 states...
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...got vaccinated. It was very painful and I cried. Many people may have an experience like me. However vaccinations help us not to suffer from a certain health problem and lead to an advantageous response to infection. We have had many inoculations decades such as polio, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, etc. As a person of South Korea, I have had many vaccinations. It plays an important role in living healthy. Therefore, I think that all nations should be mandatory vaccinations because it would protect individual and the nation’s health. According to Health Affairs, a journal about healthcare and health policy, a vaccine was attempted for the first time by Edward Jenner who was a doctor from the United Kingdom in 1796. During this time, smallpox spread throughout the UK. Meanwhile Jenner discovered that ranch workers milking cows everyday didn’t catch well the disease. There was a disease, cowpox that is similar to smallpox but a weaker form. When a person contracted cowpox, he or she could endure well than a person who caught smallpox and wasn’t stricken with smallpox anymore. Inspired by this realization Jenner invented the smallpox vaccine after some experiments using cowpox virus. Since then the term ‘vaccine’ began to be used by Louis Pasteur who has been called “microbial father”....
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...Mandatory Influenza Vaccinations Review Shumetria Cleveland English 321 Mandatory Influenza Vaccinations Review Introduction Influenza is a highly, contagious virus that affects the respiratory system. It is transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets by an infected person coughing or sneezing. Influenza is much more serious than the common cold and is preventable. Good hand washing, covering your cough, and good health habits will prevent the spread of influenza and other respiratory diseases. It is onset by chills, fatigue, high fever, cough, sore throat, and body aches are some sign or symptoms of influenza often referred to as the flu. The incubation period is one to four days. Each year, influenza causes a significant increase in illness and death. In the elderly, children, patients with chronic illness and immune compromised disease. Once in a while the influenza changes to a severe disease. In the early 1900 there was a pandemic that killed approximately 20,000,000 people. Scientist later discovered the bacterial that causes the virus by testing the blood. Today physicians are able to keep the bacterial infections under control with antibiotics. In 2009 the swine flu epidemic caused illness, stole lives and flashed a light on health care workers to get mandatory influenza vaccinations. Some institutions, for the first time, implemented policies for mandatory influenza vaccines for health care workers due to the escalation of the swine flu...
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...“Why should I get vaccinated? Don’t they cause autism and have other risks?” The concern whether vaccines should be made mandatory has been a topic of debate recently as people are becoming apprehensive about the safety of immunizations. Americans are doubting the effectiveness of vaccines, and unfortunately are deciding to refuse vaccination. Refusing vaccinations threatens the defense against diseases not only for that individual, but for our community as well. People who do not receive vaccinations put everybody at risk, and this introduces a major concern for our public health. My proposal to benefit our community, and to help preserve the health of the new generation is that vaccinations should be made mandatory for people that are not...
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...Mandatory Vaccinations As each year passes, and a new one quickly approaches, our world gets more advanced in every way. Our technology becomes faster, smarter, and quicker and with that, our medical strides become bigger and better. Currently, with the help of technology and years of prior research, our medical resources have flourished and with it, the debate over mandatory vaccinations and how they may or may not affect our children. We've been so caught up in the action of being able to choose for ourselves what course we take for our children when it comes to vaccinations, that we have made secondary the consequences of what this choice actually entails. Vaccinations help to protect and prevent the innocent young and the surrounding vulnerable community members from infection, while helping to significantly reduce the risk of outbreaks to people who may be exposed to these potentially deadly illnesses and therefore should be mandatory. Vaccinations should be mandatory because they help keep our school age children safe. Currently, the requirement for entering all public schools is that your child must be vaccinated first. This is a requirement within all fifty states, as marked by the Center for Disease Control. If your child doesn't get vaccinated, they can't start their first day of school. The Food and Drug Administration regulates and licenses all of the vaccines required for children to ensure both "safety and effectiveness." Given our history before vaccines, outbreaks...
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...Universal vaccination of infants provides hard immunity that protects children who are either too sick or too young to be immunized. Vaccination is not only for the interest of the individual children; rather, it is a protection for the whole population. The debates majorly discussed issues such as the benefits of giving parents the rights to make decisions regarding their children’s vaccination. The possibility of wrong decisions by the parents on issues of vaccination makes the matter dispensable to the government’s decision. Vaccination should be mandatory for children because vaccination keeps a child’s life safe, saves money and time and there are no considerable side effects associated with it. First, vaccination of children is one of...
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...Annotated Bibliography "Introduction to Should Vaccinations Be Mandatory? : At Issue." Should Vaccinations Be Mandatory? Ed. Roman (Espejo.) Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven, 2014. N. pag. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2016. This site provide basic information about how the religion has his own reasons to don't take the mandatory vaccinations,they try to make it non mandatory.It may be relevant because it has to do with the subject and from this point of view are against.The article speaks clearly that vaccines should not be mandatory especially for religious people and they have their way of seeing the world and see vaccines as unnecessary,this supports the research in the sense that it is against the mandatory vaccines.In fact if there are other sources that support this conclusion nonreligious but other items exactly where they think that vaccines should not be mandatory.Of course, a person can rely on this article and be of great help also be easy to understand because the reading level is not as high, if you ask me would say that is normal average. (Klein, Kristin, and Sherry Luedtke.) "HPV Vaccinations Should Be Given to All Adolescent Girls." Should Vaccinations Be Mandatory? Ed. Roman Espejo. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven, 2014. At Issue. Rpt. of "Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Case for Mandatory Immunization?" Www.ppag.org. N.p.: n.p., 2008. N. pag. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Feb. 2016. This source provides specific information...
Words: 618 - Pages: 3
...The U.S. Government on Mandatory Vaccination What are vaccines? Vaccines contain a mixture of sugars, proteins, and certain chemicals that all serve a purpose in neutralizing the severely weakened or dead virus within. They are substances that are typically injected subcutaneously under the skin to trigger a bodily response. This response activates the creation of antibodies against the foreign compounds, which then leads to immunization from the desired disease. Although the modern story of vaccination began with Edward Jenner’s approach of introducing already infected material to a healthy subject to protect against smallpox, the idea dates as far back as 1000 B.C. in China. Before agreeing to the label of vaccination, it was generally termed inoculation. It was Jenner’s 1796 research that became the base for which smallpox ultimately became eradicated in the United States. Today we strive to advance our understanding of vaccinations to build a future free from diseases such as HIV, malaria, dengue, and RSV. Today, the government and its schools hold considerable responsibility in the control of preventable diseases. The initial mandatory vaccination laws were passed by Massachusetts in the early 1850’s. The vaccine law transpired because of the new mandatory school attendance law. It was passed in order to keep the growing number of school students safe from disease, and to halt the advancement of smallpox. Vaccines were never collectively respected though. The...
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...Immunization is a very controversial topic including the issue of mandatory flu vaccination for front-line health care workers. Health care workers are the front-line workers to whom patients are first exposed to during the initial encounter to medical system. Influenza is commonly referred to as the seasonal flu which strikes 5% to 15% of the world’s population with approximately 3 to 5 million severe cases of illness which leads to 250000 to 500000 deaths annually (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). In addition, hospital acquired influenza has a 16% mortality rate which increases to 60% in high-risk population groups (Cortes-Penfield, 2014). Specifically in Canada, the average rate of influenza infection is 10% to 20% of the population...
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...Should a child be vaccinated? Should a child be vaccinated? Paul Kim Period 8 There is nothing worse than seeing an adolescent life being taken away from a dangerous disease. It is really painful knowing that person will never get to live to see their full potential and experience life. Diseases cause many deaths every year, it is inevitable. Bacteria are contained in every disease and one way it is absorbed is by being inhaled by the people, which will infect the body as a whole. It is really simple in that bacteria will continue to live freely and happily while the host will have to suffer the effects of it. Some diseases are caused by viruses. A virus is basically a non-living infection that attacks the immune system and tries infecting other living cells. Children are much more vulnerable to diseases compared to adults because of the fact that their immune systems is still developing. Children are weak because they haven’t lived life long enough to gain immunity to diseases. So how could children protect themselves from diseases one may ask? Taking vaccination early will not only protect you from diseases, but greatly improve your immune system to counter all the other diseases. The invention of medical immunizations has not only been used to heal from the disease, but also to keep the spread of disease low. Having immunizations available have greatly lowered the amount of deaths in the world. Vaccination should continue to stay mandatory because it keeps diseases...
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...addressing concerns of citizens who may object to mandatory immunization requirements? Background: In the United States, virtually every state has enacted legislation in which they mandate some level of compulsory vaccinations for its citizens. In order for a child to attend public schools, they must receive all required vaccinations. Throughout history, many have disagreed and opposed vaccinations for various reasons. Many of the citizens do not believe that vaccines mandates to be constitutional. Also, many do not believe the state legislatures have the power to require everyone to receive certain vaccinations and view the authority as a violation of their constitutional rights. Recently, there has been an increase in people who are against to vaccinations as a possible factor to Autism in children. Also, religious beliefs play a role in opposing vaccinations for themselves and their children. These have built anger and opposition to the states mandates of some vaccinations. In 1813, United States Vaccine Agency was established. “The U.S. Congress authorized and James Madison signed ‘An Act to Encourage Vaccination,’ establishing a National Vaccine Agency” (History of Vaccines RSS). This Act was the first push by the United States for citizens to get vaccinated. In 1855, Massachusetts was the first state that passed a law for vaccinations for all children that is attending school (History of Vaccines RSS). Passing laws for vaccinations brought more dispute and oppositions to vaccines...
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