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Hardware Replacement Project


Submitted By clarester1970
Words 1117
Pages 5
Hardware Replacement Project
Chad Barker
IT 205
Joseph Coleman

The IT department has chosen a new customer relationship management (CRM) for the business. The new hardware replacement project will have five major factors, which are time, quality, cost, scope, and risk. The CRM has many ways it can be setup to use the best technology for the best solution for the organization. Numerous issues can come up for risks with this type of project as well as innovative new strategies to reducing the risks involved with CRM projects like this one. Some of the best ways to prepare for and supervise the hardware replacement projects, and also a look of the processes involved.
For project management these need to be considered: planning of the work, risk assessment, anticipated resources needed to complete the work, work organization, the material and human resources, task assignments, direction For the CRM, supervision of CRM implementation, the progression of the project, and examining of the negative aspects and benefits of the project. The CRM project includes five major factors for setting up a project, which are quality, costs, time, scope, and risk. (Laudon, & Laudon, 2011)
For quality there needs to be a plan for the results when the project is completed whether the organization is happy with the outcome of the project. The goal of the final plan is to help improve the decision-making and performance, and then the CRM project will be a success for quality purposes. Once installed the systems quality is checked for accuracy, ease of use, and the quality of data produced. These are examples which the quality of the hardware replacement project is judged. The next aspect is cost.
The costs are how long it will take to finish a project; man hours required for the complete of the project, and the implementation of the CRM. Cost is based on CRM

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