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Having Divorced Parents Research Paper

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As a kid having divorced parents is hard but then Christmas comes around. The best part about having divorced parents as a kid is when you realize that you get two Christmases, which means twice as many presents and twice as many trees to decorate. But, Christmas isn’t about the amount of presents you get or how many tress you get to decorate, it’s about spending time with your family. When you’ve come to that realization then you have started becoming an adult and that’s what happened to me. Almost every year on Christmas morning my siblings and I would wake up earlier than normal, run downstairs to see the presents, then run back upstairs and attempt to wake up our parents. They always told us to give them another hour to sleep which we weren’t happy about. We would then all go back downstairs, sit on the couch, and talk about which boxes we thought were ours. Once our parents came downstairs we started dividing up all the presents and my mom pulled out the camera and started taking pictures. …show more content…
We would wake up Christmas morning and do our regular routine but, one parent was never there. It all depended on whose turn it was that year to have us. Then sometime later that day the other parent would come get us and take us to their house to open more presents. Being a kid this was the greatest thing in the world. As the years went by Christmas didn’t feel the same as it did when I was a kid and I could never really figure out why, but then it hit me. Two Christmases is one of the worst things ever. I came to the realization that Christmas wasn’t about the presents, or the decorating, or the surplus amounts of cookies. It was about spending time with my family, which with divorced parents is a hard thing to do. Having two Christmases just showed to me that my family was

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