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Hawaii Vacation Research Paper

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Have you ever been to paradise? I have! Just last summer I went to Hawaii for vacation with my family and I had the best time of my life. It’s a beautiful place with birds singing all over, you’re surrounded by big beautiful trees, the ocean water is warm and clear, and the energy of the people in Hawaii is so nice and calm. Doesn’t seem like there’s a lot to do in Hawaii but you’re wrong. You can surf everyday and if you don’t know how to there are lessons for beginners, there are zip-lining events that you can get a group and go to, there is skydiving in the beautiful mountain of Hawaii, you can take ukulele and guitar lessons, you can get on a helicopter and get to know and see where Jurassic park was filmed, and etc. Also Hawaii has some amazing weather, it rains almost everyday for about 30 minutes. The weather there is humid but you never get too hot because of the rain and the ocean. …show more content…
All the beaches in Hawaii are super clean and pretty. You can mountains around the beaches with a lot of green and trees on them; the water is crystal clear and its warm, perfect for snorkeling and playing around with your family. Drivin in Hawaii is another really cool thing, you can ride on the back of trucks and you feel like you are in a jungle with huge greens trees and at the same time you are right next to the ocean. The food is another great thing about Hawaii. There is just so much to eat and their deserts are more than amazing, my mouth gets watery just thinking about

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