...Heart Hospital Hazard Mitigation Plan Hazard Vulnerability Mitigation Strategy Plan Version 1 – February 1, 2010 Heart Hospital Hazard Mitigation Plan Table of Contents I. Introduction……………………………………………… 3 A. Purpose of the Plan B. Methodology C. AZHH Background II. Risk Assessment Findings A. Hazard Identification B. Profile of Hazard Events C. Vulnerability of Assessments III. Mitigation Goals, Objectives, and Strategies IV. Implementation and Maintenance Procedures A. Implementation B. Maintenance Appendices A. Glossary of Terms B. Acronyms Version 1 – February 1, 2010 Arizona Heart Hospital Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapter 1 – Introduction A. Purpose of the Plan: This Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) establishes the process for implementing proactive risk management as part of the overall Emergency Management Plan. The purpose of a Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify potential hazards, risks and vulnerabilities as identified by the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) before they occur by prioritizing mitigation actions and providing technical support for those efforts. The purpose of this plan is to produce a program of activities through actions that will best deal with the Heart Hospital’s (HH) hazard problems, while meeting the health care needs of the community. This plan will accomplish the following objectives...
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...Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Manuals and Guides 52 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission TSUNAMI RISK ASSESSMENT ANDMITIGATION FOR THE INDIAN OCEAN KNOWING YOUR TSUNAMI RISK – AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT June 2009 UNESCO 1 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Manuals and Guides 52 knowing your tsunami risk – and what to do about it Tsunami risk assessment and mitigation for the Indian Ocean; The designation employed and the presentation of material throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO in particular concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this manual and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. Designer: Eric Loddé For bibliographic purposes, this document should be cited as follows: Tsunami risk assessment and mitigation for the Indian Ocean; knowing your tsunami risk – and what to do about it IOC Manual and Guides No. 52, Paris: UNESCO, 2007 (English). Printed by UNESCO (IOC/2009/MG/52) © UNESCO IOC 2009 Tsunami risk assessment and mitigation for the Indian Ocean; knowing your tsunami risk – and what to do about it 3 Table of contents Acknowledgement ...........................................
Words: 47633 - Pages: 191
...HAZARD, VULNERABILITY, AND RISK ANALYSIS This paper describes how preimpact conditions act together with event-specific conditions to produce a disaster’s physical and social impacts. These disaster impacts can be reduced by emergency management interventions. In addition, this chapter discusses how emergency managers can assess the preimpact conditions that produce disaster vulnerability within their communities. The chapter concludes with a discussion of vulnerability dynamics and methods for disseminating hazard/vulnerability data. Introduction A disaster occurs when an extreme event exceeds a community’s ability to cope with that event. Understanding the process by which natural disasters produce community impacts is important for four reasons. First, information from this process is needed to identify the preimpact conditions that make communities vulnerable to disaster impacts. Second, information about the disaster impact process can be used to identify specific segments of each community that will be affected disproportionately (e.g., low income households, ethnic minorities, or specific types of businesses). Third, information about the disaster impact process can be used to identify the event-specific conditions that determine the level of disaster impact. Fourth, an understanding of disaster impact process allows planners to identify suitable emergency management interventions. The process by which disasters produce community impacts can be explained in terms of...
Words: 8421 - Pages: 34
...Disaster Risk Management Hydrometeorological hazards such as floods, droughts and tropical cyclones afflict many regions of the world, but their impact in terms of lives lost and livelihoods disrupted tends to fall most heavily on the poor in developing countries. Climate change threatens to heighten these impacts in many areas, both by changing the frequency and/or intensity of extreme events and by bringing changes in mean conditions that may alter the underlying vulnerability of populations to hazards. The result in the decades to come may be an increase in the global burden of weather-related disasters: events that can threaten the sustainability of development processes and undermine progress toward poverty reduction. Holistic management of disaster risk requires action to reduce impacts of extreme events before, during and after they occur, including technical preventive measures and aspects of socio-economic development designed to reduce human vulnerability to hazards. Approaches toward the management of climate change impacts also have to consider the reduction of human vulnerability under changing levels of risk. A key challenge and opportunity therefore lies in building a bridge between current disaster risk management efforts aimed at reducing vulnerabilities to extreme events and efforts to promote climate change adaptation. There is a need to understand better the extent to which current disaster management practices reflect future adaptation needs and assess...
Words: 4099 - Pages: 17
...of undermined coefficients. Variations of parameters. Cauchy-Euler differential equations. 5. Systems of differential equations, linear system, Fundamental matrix, Solutions of linear systems with constant coefficients. References: 1. D.G. Zill, A First Course in Differentil Equations with Applications. 2. F. Braur and J.A. Nohel, Differential Equations. 3. S.L. Ross, Differential Equation. DSMHT 202: Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards (credit 02) 1. Introduction to Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards. 2. Geological Hazards Earthquakes (causes, types and effects of Earthquakes), Tsunami & Seiches. (naming, Tsunami Generation, Velocity and height, coastal effects and vulnerability), Volcanoes (origin & types of volcanic hazards, volcanic eruptions and products), Mass Movement -Dry (factors controlling down slope movement; causes, classification and effects of mass movements), Land subsidence and sinkholes, Impacts of asteroids and comets. 3. Geomorphological Hazards Riverbank Erosion (causes and effects), Coastal Erosions (coastal geomorphic features, beach erosion and replenishment) 4....
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...------------------------------------------------- Risk Assessment Risk assessment It is the process of analyzing threats to, and vulnerabilities of, an information system, and the potential impact that the loss of information or capabilities of a system would have on national security or your company's bottom line. Identifying threats To identify threats, look at the organization, the guardian organization and the business/nation. At each one level, focus the risk by inquiring as to whether an assailant can represent a danger. Does somebody have the inspiration to endeavor a helplessness? Is there a background marked by effective endeavor? Does somebody have a past filled with focusing on your industry? An alternate approach to distinguish dangers is to consider the properties the association may have: divulgence (trading off radiations, capture, dishonorable support techniques, programmers); interference (tremor, flame, surge, malignant code, power disappointment); adjustment (information passage blunders, programmers, noxious code); decimation (force spikes, fire, characteristic catastrophes); and evacuation (burglary of information or frameworks). To focus vulnerabilities, utilize the grid to meeting staff, audit past security occurrences, and analyze review and framework records and framework documentation. Contact merchants for reports of known framework vulnerabilities, check counseling Web locales and search for security issues by utilizing computerized apparatuses...
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... PARTICIPATORY DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS Kilifi County Technical Team National Drought Management authority Kilifi County Technical Team National Drought Management authority ADU WARD, KILIFI COUNTY WATER SCARCITY HAZARD PDRA FIELD REPORT ADU WARD, KILIFI COUNTY WATER SCARCITY HAZARD PDRA FIELD REPORT Contents Contents i LIST OF TABLES ii List of Figures iii List of Photos iii 1.0 BACKGROUND 4 1.1 Geographical Information 4 1.2 Administrative and demographic profile 5 1.3 Livelihoods 5 1.3.1 Livestock asset base 6 1.3.2 Crops grown 7 1.4 Social amenities 7 1.4.1 Health facilities 7 1.4.2 Schools 8 Early childhood development centres 8 Primary schools 8 Secondary schools 8 1.5 Water resources 8 1.6 Infrastructure 9 1.6.1 Roads and bridges 9 1.6.2 Markets and sale yards 9 1.6.3 Cattle dips and community crushes 9 1.6.4 Communication 10 1.6.5 Energy sources 10 1.7 Community Resource Map 11 1.8 Seasonal calendar 12 2.0 Hazards 13 3.0 OBJECTIVES OF THE FIELD PRACTICUM 14 4.0 METHODOLOGY 15 5.0 OUTPUT OF THE PDRA 16 5.1 HAZARD ANALYSIS 13 5.2 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT 13 5.3 CAPACITY ADDRESSING HAZARD 14 5.4 CAPACITIES ADDRESSING VULNERABILITY 15 5.5 COMMUNITY DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS 17 5.6 Disaster Risk Reduction Plan 20 5.7 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS. 22 5.8 CONTINGENCY PLANNING 23 6.0 CHALLENGES 13 7.0 PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE EXERCISE 13 7.1 Perceptions...
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...physical and political. It would be interesting to note the extent of the applicability of this approach as it may vary from place to place due to the dynamics involved in emergency situations. An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment. According to Twigg ( 2007 ), disaster is defined as the occurrence of an extreme hazard event that impacts on vulnerable communities, causing substantial damage, disruption and possible causalities, and leaving the affected communities unable to function normally without outside assistance. CBDM thus came into play as another panacea in disaster reduction. Community based disaster management is a bottom-up approach, that was cemented in 2005 Hyogo Declaration. This is a commitment by Governments to its citizens. 2005 Hyogo Declaration spells out CBDM, as strengthening community level capacities to reduce disaster risk and at the local level is especially needed, considering that appropriate disaster reduction measures at that level enable the communities and individuals to reduce significantly their vulnerability to hazards....
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...earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and mine disasters are some examples of terrestrial disasters. Atmospheric disasters are caused due to atmospheric events. Tropical cyclones, droughts, floods etc. are some examples of atmospheric disasters. Disasters occurring due to collisions between the earth and space bodies or due to physical forces between them are called as extra-planetary disasters. High tide waves, hurricanes, landslides, movements of rocks, changes in sea level, biological extinctions etc. are examples of extra- planetary disasters. Disasters that are caused due to human intervention in the natural processes or due to his activities related to development and war are called as man- made disasters. Occurrence of epidemics, nuclear hazards, industrial accidents, biological war fares, bioterrorism etc. are man- made or human induced disasters. In modern age, so many of the natural disasters like earthquakes etc. have become man- made disasters due to human activities of building mega dams and large scale developmental projects. Management and Mitigation of Disasters We know that disasters whether natural or man- made, are very dangerous and destructive. We just cannot do anything to stop a disaster,...
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...discover vulnerabilities that an aggressor could take advantage.Pen tests could be mechanized with software applications or they can be performed physically. The procedure incorporates gathering data about the objective before the test (observation), recognizing possible points, endeavoring to soften up (either for all intents and purposes or seriously) and reporting back the discoveries. The primary target of penetration testing is to decide security shortcomings. A pen test can likewise be utilized to test an association's security approach consistence, its representatives' security awareness and the association's ability to distinguish and react to security episodes. [1] The penetration test doesn't stop at just revealing vulnerabilities but it also check the following stride to effectively misuse those vulnerabilities with a specific end goal to demonstrate (or negate) true assault vectors against an association's IT resources, information, people and the physical security. An infiltration test takes into consideration different assault vectors to be investigated against the same target. It is basically the mix of data or vulnerabilities over various frameworks that will prompt an effective trade off. [2] Tests to Check the Vulnerability: 1. Network Vulnerability Scanning: Routinely planned network vulnerability scan may offer an association some assistance with identifying shortcomings in network security before any attack. The objective of running vulnerability scan or directing...
Words: 1886 - Pages: 8
...Introduct ion To Security Management TOPIC:- The concept of SECURITY MANAGEMENT from a Military Perspective LECTURER:- Mr. Keen Charles DUE DATE:- 21-May-2015 STUDENT:- Jermaine George DEFINITION OF SECURITY MANAGEMENT Security management is the identification of an organization's assets (including information assets), followed by the development, documentation, and implementation of policies and procedures for protecting these assets. An organization uses such security management procedures as information classification, risk assessment, and risk analysis to identify threats, categories assets, and rate system vulnerabilities so that they can implement effective controls. Therefore security management from a military perspective means the protection of military assets. CONCEPT OF MANAGEMENT Management is an important element in every organization. It is the element that coordinates currents organizational activities and plans for the future. The management adapts the organization to its environment and shapes the organization to make it more suitable to the organization. DEFINITION OF PHYSICAL SECURITY Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, programs, networks, and data from physical circumstances and events that could cause serious losses or damage to an enterprise, agency, or institution. This includes protection from fire, natural disasters, burglary, theft, vandalism, and terrorism. There are three main components to physical security. First, obstacles...
Words: 1945 - Pages: 8
...1.0 INTRODUCTION Dr. Quarantelli is a widely known scholar of the social science of disasters. His first involvement in the area dates back to 1949 when he participated in the first disaster field studies in the National Opinion Research Centre (NORC) team. Quarantelli is also author and/or editor of 29 books as well as author of 101 chapters in books, 114 articles and 150 other publications mostly on disaster topics. The article chosen for this assignment was published in The Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (JCCM), in December 1996. JCCM is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers all theoretical and practical aspects relating to crisis management and published by Blackwell. 2.0 ARTICLE SUMMARY The article assumes two master trends, industrialisation and urbanisation. The author discusses the likely negative and positive affects that will emanate from these trends at some stage in the future. The first trend, industrialisation, with its ever increasing development of technology, is expanding rapidly and this article provides examples on the advances in both computer technology and bio-engineering. Governments, industry and societies have an ever increasing dependence, not only on computer technology, but the linkages to other technologies and massive networks that...
Words: 2337 - Pages: 10
...Palestine Red Cresent Society Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A Participatory Action Research Study of the Vulnerabilities and Capacities of the Palestinian Society in Disaster Preparedness August 2000 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRECSENT SOCIETIES United Nations Children's Fund West Bank & Gaza Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A Participatory Action Research Study of the Vulnerabilities and Capacities of the Palestinian Society in Disaster Preparedness Palestine Red Crescent Society August 2000 Copyright © Palestine Red Crescent Society 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval sysems without prior permission from The Palestine Red Crescent Society, Al-Bireh, Palestine. For further infromation: Palestine Red Crescent Society Headquarters/ Al-Bireh P.O.Box 3637 Tel: ++972-2-2406515/6/7 Fax: ++972-2-2406518 e-mail: info@PalestineRCS.org Website: www.PalestineRCS.org Thanks to technical support of UNICEF West Bank and Gaza to this study and to the financial contribution of UNICEF- Middle East and North Africa Regional office who made the design and printing of this publication possible. Special thanks to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for their technical and financial support to carrying this study. Cover...
Words: 34257 - Pages: 138
...and desktop publishing have been provided by Artifax. Cover Photo: Destruction of a bridge by flood waters. VIZDOK photo The first edition of this module was printed in 1991. Utilization and duplication of the material in this module is permissible, however, source attribution to the Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) is required. 4 CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................... 7 The relationship between disasters and development ............................. 9 Definition of terms ....................................................................................... 11 How disaster effects can vary from one type of hazard to another .............. 13 How vulnerability varies between and within countries .............................. 16 CASE...
Words: 18124 - Pages: 73
...REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPUBLIC ACT No. 10121 AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE PHILIPPINE DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, PROVIDING FOR THE NATIONAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK AND INSTITUTIONALIZING THE NATIONAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010". Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It shall be the policy of the State to: (a) Uphold the people's constitutional rights to life and property by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters, strengthening the country's institutional capacity for disaster risk reduction and management and building the resilience of local communities to disasters including climate change impacts; (b) Adhere to and adopt the universal norms, principles and standards of humanitarian assistance and the global effort on risk reduction as concrete expression of the country's commitment to overcome human sufferings due to recurring disasters; (c) Incorporate internationally accepted principles of disaster risk management in the creation and implementation of national, regional and local sustainable development and poverty reduction strategies, policies, plans and budgets; (d) Adopt a disaster risk reduction and management approach...
Words: 9149 - Pages: 37