...Health Education Plan NUR/405 October 10, 2011 Health Education Plan Educating the public is a role every nurse must participate in to promote, maintain, and restore health among a community. To accomplish such requires community members receive and have a practical understanding of health-related information (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). One method to accomplish such is to develop a health educational plan. The purpose of this paper is to create a health education plan based upon information collected from a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment conducted by a nurse in the community of Palmdale, California. Areas that will be discussed include, a description of the educational need based upon assessment findings, educational goals and objectives, educational methods that will be used to implement the health educational plan, and the methods applied to evaluate the educator and process used in the development and implementation of the health education plan. Identification of a Health Educational Need In conducting a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment, the nurse identified multiple educational needs. The priority educational need in common and identified among both the family and the community of Palmdale, California is the need for education on the maintenance of chronic illnesses. Determining what chronic illness to focus on in terms of development of the health educational plan however, presented more of a challenge. When observing...
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...UnitedHealthCare A deep dive into United States’ largest health carrier Report by : Guo F. Deng Jiarui Li Malavika Verma Srikanth S. Perinkulam : December’06, 2013 Published on afafaafa United Health Care Contents Company Profile and History ........................................................................................................................ 3 Financial Statement Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 5 Major Acquisitions ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Major Litigations and Public News.............................................................................................................. 13 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) .......................................................................... 15 Strategies and Foresight ............................................................................................................................. 18 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 20 2 United Health Care Company Profile and History UnitedHealth Group is one of the largest health care companies in the United States. UnitedHealth Group is currently made of three entities which are UnitedHealthcare...
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...and Public Health 1977-81 Johns Hopkins University Professor of Health Education 1981-82 Harvard University Visiting lecturer 1988-91 Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President 1991 - Now University of British Columbia Professor of Health Care and Epidemiology, and Director of Institute of Health Promotion Research Marshall Krueter 2. ORIGIN:Approximate years of origin 1968 - 1974 for PRECEDE, late 1980s for PROCEED. 3. PURPOSE OF MODEL The PRECEDE model is a framework for the process of systematic development and evaluation of health education programs. An underlying premise of this model is that health education is dependent on voluntary cooperation and participation of the client in a process which allows personal determination of behavioral practices; and that the degree of change in knowledge and health practice is directly related to the degree of active participation of the client. Therefore, in this model, appropriate health education is considered to be the intervention (treatment) for a properly diagnosed problem in a target population. This model is multidimensional, founded in the social/behavioral sciences, epidemiology, administration and education. As such, it recognizes that health and health behaviors have multiple causations which must be evaluated in order to assure appropriate intervention. The comprehensive nature of PRECEDE allows for application in a variety of settings such as school health education, patient education, community...
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...Identify and describe each of the seven Areas of Responsibility of a Health Education Specialist. Discuss the importance of each area of responsibility and provide examples of each. Responsibility I: Assess Needs, Assets, and Capacity for Health Education: With this responsibility one must assess the need for the population surrounding them. This will help to solve the problems for the individual or group. This will help stakeholders to gather data, analyze the data in order to know what areas needs to be focused on. When the stakeholders get the data together they then can proceed with developing a plan with the information collected. When gathering information one looks at the area and population that is covered, how many people are infected, age group that is affected. Responsibility II: Plan Health Education: When planning involve more than finding a location its about how good written and oral skills one has. One must be competent in developing goals on which the foundation will established for the program that is meant for. It is an importance in finding the right stakeholders for the job in order to support each other and help to develop a program together. Responsibility III: Implement Health Education: In this stage it is important to develop a program and putting it together. When developing a program one puts the data together that was collected and find materials that would be educational in teaching the techniques. One must really focus on...
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...Introduction to Health Education Instructor: Monica Vargas Erika Hernandez Date: 12/16/12 In this assignment mentions the overall of a Health Promotions and the Education. We have learned in this five week course from the word meaning of health to actually becoming a health educator and the roles that they play in any kind of work setting. As you get into reading this assignment you will also understand and relate to these professional people play a huge role in our day to day lives. The word health itself has a “dynamic state or condition of the human organism that is multidimensional (i.e. physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and occupational) in nature, a resource for living, and results from a person’s interactions with and adaptations to his or her environment” (McKenzie, Pinger, & Kotecki, 2012, p.5) (Chapter 1). A health education as mentioned in our text is “ any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound of theories that provide individuals, groups, and communities the opportunity to acquire information and the skills needed to make the quality health decisions” (Joint Committee, 2001, p.99) (Chapter 1). There were many historical events that have happened in our past that shaped up in the health education. I have found three major events that I found were an interesting and would like to share with you. The first historical major event was in the 1900 to 1950s; Charles Winslow defined the public health to be focused...
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...different approaches to health education. There are many different ways in which you can approach health education. Here are three that are used Social Marketing, Medical and Community development approach. Social Marketing Is widely use to influence health behaviour by using a range of health communication strategies based on a mass media. Social marketing uses marketing methods and places like clinics to get their messages across. Social marketing targets a large group of people, by spreading their messages around and not just keeping them local. Social marketing aim at a certain target audience and they do all their research and campaigns around them. However they try to get as many people to look and understand their messages. Although they don’t just use a communication approach. Their main approach is to change peoples behaviour. This approach can last for a long time and some last for years the change for life campaign has got a 3 year plan based on this approach. Change for life is a campaign based in England to stop obesity and help people change their diets to eat healthier. This campaign is using a three year plan that is based on the social marketing approach. (Example Change4Life) Medical Approach The medical approach focuses on activity which aims to reduce morbidity and premature mortality. This is targeted towards whole populations of high risk groups. Their aim is to increase medical interventions which will prevent ill health and premature death...
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...Health education is educating people about health and health promotion strategies. It is a learning experience which mainly focuses on helping individuals and communities to improve their health by holding educational programmes and group activities. Through these activities, people can gain lots of knowledge about health and they can be positively influenced to change their attitudes. There are various health approaches and they are community development, Participation development and Holistic approach. Community is a group of people who shares the common interests and beliefs and development is the process where things grow and develop. Community development is a system where all the members of the community gather together to discuss the everyday problems that they have to face or that has been happening in their society and also to find the solution for it. As community development seeks to improve the quality of life, it observes and notices the ability and helps people to develop it. It also helps people to built a trust and respect each other within their communities. Community development ranges from small initiatives with a small group to large initiatives that involve the broader community. It also encourages the societies to be more health promoting by developing supporting groups and gathering people together to address the issues of power, inequality and social injustice. Community development is both a practice and an occupation which aims to bring about change...
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...problem is health literacy where patients do not understand the information that is given to them. Research Purpose The purpose of this formative study was to explore the implications of applying Nutbeam’s multidimensional health literacy framework to African American men’s understanding of Prostate Cancer information. (Corwin et al., 2009) Literature Review The literature review for this study included 25 year old African American men to 45 year old African American men in South Carolina. This study also included an experiment on how prostate cancer patients were involved in treatment decision making. This study the authors discuss the issue of health literacy. The article states that "in the context of the study, the problem is of greater concern since South Carolina ranks 49th of all the states in the number of ninth graders completing high school within 4 years" (Corwin 2009). The references for this article were current and ranged from 1957-2008, with majority of the references from the past 5 years. This article was published online on June 11, 2009 in the Journal of Community Health. Framework Corwin and colleagues uses D. Nutbeam's article "Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century", as a main source. According to Nutbeam the definition of health literacy is a composite term to describe a range of outcomes to health education and...
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...PERSPECTIVES IN COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION Assessing a Targeted Family applying the MAP-IT steps Glen Williams Access the areas of greatest need in your community; in this case, assisting your target family to access health care, as well as the resources and other strengths that you can tap into in order to address those areas. Incorporate the goals of Health People 2010 when feasible. Overarching Goals * Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. * Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. * Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. * Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. INTRODUCTION The MAP-IT approach is a step-by-step, structured plan devised to tailor one's community needs and improve the health of a community. To increase the quality and years of healthy living for all Americans and to eliminate disparities in health status, individuals and communities must works together to make certain the benefits of health are available to all. There are five steps in the MAP-IT process. The second step in building a healthier community is to assess the greatest needs of the community with the goal determining what you want to improve. . Assessing a Targeted Family applying the MAP-IT steps The second step in building a healthier community...
Words: 1080 - Pages: 5
...P2: Explain two models of behavior change that have been used in recent national health education campaigns. Individuals are more likely to take recommended health action when they see the affects of a certain action or behaviour. This can show them that if they carry on the way they are that they may not be living a healthy and happy life. Health Belief Model: This advert would be apart of the health belief model. This is because it shows the negative effects of drugs on people and how even if you plan to have it once it can turn into an addictive By having the contact details of how to get support from Frank, it shows people that may be in that situation that there is someone they can talk to and something they can do to help themselves. This campaign contains perceived susceptibility, this is shown in how the girl in the video thinks that if she takes the drugs just once she will be able to stop. But that is not what was shown throughout the video. The video showed how she was hooked after her first time and she didn't see how likely she was to become addicted when having the drugs for the fist time. Perceived Severity- This is weather the person thinks that their illness is serious or not Perceived Susceptibility- This is how likely a person is to get an illness Perceived Benefits And Barriers To The Action- Is something worth it? Or will it have problems? Cues To Action- When receiving help, this is something that could encourage them Theory of planned behaviour: ...
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...1. Why are you interested in being a Peer Health Educator? I am interested in becoming a Peer Health Educator because I would like to promote awareness and educational programs on concerning matters such as mental health, nutrition, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and safety relationships to Sac State students. In addition, I am also interested in learning the skills and knowledge that will help me and my fellow colleagues reduce potential distressful life experiences. 2. What are your future career goals, and how do you think the PHE program will contribute to those? My future career goals is to work as a health educator either at a college, hospital or a non-profit organization. The PHE program will provide me a challenging but rewarding opportunity to develop leadership skills in planning and implementing educational programs, special events, publicity and public relations. I may also collaborate with other departments and other organizations on campus and in the community. The program will also contribute to my experience by providing trainings in a variety of health and wellness topics. Most importantly, the PHE program will help become a Certified Peer Health Educator. 3. Why do you think wellness is important for the Sac State community? Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, or getting stressed are only some of the many...
Words: 1382 - Pages: 6
...Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) Guidelines for Community Health Centres Revised 2012 Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) Guidelines for Community Health Centres Revised 2012 Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India CONTENTS Message Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Executive Summary Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) for Community Health Centres v vi vii viii 1 3 Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Objectives of Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) for CHCs���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Service Delivery in CHCs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Manpower����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Equipment��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Drugs�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������...
Words: 25498 - Pages: 102
...inactivity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and frequent alcohol consumption, are driving up the prevalence of chronic disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic conditions. These conditions have become a major burden, as they lead to decreased quality of life and increased health care cost. Furthermore, these diseases were thought to be the problems that occurred in old age in the life cycle o fan individual thus resulting is low productivity and reduced performance at work. There is a rising concern over the health care coverage and the impact of this sedentary lifestyle on an individual’s health, organizations have adopted and are promoting employee wellness programs in the organizations. These are programs that encourage a particular diet, reducing stress levels and promoting work life balance among the employees. Employee wellness or Health promotion is related to disease prevention which aims at fostering better health through behaviour and lifestyle change at work. A broad range of benefits are offered under the label ’employee wellness’, from multi-component programs to single interventions, and benefits can be offered by employers directly, through a vendor, group health plans, or a combination of both. What is Wellness? Wellness is "an active process of becoming aware of and learning to make healthy choices. Wellness means more than simply not being ill; it focuses on keeping your body in good condition so it runs more efficiently...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
...programme in Gegharkunik, Armenia Results The assessment confirmed the population's poor health status and limited knowledge and application of recommended child care practices. The campaign reached its target: at follow-up, 67% had seen media messages within the past month, 82% had received the IMCI informational booklet, and 30% had seen other materials. Evidence of the success of the programme included the following: exclusive breastfeeding increased 31.4%, maternal knowledge of child illness signs increased 30%, knowledge of HIV increased 28.5%, and physician attended deliveries increased 15%. Conclusions This evaluation documented the significant and substantial impact of the community IMCI programme on both knowledge and practice in rural areas of Armenia. Consideration should be given to continuing and expanding this project as a complement to health sector development activities in this region. Impact of a community-based integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) programme in Gegharkunik, Armenia 1. Michael E Thompson1,* and 2. Tsovinar L Harutyunyan2 +Author Affiliations 1. 1 Department of Public Health Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA. 2. 2 Center for Health Services Research and Development, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia. 1. * Corresponding author. Department of Public Health Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte...
Words: 6630 - Pages: 27
...Grades 3 to 5 • Personal Health Series Peer Pressure KidsHealth.org/classroom Teacher’s Guide This guide includes: • Standards • Related Links • Discussion Questions • Activities for Students • Reproducible Materials Peer pressure gets a bad rap. For many people, it brings to mind an image of kids influencing other kids to do risky things like smoke, drink alcohol, or shoplift. But it can also be a force for good, exposing kids to positive new ideas and role models. Help your students explore the benefits and pitfalls of peer pressure with these activities. Related KidsHealth Links Articles for Kids: Dealing With Peer Pressure KidsHealth.org/kid/feeling/friend/peer_pressure.html How Cliques Make Kids Feel Left Out KidsHealth.org/kid/feeling/friend/clique.html Standards This guide correlates with the following National Health Education Standards: Students will: • Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. • Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. • Demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. • Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. • Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. • Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. • Demonstrate the ability...
Words: 1967 - Pages: 8