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Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (HIPAA)

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In today’s time, healthcare is constantly evolving. “Computer-based patient records, videoconferencing, electronic mail, and telehealth are just a few of the practices that have become common in the delivery of care” (Schmidt, 2005). The focus of this paper is intended to educate the importance of HIPAA in the healthcare system.
HIPAA is the acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It was originally known as the Kennedy-Kassebaum Bill (HIPAA, 2012). The law was passed in 1996. The main rules of HIPAA are Privacy, Transaction and Code Sets, Security, and Identifiers (HIPAA-Background, 2006). Even though the law was originally passed in 1996, it was revised many times over the years, in which it …show more content…
The first component is the Health Insurance Portability part of the act. It was to make sure that people would be able to maintain their health insurance, especially after losing or changing their jobs (HIPAA-Background, 2006). The second objective pertains to the Accountability part of the act. It was constructed to establish the security and confidentiality of patient information. It was the first act to ensure this protection of patients’ health information. It also created standards for electronic transmission of certain health information. HIPAA supports a patient’s right to the confidentiality of his or her medical information and establishes consequences for the improper use or the disclosure of protected health information (Erickson, 2005). Any individual that deals with personal health information in the workplace must follow strict rules on how to handle the data so that it does not get exposed to a person who is not authorized to see it. There are limits on those who have the ability to access a patient’s health information and how it is to be used. Hospitals and healthcare providers may use the information for treatment, collecting payment for care, and for specified purposes such as, improving quality of care (Erickson, 2005). It is required that they notify the patients in writing on how their health information will be used. They must also allow patients to review, retrieve copies, and improve their own health …show more content…
HIPAA is relevant to nursing because of this responsibility pertaining to patients’ health data. The rules and regulations of HIPAA affect nurses as they engage in patient care activities. Establishing and maintaining a trusting relationship with patients’ is important for nurses especially when obtaining a precise health record and carrying out efficient treatment plans. Failure to safeguard the patient’s privacy can put the nurse-patient relationship in

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