...Kemi - Reaktionstyper Addition og substitution FORMÅL Formålet med dette forsøg er at påvise addition og substitution, samt fremstille bromerede organiske forbindelser, hvor vi ser hvordan stofferne reagerer med hinanden. TEORI I organisk kemi beskæftiger man sig med carbonforbindelser, hvor vi skelner mellem kulbrinterne alkaner, alkener og alkyler, som har forskellige egenskaber. Dog er det irrelevant at forklare om alkyler i denne rapport, da vi kun arbejdede med alkener og alkaner under forsøget. Alkaner består af enkeltbindinger mellem C-atomerne, og de derfor mættede carbonhydrider, da der ikke kan være flere H-atomer i forbindelsen. Alkener har også flere isomerer former, med samme bruttoformel, altså samme kemiske formel, men blot med forskellige strukturformler. Alkener indgår i substitution reaktion, at substituerer betyder at sætte noget i stedet for noget andet. I den kemiske forstand betyder det, at et atom eller atomgrupper bliver udskiftet med et andet atom eller en anden atomgruppe. Det har de Behov for, idet de er reaktionstræge, (fordi carbonbindingerne er stabile) men under lys eller høj temperatur, kan de reagerer. Alkener er umættede carbonhydrider, fordi der kan lægges flere hydrogenatomer til bindingen, i modsætning til alkanerne. Alkener indeholder en eller flere dobbeltbindinger mellem to carbonatomer og de dermed reaktionsvillige. Som vist i en af de forrige kemitimer, er dobbeltbindingen låst mellem carbonatomerne, og dermed...
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...skal I undersøge den indbyrdes blandbarhed af de tre opløsningsmidler. Materialer: Reagensglas med propper, stativ, spatler Kemikalier: Ethanol, CH3CH2OHNatriumchlorid, NaCl Heptan, CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3Glukose, C6H12O6 Vand, H2OPlanteolie Diiod, I2 Fremgangsmåde: De tre opløsningsmidler er ethanol, heptan og vand. I skal undersøge opløseligheden af stofferne natriumchlorid, glukose, planteolie og diiod. I skal selv designe undersøgelsen af stoffernes opløselighed. Det er vigtigt, at I både noterer, hvilken metode I anvender og jeres overvejelser om metoden. Det er også vigtigt, at I diskuterer jeres overvejelser og valg af metode med læreren, inden I går i gang med forsøget. Opskriv hypoteser og brug nedenstående skemaer til jeres resultater. Opløsningerne i dette forsøg må IKKE hældes i vasken efter brug, men skal opsamles i bægerglas. I skal kun bruge små mængder kemikalier. I skal arbejde under sug og I skal have kittel, briller og handsker på. Vi starter med at undersøge hvordan de forskellige stoffer fungerer som opløsningsmidler. Vi tager først fire reagensglas, og putter lidt vand i. Derefter putter vi NaCl, Glucose, Planteolie og Diiod i hver af dem. Dette gøre i igen efter med Ethanol og Heptan som opløsningsmiddel. Resultater: Stof | Vand | Ethanol | Heptan | NaCl | Noget opløselig | Ikke opløselig | Ikke opløselig | Glucose | Opløselig | Noget opløselig | Opløselig | Planteolie | Ikke opløselig...
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...O-atomet og H-atomet er 1,4, hvilket betyder at deres binding er meget polær, mens forskellen på C-atomet og H-atomet er 0,4, der derfor betyder deres binding er upolær. Methanols, Ethanols og Propan-1-ols upolære del har ikke den nødvendige størrelse for at ”trumfe” den polære del, og da vand er polært kan vand og alkoholerne blandes. Butan-1-ol og Pentan-1-ol kan derimod ikke blandes, da deres hydrofile -O-H del ikke kan ”trumfe” den hydrofobe gruppe. Dvs. at den upolære del er for stærk til, at den polære del kan blande sig med vand. Der kan derfor konkluderes at den upolære del skal indeholde mindst 4 C-atomer med de tilhørende H-atomer for at en alkohol ikke er blandbar med vand. B) Observation: Heptan er ikke opløselig i vand og de skiller på midten. Konklusion: Heptan består udelukkende af C- og H-atomer. Da deres binding er upolær og vand er polært, kan de ikke blandes. De er begge klare væsker, så man bliver nødt...
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...Carbonyl Compounds Carbonyl Compounds Aldehydes Name Methanal (Formaldehyde) Ethanal (Acetaldehyde) Propanal Ketones Name Structural Formula Structural Formula HCHO CH3CHO CH3CH2CHO CH3CH2CH2CHO Propanone (Acetone) Butanone (CH3)2CO CH3COCH2CH3 Butanal Glucose & Fructose (Simplest sugars) Glucose (Chain Form) Glucose (Ring Form) Fructose (Chain Form) Fructose (Ring Form) Naturally Occurring Carbonyls with Odours Carvone Typical odour of Heptan – 2- one Almond Flavours Spearmint Caraway Seeds Gen Properties • General Formula: CnH2nO • Polarity: • Miscibility: The polarity is sufficient to enable the lower members of the homologous series of Aldehydes and Ketones to be completely miscible with water. Water will form H- bonds to the carbonyl group. Redox Reactions 1. Reduction: Aldehydes and ketones may be reduced to 10 alcohols and 20 alcohols, respectively using the reducing agent sodium tetrahydridoborate, NaBH4. (Water or ethanol is used as a solvent.) (a) Reduction of Ethanal CH3CHO + 2[H] NaBH4 in water CH3CH2OH (b) Reduction of Propanone CH3COCH3 + 2[H] NaBH4 in ethanol CH3CH(OH)CH3 Regarded basically as the addition of H2 across the C=O double bond. SAQ 19.4 • Draw the structural formulae for products obtained when the ff are treated with NaBH4: (i) Butanone (ii) Pentanal (iii) 2-Methylhexan-3-one Redox Reactions 2. Oxidation: Aldehydes require only mild conditions to oxidize to carboxylic acids CH3CHO + [O] K2Cr2O7/H+ CH3COOH (reflux) This reaction...
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...tKapitel 1, Grundstoffer og kemiske forbindelser 1.1 a) Ag nr 47, latin: argentum, Argentina b) Sc nr 21, scandium, Scandia, latin for Skandinavien Eu nr 63, europium, Europa Am nr 95,americium, de amerikanske kontinenter Yb nr 70, ytterbium, Ytterby i Sverige Hf nr 72, hafnium, Hafnia latin for København Cu nr 29, kobber, Cypern c) Cl nr 17, chlor, græsk: gulligt – grøn Br nr 35, brom, græsk: bromos = stank Cr nr 24, chrom = krom, græsk: chroma = farve P nr 15, phosphor = fosfor, græsk: phôs = lys phoros = bærende Os nr 76, osmium, græsk osme = en lugt Rb nr 37, rubidium, latin rubidus = mørkerød (rubiners røde farve) d) Cm nr 96, curium, Marie og Pierre Curie som fandt radium No nr 102, nobelium, Nobel institut i Sverige, Alfred Nobel som opfandt dynamit Es nr 99, einsteinium, Albert Einstein som udtænkte relativitetsteorien Md nr 101, mendelevium, Dmitrij Mendelejev som opstillede det periodiske system Bh nr 107, bohrium, Niels Bohr, atomets opbygning og kvantemekanik e) He nr 2, heliun, græsk Helios = Solen Np nr 93, neptunium, planeten Neptun Pu nr 94, plutonium, dværgplaneten Pluto Se nr 34, selen, græsk: Selene = Månen Te nr 52, tellur, latin: Tellus = Jorden U nr 92, uran, planeten Uranus 1.2 a) og b) Guld Au nr 79, aurum, latin: gul, glødende daggry (Sol) Sølv Ag nr 47, argentum, latin fra gammel græsk: hvidt, skinnende (Månen) Kviksølv Hg nr 80, hydragyron, græsk: vandsølv, flydende sølv, (Merkur) ...
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...Melting Point and Boiling Point of Organic Compounds Miranda, Marilyn1, Salen, Vladimir, A.2 1Miranda, Marilyn, School of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Mapua Institute of Technology; 2Salen, Vladimir A., CHM142L/B22, School of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Mapua Institute of Technology [pic] ABSTRACT In this experiment, our attention will be focused on the effect of chemical structures of different organic compounds on two physical properties: their melting point and their boiling point. Melting point of compounds can be affected by intermolecular forces of attraction, geometric isomerism and purity. Boiling point of compounds can also be affected by intermolecular forces of attraction and by branching. The main purpose of this experiment is to (1)determine the effect of intermolecular forces of attraction and geometric isomerism on melting point of compounds, (2)determine the effect of purity on the melting point range of organic compounds and (3)determine the effect of intermolecular forces of attraction and branching on the boiling point of organic compounds. We can obtain wrong data as we encountered different errors while performing this experiment. As we go along to this laboratory report, we will able to know the effects of the different factors in melting point and boiling point of the compound and why the used compound arranged on that decreasing or increasing melting point or boiling point. Keywords: melting point...
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...Vitamin Supplement æ Increase of vitamin D2 by UV-B exposure during the growth phase of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Hanne L. Kristensen1*, Eva Rosenqvist2 and Jette Jakobsen3 1 Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Aarslev, Denmark; 2Department of Agriculture and Ecology, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark Abstract Background: Mushrooms are the only non-animal food source of vitamin D. Wild mushrooms have naturally high vitamin D2 content, and cultivated mushrooms produce vitamin D2 from ergosterol when exposed to supplementary UV-B during the post-harvest phase. Objectives: This study investigated the effects of providing supplementary UV-B during the growth phase on vitamin D2 formation and the interactions with growth of mushrooms, as compared to supplementary UV-B during the post-harvest phase or exposure to sunlight for both cultivated and wild mushrooms. Methods: Experiments were carried out with exposure to supplementary UV-B just prior to harvest in the range of 0Á2,400 mJ cm (2. Mushrooms grew for 2 days with or without repeated UV-B exposure each day. Vitamin D2 and growth rate were determined. Some mushrooms were post-harvest treated by exposure at 200 mJ cm (2 supplementary UV-B or natural sunlight, prior to vitamin D2 determination. Results: The content of vitamin D2 was 0.2Á164 mg 100 g (1 fresh weight (FW), and there was a linear relationship between...
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...Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations, 1995 2. Scope of Application 2. Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (2), these regulations shall apply to an employer or a self employed person who carries out work at a workplace which may expose any person to the intake of an HCS at the workplace. 3. The provisions of regulations 3(1), 6 and 7 shall not apply to: a. a self employed person; or b. a person who visits a workplace as contemplated in subregulation (1). 4. The provisions of these regulations shall not apply in the case where the Lead Regulations and Asbestos Regulations apply . 3. Information and training 1. An employer shall, before any employee is exposed or may be exposed, after consultation with the health and safety committee established for that section of the workplace, ensure that the employee is adequately and comprehensively informed and trained, as well as thereafter informed and trained at intervals as may be recommended by that health and safety committee, with regard to: a. the contents and scope of these regulations; b. the potential source exposure; c. the potential risks to health caused by exposure; d. the potential detrimental effect of exposure on his or her reproductive ability; e. the measures to be taken by the employers to protect an employee against any risk from exposure; ...
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...LAMPIRAN I PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 101 TAHUN 2014 TENTANG PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH BAHAN BERBAHAYA DAN BERACUN TABEL 1. DAFTAR LIMBAH B3 DARI SUMBER TIDAK SPESIFIK KODE LIMBAH ZAT PENCEMAR KATEGORI BAHAYA A101a A102a A103a A104a A105a A106a A107a A108a A109a A110a A111a A112a a. Pelarut Terhalogenasi : Tetrakloroetilen Trikloroetilen Metilen Klorida 1,1,1-trikloroetana 1,1,2-trikloroetana Karbon Tetraklorida 1,1,2,-trikloro-1,2,2,-trifluoroetana Triklorofluorometana Orto-diklorobenzena Klorobenzena Trikloroetana Fluorokarbon Terklorinasi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A101b A102b A103b A104b A105b A106b A107b A108b A109b A110b A111b A112b A113b A114b A115b A116b b. Pelarut yang Tidak Terhalogenasi : Ksilena Aseton Etil Asetat Etil Benzena Etil Eter Metil Isobutil Keton n-Butil Alkohol Sikloheksanon Dimetilbenzena Metanol Kresol Toluena Metil etil keton Karbon disulfida Isobutanol Piridina 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A117b … -2- KODE LIMBAH ZAT PENCEMAR KATEGORI BAHAYA A117b A118b A119b A120b A121b Benzena 2-Etoksietanol 2-Nitropropana Asam Kresilat Nitrobenzena 1 1 1 1 1 A101c A102c A103c A104c A105c A106c A107c A108c A109c A110c c. Asam atau Basa : Amonium Hidroksida Asam Hidrobromat Asam Hidroklorat Asam Hidrofluorat Asam Nitrat Asam Fosfat Kalium Hidroksida Natrium Hidroksida Asam Suflat ...
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