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He's My Brother


Submitted By LeonaISinclair
Words 2214
Pages 9
He’s My Brother
Leona Sinclair
PHI 107: Philosophy of Human Conduct
Professor: Kevin Lines
December 13, 2010

He’s My Brother
Many people believe that same-sex marriage will destroy or diminish the righteousness of marriage between a man and a woman. It is my true belief that same-sex marriage will have negative effects only on people who are extremely religious, or extremely afraid. Many religious sects have been ferociously fighting against the legalization of same-sex marriage. In every article, column, and essay that I have read there has yet to be one single individual, or group of people that are entirely against the legalization of same-sex marriage unless they are tied to a church. It is unfair and unconstitutional that same-sex couples that have been together for many years, lives together and may even have children are not allowed the same benefits of an opposite-sex marriage. Church and state are supposedly separate, until God fearing representatives of the U.S. decide that they are against an issue they may not like, or agree with and then, and only then, it is "ok" to instill the morals of the church into the state. The issue aforementioned has been strongly debated not only in individual states, but by the country as a whole. Most states (38 states total) have adopted laws and policies that allow the union of same sex couples and in a few instances even grant them marriage licenses, although they are not recognized by a single federal agency unless that license was granted in Massachusetts. In May of 2004, Massachusetts was the first state to legalize same sex marriage. In all states the marriage is nil and void in virtually every sense, besides to the marrying couple, and the few that may have witnessed the actual wedding, the wedding never took place. In the few states where licenses are granted, the license

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