...Maslow is best known for his theory, the Hierarchy of Needs. Depicted in a pyramid, the theory explains the different levels and importance of human psychological and physical needs. It can be used by business managers to better understand employee motivation. The general needs in Maslow's hierarchy include physiological needs (food and clothing), safety needs (job security), social needs (friendship), self-esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs relates to organizational theory and behavior due to it's exploration of worker motivation, enabling better managerial practices and higher job satisfaction. Managers must be perceptive and empathetic to their employees—they must listen to what their employees' needs are and work to fulfill them. Maslow is best known for his theory, the Hierarchy of Needs. Depicted in a pyramid, the theory explains the different levels and importance of human psychological and physical needs. It can be used by business managers to better understand employee motivation. The general needs in Maslow's hierarchy include physiological needs (food and clothing), safety needs (job security), social needs (friendship), self-esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs relates to organizational theory and behavior due to it's exploration of worker motivation, enabling better managerial practices and higher job satisfaction. Managers must be perceptive and empathetic to their employees—they must listen to what their...
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...spills of molten steel. Any attempts by workers to improve their work conditions were uniformly rejected, and Carnegie routinely crushed any of the workers’ attempts to unionize. When Carnegie decided to get out of the steel business he sold his company “lock, stock, and barrel” to a consortium of New York investors for $485 million. The company was renamed U.S. Steel, and it is still one of the largest U.S. steel- makers today.The investors paid a high price for Carnegie’s company because they knew they could use its low-cost, competitive advantage to create a monopoly in the steel industry—which is exactly what they did. U.S. Steel kept the price of steel high and made huge profits for decades. Of course, Carnegie sold his company knowing this would likely happen. This further tarnished his reputation.1 • Jones: Introduction To Business: How Companies Create Value for People I. The Environment of Business 2. The Evolution of Business © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2007 38 Chapter Two The earliest writings about business date back to Mesopotamia in 3000 BC and were discovered by archaeologists in what is now the Middle East. Business goes back to the Stone Age, however. Economists regard the clan, or tribe, as the earliest form of organized “business” activity. The division of labor between a clan’s members into skilled hunters, food gatherers, craftspeople, priests, shaman, and sages is a good example of how these people organized their activities. (See Figure 2.1.) In fact...
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...governments by determining what pieces of data are necessary to provide useful information to citizens. FASB creates standards for all business and government entities to follow. GASB monitors government entities and sets the standards for local and state governments, while FASB works to help investors and creditors make decisions from the rules regulating the accounting standards of private entities. GASB helps to identify how accounting should be handled for receipts of funds that come from donations, grants, penalties, fines, and taxes. Funds received through business practices would need to be classified under GASB and FASB in government sectors, but if in a private entity it is only required to follow FASB. There are many differences between the GASB and the FASB as to which statements must be used, and for what reasons. As for the GASB a statement of net assets is used in exchange for the FASB’s balance sheet. A similar report called the statement of financial position is available for use by FASB but is not required. Net assets can be recognized under FASB as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted, while GASB also uses unrestricted and “restricted or invested in capital assets, net of related debt” (GASB). The two boards work hand in hand to make sure that rules are established and updated and standardized for business, government, and non-profits. They also ensure that they are reporting appropriately for the protection of those who need the information...
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...Critically evaluate Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as way of understanding employee motivation in contemporary Chinese business Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a famous psychological theory developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. This theory says that there is a hierarchy of human needs which reflects their motivations. He divided human needs into five hierarchies: physical needs, security needs, social needs, self-esteem and self-actualization needs. He stated that human motivations approximately change through these five levels. As a result, it has been considered as a useful tool in management in western countries because motivation is an important factor of human behaviors. Motivation plays an important role in employment. Well motivated workers work harder with higher efficiency and have a stronger sense of participation. However, some criticisms point out that Maslow’s theory may not be able to applied in some other culture contexts like China because it is based on a narrow research with particular targets in America. That is to say that Maslow’s theory is not correct in all nations because of cultural differences, especially in China. This essay will give a critical evaluation of this theory by considering its advantages and defects of Maslow’s theory to see whether it is useful in China. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is generally useful and makes a great contribution to business management. There are several advantages of Maslow’s theory. First, this theory clearly reflects human...
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...Hierarchy of needs theory, which is a theory in psychology, is written by Abraham Maslow in his paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in 1943 (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 2012). This hierarchy of needs theory is described in the shape of a pyramid. This pyramid is divided into five categories. This five needs are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. In generally, lower level needs are satisfied externally such as physiological needs and safety needs. In contrast, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs are satisfied internally. In this theory, the lower level of needs must be met or achieve before one will desire the higher level needs. For example, people are not going to desire the safety needs if they did not meet the physiological needs. First, physiological needs are required for human survival. People who fail to meet this requirement mean that they are not able to survive anymore. This is the most fundamental needs in the pyramid. One will not desire for higher needs if these needs are not fulfilled. For example, individual who is lack of foods, safety, and friendship will definitely consider food as the most important needs at that time because one will not able to survive without foods. According to Maslow, sexual reproduction is also included in this level due to it is essential to the survival of the species. Safety needs are the next level in the pyramid. It includes personal security, financial security, health and well being...
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...Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures Danny Silvio ACC/537 10/10/11 Professor Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures Generally Accepted Accounting Principles The sources of accounting principles and the framework for selecting the principles to be used in the preparation of financial statements are prepared by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The standard categorizes the major sources of GAAP as being FASB Standards, Interpretations and Staff Positions; APB Opinions; and AICPA Accounting Research Bulletins (Kiesco, Weygandt, & Warfield, Chap. 1, 2007). Chapter one describes this bottom portion of the hierarchy of GAAP as Category (A), being the most authoritative. When a specific accounting transaction occurs that these documents do not cover, companies go to the next level, which according to Kiesco, Weygandt, and Warfield’s (2007) illustration are Category B being FASB Technical Bulletins (which are no longer issued); AICPA Industry Audit and Accounting Guides; and AICPA Statements of Position. Although there is no single reference source for GAAP, there is a hierarchy established by the AICPA. At the foundation of that hierarchy are the principles established by the FASB and its predecessors, the APB and the AICPA Committee on Accounting Procedure. From that foundation, the hierarchy formulates a "pecking order" for all the rules and procedures that are incorporated in the preparation...
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...Accounting Concepts and Business Structures ACT/537 January 9, 2012 Explaining Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures A solid understanding of basic accounting is arguably one of the most essential skills future businesses leaders require for success. The business world operates to make a profit, and in order to do so, managers must understand the numbers. Managers from marketing, production, management, or information systems should each understand fundamentals of accounting and business structures to be more effective in their respective departments (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2007). In an effort to help facilitate this understanding the following paper will attempt to identify and describe sources of generally accepted accounting principles, (GAAP) with a highlight on why hierarchy is important, describe effective accounting information using the qualities of accounting information, describe how an accrual based accounting system is different from a cash basis of accounting, and describe types of business structures and the defining features of each structure. Sources of GAAP An essential accounting concept business managers should understand is the hierarchy of the GAAP. GAAP are common accounting procedures that organizations use to prepare their financial statements. The standards outlined by the GAAP are the basis for accounting in the United States (Pounder, 2011). It is essential managers understand the GAAP hierarchy as they are preparing...
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...DRM, FDM, ODI…OMG Which Tool Do I Use? Edward Roske eroske@interrel.com BLOG: LookSmarter.blogspot.com WEBSITE: www.interrel.com TWITTER: ERoske Introduction to EPM Architect: Cheaper…Faster…Better Edward Roske eroske@interrel.com BLOG: LookSmarter.blogspot.com WEBSITE: www.interrel.com TWITTER: ERoske Thinking Outside the Cube: NonFinancial Applications of Oracle Essbase Edward Roske eroske@interrel.com BLOG: LookSmarter.blogspot.com WEBSITE: www.interrel.com TWITTER: ERoske About interRel Reigning Oracle Titan Award winner – EPM & BI Solution of the year 2008 Oracle EPM Excellence Award 2009 Oracle EPM/BI Innovation Award One of the fastest growing companies in the world (Inc. Magazine, ‟08 & ‟09 & „10) Two Hyperion Oracle ACE Directors and one Oracle Ace Founding Hyperion Platinum Partner; now Oracle Platinum Partner Focused exclusively on Oracle Hyperion EPM software Consulting Training Infrastructure and Installation Support Software sales 4 7 Hyperion Books Available: Essbase (7): Complete Guide Essbase System 9: Complete Guide Essbase System 9: End User Guide Smart View 11: End User Guide Essbase 11: Admin Guide Planning: End Users Guide Planning: Administrators To order, check out www.LuLu.com •5 •Copy right © 2007, Hy perion. All rights reserv ed. Select interRel Customers 6 Abstract DRM, FDM (or is it FDQM), ODI, ERPI, EPMA…thanks, Oracle, for all of these tools but which tool...
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...Übius, Ruth Alas Estonian Business School, Estonia, Tallinn 10114, Lauteri 3 The purpose of this paper is to investigate connections between corporate social responsibility and organizational culture types. The survey was conducted in Estonian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Czech, Finnish, German and Slovakian electric-electronic machine, retail store and machine-building enterprises. The main aim of the study is to find connections between corporate social responsibility and different organizational culture types. According to Cameron and Quinn (1998), culture defines the core values, assumptions, interpretations and approaches that characterise an organization. Competing Values Framework is extremely useful in helping to organize and interpret a wide variety of organizational phenomena. The four dominant culture types – hierarchy, market, clan and adhocracy emerge from the framework. According to Strautmanis (2007), social responsibility is part of organizational culture and a value in the organizational culture environment. Development of social responsibility is a change in values orientation, whose task is shaping the attitudes, transformation of the personal position so that it matches individual and public interests. Different organizations have framed different definitions about corporate social responsibility - although there is considerable common ground between them. Nowadays corporate social responsibility is an integral part of the business vocabulary and is regarded...
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...Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures Karen Miersma ACC/537 July 14, 2012 Professor James Neuner Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures One of the first things looked at when studying accounting concepts and business structures is GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles). There is a hierarchy that accountants use when exploring “substantial authoritative support” (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, 2007, Chapter 1, Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards) in their accounting practices. This hierarchy provides the framework needed to prepare company financial statements. This hierarchy is very important because it is the company’s responsibility to select the accounting principles for their financial statements and the company needs to be in compliance with GAAP. Hierarchy Here are four main categories in this hierarchy. The first is the most authoritative, etc. 1. FASB Standards; APB Opinions; AICPA Research Bulletins. 2. FASB Bulletins; AICPA Accounting and Audit Guides; AICPA Statements. 3. FASB Emerging Issues Task Force; AICPA AcSEC Bulletins. 4. AICPA Interpretations; FASB Implementations; Widely Recognized and Prevalent Industry Practices1. Descriptions The federal government established the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) to help regulate, standardize, and develop the financial information the stockholders receive (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, Chapter 1, Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards, 2007). The...
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...proposal process of a business and which projects the company chooses to undertake. These influences can encourage and discourage competition and innovation, depending on the nature of the company's political climate. Employees and managers at a small business must work together to manage company politics and not allow these maneuvers to overshadow the formal hierarchy. Loudest Voices Win Those who show no fear in participating in company politics are able to establish the relationships necessary to gain a powerful voice in the decision-making process. This can provide employees with an opportunity to display important job skills, which can turn political influence in the company into very real promotions. According to CNN Money's website, those who attempt to remain above the fray miss out on chances to establish a leadership presence and influence the progress of company projects, including deciding which projects get endorsed. Circumventing Formal Hierarchy Company politics circumvents normally established hierarchy within a business. This means a lower-level employee can establish a connection with an executive and gain a voice in decisions she may not otherwise have an opportunity to participate in. She can influence the decision-making process informally to gain approval for projects that benefit her department and work to kill others that may not provide as great an opportunity to shine. This can lead to unrest within the formal managerial hierarchy if other executives...
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...Cultural Issues in Business" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Japan There are many advantages in a company seeking to expand into the Japanese Market, it is one of the world’s large economies. There are also cross cultural issues in an American Company marketing to Japanese Society. A company can very easily “make it” or “break it” if not sensitive to the culture and etiquette in their marketing strategies. The Japanese Culture is ancient and full of traditions that make up why someone of this descent may act or carry themselves in a certain way. This would also affect the decisions an individual makes regarding product selection. A commercial that is attractive to an American housewife may not be attractive to a Japanese housewife. A few of the differences in American and Japanese culture are importance of hierarchy, group harmony, using certain numbers in advertising and language barriers. Cross Cultural Issues Hierarchy is highly respected in Japan personally and professionally, yet in America hierarchy exists but is not held to as high of standards or tradition. This is so engrained in the Japanese Culture that children even refer to their senior and junior classmates with specific names. Personally this hierarchy is based on age, the eldest would be seated at a place of honor at the dinner table and be the first person to start eating. The significance placed on hierarchy can cause issues in...
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...English and French are a part of business meetings in order to accommodate all people. Typically, Canada’s business conversational style includes being composed, restrained, negotiated and refined. Canadian businessmen and women tend to be straightforward and say what they mean without being aggressive and insulting. With being straightforward they give and expect to receive genuine answers, not misleading answers. (Canadian Communication, n.d). Conversation When it comes to conversation it all starts with the introduction. Greetings in Canadian business culture include being introduced based on rank (highest rank is introduced first) and making eye contact. (Canadian Business, n.d). Conversations are based on considerate and impartial topics. Canadians are open to discussing conventional topics which typically include sports, weather, interests and vacations. While conducting business with individuals from other countries it is considered impolite to speak in a language other than a language that is understood by everyone. (Doing Business, n.d.)...
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...Question 6, Chapter 2, Page 75 “Marketing Plan and Business Plan” Business plan and marketing plan are a very vital part and should not be forgotten in running a business, because these two things are the basis of operating a business effectively and efficiently. These plans are not only help businesses organize their operations, but help determine about their success or failure. Moreover, these things are needed to avoid something that harm to company’s existence and probably it can reduce the risks that might occur in a company in the future. Hence, having a clear business plan and marketing plan it can give a clear illustrations about the targets and goals that are determined by the company at the beginning. Generally, a large company has a very high standards in operating their business and very carefully in determining some plans for their business in the future both business plan and marketing plan, because they do not want to be careless in the determination of business plan and marketing plan in their company that will make a huge effect in their company. There are some differences in business plan and marketing plan that classify each other, the fundamentally difference from a business plan and marketing plan is the goal and specification of what is want to be achieved by a company. Hence, it will have some step by step stages to achieve the goals that have been specified at the beginning. Business plan is a concept how we can interact with the investors and bankers...
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...Organized crime, today, is huge in the United States. The media depicts organized crime by showing a family of the Italian decent controlling either the neighborhood or the city. Shows like the Sopranos, is a good example of a family base organized crime. This paper will discuss how I would describe or define organized crime, how does the perception compare to the definitions in the readings, and the characteristics that are associated with organized criminal behavior. When I think of organized crime, the definition that pops into my head is that it is a group a people, either one ethnic group or different races, that runs or controls the neighborhood or probably the city. They either sell drugs and other goods and they also kill anyone that mess with them or their family or a person that owes them money. The definition that the book describe or define organized crime is the dominated by (but is not exclusively) a single, monolithic criminal organization made up of criminals of Italian descent—the Mafia. (Lyman, 2007) In 2005, the NCIS describe organized crime as a group that contains at least three people; criminal activity the group engages in is ongoing and indefinite in duration; group is motivated by a desire for profit or power; and the group commits serious criminal offenses. (Lyman, 2007) There are two structures that can be look at when defining the organize crime of its activity and structures. The first thing is that organized crime is now going global. With technology...
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