...Highlights • Positive growth trends in major business segments, specifically Windows and Windows Live and Microsoft Business indicates a strong BUY rating. Continued dominance in the operating system market segment along with new products being introduced to consumers and businesses are expected to generate added revenue growth. • Cash Flows remain strong and large international reserves position Microsoft well to deploy capital should strategic acquisitions become available. • Outdated technology used by consumers has been revamped by Windows 8 and subsequent products which eliminate previous opinions of MSFT lack of innovation. This has resulted in positive reviews for new product lines. • A strategic shift in Microsoft's product release cycle creates the potential for new revenue streams and allows for updates to reach consumers in a shorter period of time. Starting in 2013, MSFT is making changes to the way products will be delivered, shortening the release cycle and moving more toward Software as a Service (SaaS) products. The new release cycles will create new revenue streams, previously associated with large product releases. Changes in philosophy towards iterative development lifecycle will reduce the development costs as customer input will be received earlier in the development lifecycle. • Market Outlook of Global IT Services- According to industry estimates, expenditures on IT services were expected to grow at a rate of 6% in 2012. Demand for IT services...
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...Community Impacts : Hricko. Andrea."Global Trade Comes Home: Community Impacts of Goods Movement.," Environmental Health Feb2008, accessed October 5,2014, This article focuse on the airpollution and the impacts on the community residents in Long Beach. It shined light on the idea that the government and society as a whole focuses more on electronics, toys and fancy items versus their health. It is very common for indivdivauls toe aware of the latest gadget that has come out versus the impact pollution and toxicticy will have on the their lives. This in itself speaks volumes on the way we value our health. The article touches bases on the trucks,trains and warhouses near residential areas. Indivudals whom live close to these routes that truck drivers must take in order to get to their appropriate location, are constantly being exposed to vechile emissions that causes serious halth problems. Forty percent of all imports in the Unted States come from the ports in Long beach and Los Angeles. This massive percentage plays a large part in the health threats that residence living near the ports experience. Much less attention has focused on air pollution and other community-level impacts in the United States, as toys, electronics, * food, and other imports travel through ports, then to trucks, trains, warehouses, and stores in a complex system called “goods movement.” Along the route, residents are exposed to diesel exhaust and other vehicle emissions, noise from truck-congested...
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...Chapter 1 Introduction to customer relationship management This page intentionally left blank Chapter objectives By the end of this chapter, you will be aware of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. four major perspectives on CRM: strategic, operational, analytical and collaborative several common misunderstandings about CRM a definition of CRM the six constituencies having an interest in CRM how important CRM issues vary across industries five generic models of CRM. Introduction The expression customer relationship management (CRM) has only been in use since the early 1990s. Since then there have been many attempts to define the domain of CRM, a number of which appear in Table 1.1. As a relatively immature business or organizational practice, a consensus has not yet emerged about what counts as CRM. Even the meaning of the three-letter acronym CRM is contested. For example, although most people would understand that CRM means customer relationship management, others have used the acronym to mean customer relationship marketing.1 Information technology (IT) companies have tended to use the term CRM to describe the software applications that automate the marketing, selling and service functions of businesses. This equates CRM with technology. Although the market for CRM software is now populated with many players, it started in 1993 when Tom Siebel founded Siebel Systems Inc. Use of the term CRM can be traced back to that period. Forrester, the technology research organization, estimates that...
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...HONEY Honey, though very sticky, can actually highlight your hair. You can apply honey straight to your wet hair and leave on for two hours. An alternative method is to mix equal parts of honey, lemon and water in a spray bottle. Apply to damp hair and spend an hour in the sun. You will need to wash your hair twice to get out all the honey. Honey gives hair a lot of bounce and natural highlights. CHAMOMILE TEABelieve it or not, brunettes can get natural golden highlights this summer with chamomile tea. Boil a pot of chamomile tea and allow it to cool completely. Wash and condition your hair normally, then rinse your hair with the tea. Relax outside in the sun with your tea-drenched hair for 30-60 minutes. Repeat every other day until your hair has beautiful natural highlights. OLIVE OILYou may know that olive oil is a fabulous hair conditioner but many people don't realize it can be used as a natural hair lightener too. Comb a generous amount of olive oil through your hair. Spend about an hour in the sun and then wash out the oil. Your hair will not only be naturally highlighted, it will be moisturized too! Repeat three days a week until you achieve the desired highlights. LEMONThe best known of the natural hair highlighters is lemon. Mix 1/4 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice and 3/4 cup of water in spray bottle. Spritz lemon water onto your hair but do not saturate scalp. Leave mixture on your hair for 2 hours, spending at least 30 minutes of that time in the sun. Be...
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...>> Anne Rudden: Good afternoon. My name is Anne Rudden, and I am here to introduce Adam Lashinsky, who is joining us as part of the Microsoft Research Visiting Speaker Series. Adam is here today to discuss his book, Inside Apple, How America's Most Admired and Secretive Company Really Works. Apple has created some deeply loved products, but even sophisticated business people don't understand how Apple does what it does. Adam will tell us more about some of their unique approaches to business. Adam Lashinsky is a senior editor at large for Fortune Magazine, where he covers technology and finance. He is also a frequent speaker and Fox News contributor. Prior to joining Fortune Lashinsky was columnist for the street.com and the San Jose Mercury News. Please join me in welcoming Adam Lashinsky. [applause]. >> Adam Lashinsky: Thank you very much. It's really wonderful to be here. I want to tell you straight off the bat that I'm doing this presentation on Power Point and running off of PC. A dirty little secret that I've been waiting to reveal until I got here is that I wrote the book on a PC in Word. So thank you. Thank you very much. I have to get some things off my screen. There we go. And one other sort of opening comment is that I know that a lot of people when they begin a talk ask people to turn off their telephones or to close their laptops. I would like you to do just the opposite. I'm assuming that if you are looking at...
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...17 What helped Job to maintain his integrity? Clearly, before the calamities struck, he had already cultivated a close relationship with Jehovah. Although we have no evidence that he knew that Satan had challenged Jehovah, Job was determined to stay loyal. He said: “Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself!” (Job 27:5) How did Job develop this close relationship? No doubt, he cherished what he had heard about God’s dealings with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who were his distant relatives. And by observing creation, Job could discern many of Jehovah’s qualities.—Read Job 12:7-9, 13, 16. 18. (a) How did Job show his devotion to Jehovah? (b) In what ways do we imitate Job’s fine example? 18 What Job learned aroused in him the desire to please Jehovah. In case his family members might have done something displeasing to God or “have cursed God in their heart,” he regularly offered sacrifices. (Job 1:5) Even when being severely tested, Job still said positive things about Jehovah. (Job 10:12) What a fine example! We too must regularly take in accurate knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes. We hold to a healthy routine in such spiritual activities as study, meeting attendance, prayer, and the preaching of the good news. Moreover, we do everything in our power to make known the name of Jehovah. And just as Job’s integrity pleased Jehovah, so the integrity of God’s servants today makes Jehovah’s heart rejoice. This subject will be considered in the following...
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...Highlights from Journal Articles Below is a summary of research findings on six key benefit areas of garden-based learning for children, youth, adults, and families: 1. Nutrition Awareness 2. Environmental Awareness 3. Learning Achievements 4. Life Skills 5. Health and Wellness 6. Community Building and Social Connections Nutrition Awareness Gardening improves opportunities for children, youth, adults and families to gain interest and eat fruits and vegetables. Results from this study of middle school-aged students indicate that school gardening may affect children’s vegetable consumption, including improved recognition of, attitudes toward, preferences for, and willingness to taste vegetables. Gardening also increases the variety of vegetables eaten. (Ratcliffe, M.M., et al. (2011) The Effects of School Garden Experiences on Middle School-Aged Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Associated with Vegetable Consumption. Health Promotion Practice 12.1: 36-43.) The article reports that school gardens can positively impact children’s food choices by improving their preferences for vegetables and increasing their nutrition knowledge. (Graham, H. et al. (2005) Use of School Gardens in Academic Instruction. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 37: 3: 147-151.) A study in Tucson, AZ showed that children who participated in the garden learned to like healthy foods. The vegetables that the children grew had a high intrinsic value. (Cavaliere, D. (1987). How...
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...CHAPTER 15 DETAILED SCHEDULING AND CONTROL PROCESSES IN SYNCHRONOUS ENVIRONMENTS WITH TOC Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective, 2nd ed., Hanna & Newman, Thomson/South-Western © 2007 1 INTRODUCTION • Asynchronous value-adding systems: allow separate value-adding activities to be scheduled independently • Bottleneck: any resource that has insufficient capacity to satisfy requirements • Synchronous value-adding systems: require that the timing of value-adding activities be coordinated (synchronized) • The presence of a bottleneck requires that the timing of value-adding activities be coordinated (i.e. synchronized) Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective, 2nd ed., Hanna & Newman, Thomson/South-Western © 2007 2 TOC: THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS 1. Identify system constraints 2. Determine how to exploit the system constraints 3. 3 Subordinate every other decision to the decision made in step 2 4. Elevate the system constraint 5. If the constraint has changed, go back to step 1 Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective, 2nd ed., Hanna & Newman, Thomson/South-Western © 2007 3 1 A SIMPLE SCREEN-PRINTING VALUE-ADDING SYSTEM Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective, 2nd ed., Hanna & Newman, Thomson/South-Western © 2007 4 SCREEN-PRINTING EXAMPLE: SALESPERSON’S PERSPECTIVE • Sales commission is 7–10% of sales: – sell lots of expensive items to new customers – results in selling...
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...Omar Solórzano Period 4 3\20\2014 Okonkwo: The Collapse of a Great Warrior. Okonkwo has risen from nothing to a high position. Through hard work, he has become a great man among his people. He has taken three wives and his barn is full of yams, the staple crop. He rules his family with an iron fist. This change was due to a series of events that changed him from being a man with no future expected, to one of the leaders in Umuofia. Umuofia was given a little boy and girl to compensate for an offense. The girl was to become Umuofia’s wife and the boy, Ikemefuna, was to become a sacrifice but not immediately. He was placed under Okonkwo’s roof for the time being. Ikemefuna slowly became attached to the family; Nwoye, Okonkwo’s oldest son loved Ikemefuna like a brother. Later on, Oracle calls for the boy's death, and a group of men take Ikemefuna away to kill him in the forest. Okonkwo participated on the boy’s death to avoid being seen as “weak”, ironically, this made Okonkwo a stronger person; having lost Ikemefuna, who he loved. Later, during the funeral for one of the great men in Umuofia, Okonkwo’s gun fired and killed a boy, causing his banishment for 7 years. Forced to start over without the strength and enthusiasm of his youth, Okonkwo flees to his motherland “Mbanto”. He is received by his mother’s family, including his old and wise uncle, Uchendo. Uchendo asked Okonkwo why the most common child name is Nneka meaning “Mother is supreme”. Okonkwo...
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...Chapter 11 - Reporting and interpreting Owners' Equity 1. Corporations • Separate entities - have a continuous and separate existence apart from their owners • Granted status by state government (not federal) • Governed by a board of directors elected by the stockholders 2. Benefits of Stock Ownership • A voice in Management - vote in stockholder's meeting • Dividends - receive a proportional share of earnings • Residual Claim - receive a share of remaining assets upon liquidation of company 3. Common Stock vs. Preferred Stock Common Stock Preferred Stock Type The basic voting stock issued by corporation The different type of stock with right over common stock, not really different from buying bond Voting right Holders (“owners”)have voting rights No voting rights Dividends At discretion of board of directors, can not be calculated Priority payment of dividends and asset liquidity, can be calculated, less risky Others Low “par value” Fixed dividend based on par value Benefit of Issuing Do not show as liability so doesn't affect certain ratio; company also gets capital --- 4. Common Shares - Initial Public Offering (IPO): the first time a stock is offered to the public Seasoned New Issue: subsequent sales of new stock to the public Employees Stock Options: ability for employees to purchases stock at a predetermined, fixed price Treasury Stock: repurchases of common stock by the company ISSUED SHARES + UNISSUED...
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...Non-Profit Organization Management: The Holistic Highlights Non-Profit organization management is not very different from managing any discrete organization. A not so recent survey conducted by The National Center for Charitable Statistics states that there were over 1.5 million non-profit organizations in United States alone, in the year 2010. A footnote mentioned that this did not take into account those, whose income was less than $25,000. The above piece of trivia is just an indicative proof for the opening statement. While every non-profit organization has certain perks, and there are elaborate relaxations in context of taxation decrees applicable to such entities, the very large number indicates that every domain (well, we know each non-profit organization has its own domain of operations) still would have appreciable competition. But a chunk of Success lies in standing out. Identity and Branding Vision and Ideology When it comes to being an effective non-profit organization management: being very strict in its adherence and compliance with the ideology and vision of the organization at large is the cardinal rule of survival. No other organization or entity depends on branding and image as much as a Non-Profit Organization would ever do. The Vision of the organization is what classifies it, and sets its domain of operations. The Ideology and its vociferous publication of the same, is what creates the image and identity of the non-profit organization. Herein lays...
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...Thomas L. Friedman’s book, The World Is Flat, demonstrates how barriers of competition are impacted through globalization in today’s business world. As companies and economies of all sizes are finding, the modernization and globalization of supply chains, production operations through multinational networks and availability of streamlined IT resources have transformed the competitive landscape into a level playing field. Additionally, firms are now presented with a menu of investment opportunities that span the globe. These investments, which include the purchasing of materials from overseas vendors or stocks from foreign corporations to outsourcing labor, demonstrate the positive and negative effects involved in an increased globalized market place. The practice of outsourcing on the part of firms is a “text-book” example of how the limitations of access to resources and labor are not as relevant as they once were, seeing as how today’s firms can sustain or increase their competitiveness simply by implementing cost-effective measures such as purchasing cheaper goods or hiring a cheaper labor force in foreign markets. One of the most notable statements made by Friedman is that any work that can be digitized will flow to those who are best able to do it. This couldn’t be closer to the truth considering the occurrences during the recession of the past two years. As the economic downturn continued, the profitability of many companies decreased, therefore prompting the managers...
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...Explain how you would perform the role of Dr Rank in his first and final appearances in order to highlight how the character develops over the course of the play. A Doll’s House is a naturalistic polemic written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879. Depicting the life of a 19th century housewife, Nora, the play entails how she goes behind her husband’s back in order to borrow money. Ibsen wanted to convey naturalism in order to connect with his audience as he dealt with controversial subjects (of the time) and the running themes of marriage, the treatment of women and deceit. It is these aims I will acknowledge when exploring the development of Rank’s character through Act 1 and Act 3. One perspective of viewing Rank’s development in the play is as the mutual mediator between Torvald and Nora; presenting a neutral perspective of society for both the Helmer’s and the audience throughout. Through this progress he demonstrates his initial confidence of happy visitor and friend; to a reflective and sensitive man with cynical views on his approaching death. I would cast Rank as an older man in order to represent his impending death, keeping true to naturalism by making his illness more believable for the audience. His age would be reinforced through his soft facial features – whether they be cast or enhanced by stage make-up. I would also cast him as a tall, slim man in order to convey his high status of being a well-respected doctor in society. For Rank’s first appearance I would dress him...
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...the Home tab. You can format your headings by using heading styles, or highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together to help communicate your ideas. Go ahead and get started.awdawdawdwadawdadda headings by using heading styles, or highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together to help communicate your ideas. Go ahead and get started.awdawdawdwadawdadda headings by using heading styles, or highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together to help communicate your ideas. Go ahead and get started.awdawdawdwadawdaddawadwdadwadawdawd headings by using heading styles, or highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These...
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...Project Proposal Site Structure IT 236 October 14, 2012 University Of Phoenix Project Proposal Site Structure • Page content My main page will consist of many links that lead in to different regions. First I have an “About Us” page which will have information of my staff and I. Second I will have “Contact us” page that will list email addresses of those writing and editing. Third, there will be four pages which cover markets including west coast, east coast, mid-west, and south regions. Each will have links to their individual teams in which the user will be able to read, blog, and watch highlights. • File names Main Page = index.html About Us = about.html Contact Us = contact.html East Coast Region = ecr.html East Coast Region Teams = ecrteams1.html East Coast Region blog = ecrblog2.html East Coast Region vid/high = ecrflash.html Mid-West Region = mwr.html Mid-West Region Teams = mwrteams1.html Mid-West Region blog = mwrblog2.html Mid-West Region vid/high = mwrflash.html South Region = southr.html South Region Teams = southrteams1.html South Region blog = southrblog2.html South Region vid/high = southrflash.html West Coast Region = wcr.html West Coast Region Teams = wcrteams1.html West Coast Region blog = wcrblog2.html West Coast Region vid/high = wcrflash.html • Relationships between page From the main page, the user will be allowed to roam through various pages and links through the main page. Once the user...
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