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Hiring the Right Employee


Submitted By amihills
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Process of Getting Hired Today
Final Paper
Amelia Hills
Composition I CM107
May 1, 2013

With the economy in a sad state, many individuals are taking the opportunity to better their education for a better life. Therefore, when an individual either quits or is terminated from a job there are many expenses involved with hiring a new employee. What does it take to get a job today? It really is about whom you know; what you know helps too. Add onto that that you need to do extensive research on the company you will interview for and hope that they have done their own research on you such as call your references at least. But how far is a company willing to go to find out what kind of person you are before that initial interview? Some companies go as far as checking out your Facebook page, as well as your LinkedIn page, I don’t believe this is acceptable, nor do I think a potential employee should go to that length either. Have you ever heard the phrase it’s not about who you know, it’s about what you know? Well, today that is not always the case. Networking is very important when looking for that perfect fit job. You might ask, “What is networking?” Networking is a support system of information sharing and services (jobs) among individuals and groups having a common interest ( There are several ways of networking, some more common are over the internet and advertised or hidden market jobs (No One Will Hire Me). Advertised are just that, they are jobs found in the classified ads, or posted on websites such as or Hidden jobs are the unadvertised jobs, or those that are word of mouth. Sometimes these are the best jobs and often pay more and have a more promising future. Internet is a great way to network as well, there are many sites out there that help you understand and help develop your networking skills. Sites like have message boards for advice and referrals, online networking sites geared towards women specifically include (American Business Women’s Association) and (Business Women’s Network Interactive). Alright, you have done your networking turned in resume after resume, and application after application. You get “The Call”, set up a time to go in and speak with Human Resources and a Department Manager. For some people this can be the most nerve racking thing, and find selling yourself almost impossible and this might be where the whole interview gets blown. As experienced individuals though we know there are certain highlights that we can score points on though. We know that we need to dress better than the position we are applying for, even if you’re applying for a fast food position, dress up, nice slacks and blouse or dress shirt, look as if you are applying for the CEO position. You have to remember that you are competing against other potential candidates that are equally qualified or more qualified than you. That first impression is so important, from how we dress, what we smell like (no over-powering cologne or perfume) and how we greet our potential employer (genuine smile, firm handshake, maintain eye contact, and no shifty eye movement, some believe if you look off to the left during a one-on-one, that you are lying or providing false information). The face-to-face encounter with the potential employer is significant, they get the feel for how good your verbal and non-verbal skills are. Closing the interview process is just as important as the opening, you don’t want to just get up and walk out like you do not want the job. Let the interviewer(s) know that you are interested in the position available, thank the interviewer(s) for his/her/both of their time, shake hands again, and leave with a genuine smile on your face. Another thing many companies are worried about when hiring a new employee, is if they are going to last the longer term, or are they going to just go through the hiring and training process and last only a few short weeks or months. People with higher educations expect a higher rate of pay. For instance, let’s say you work for a company that is hiring a new office manager. The company is looking to hire a recent graduate from college; salary is low at $65,000. The company spent $200 to advertise for the position on for 2 weeks. They provided a sign on bonus of $6000 if the individual stays for 1 year, and paid for their moving expenses of an additional $4000. After the individual starts, though they have some experience, not enough, so there are three weeks of training for a total expense of $3,750. The company has racked up almost $14,000 worth of expenses just to hire one person (True Cost of Hiring v. Retention). So you don’t want to hire the wrong candidate who will leave the company in a short period of time. Researching the right person for the job your company is hiring for is important. It will save you and the company time and money in the long run. Help retain not just the new hire(s), but other employee’s as well if you choose an individual who fits in with the company as a whole, not just the department they will be working for. Most people don’t want to stay in the same position forever, so choosing the right person to start in one area and can work their way up to the top if they so choose to. So as a Human Resource Manager, research is key in finding the right person, so don’t just go with that gut feeling that they “might” be the right one, but make sure you check references, glance at their LinkedIn page to see if they know anyone you might be able to get a personal reference off of, for an idea about the individuals character.

Cited References
Krannich, Ron and Caryl Ph.D.’s 2007 No One Will Hire Me: Avoiding 17 Mistakes and Win the Job Impact Publications Manassas, VA
The True Cost of Hiring vs. Retention Expenses 2011 Hire for Success Accessed April 12, 2013

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