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History Short Essay


Submitted By mikki20
Words 677
Pages 3
The social dimension of the Lakota religion differs from the social dimension of Hinduism because historically they have been a group of nomadic people who organize their lives and ceremonies around the movement of the sun and stars. The stories were told over and over again every year so that they would not be forgotten. Lakota history was passed from generation to generation through storytelling. Elders shared tales with young ones to preserve the culture, rituals, and tradition to ensure the continuation of their people. Lakota history and religion was also written on winter counts, which was a pictorial account of the year. Lakota religion and spirituality was also an important factor that kept the people’s minds and bodies strong. Their sacred ceremonies helped keep them in balance. When they went through intense suffering, starvation, and death. They all came together and participated in the Ghost Dance movement in an effort to restore lost relatives and the traditional way of life. The vision quest is also an important religious ceremony. The vision quest was used as rite of passage for young men. Some one that undertook the vision quest would have to pray on hill for as long as four days and nights, without food or water. The individual would have to maintain a state of mental awareness while praying, and try their best not to fall asleep. It was important, because during this time they might receive a vision that would bring insight to themselves and their people.
As for the social dimension of Hinduism, they focus more on their own social structures, dimensions, and the four stages of life. In Hinduism their social dimensions are structured differently. They have their Brahmin’s at the top followed by the Kshatriyas, Vaishya’s, and Sudras. They each have their place in society and they perform different essential functions. The Brahmins teach, perform

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