...always be supporters and critics who continue to debate this topic. Concussions happen in sports every day, they are very common in contact sports. First off, a concussion is a brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body that shakes the brain inside the skull (WebMD, 1). When you get a concussion, you may not think clearly there are a whole bunch of symptoms that can happen, it can be your thinking or it can be physical. A concussion can last up to a few hours, or they can last days or weeks (WebMD, 4). How long your concussion is really depends on how hard you hit your head. A concussion is caused if your head is hit hard enough that the spinal fluid surrounding your brain is not enough from cushioning your brain from hitting your skull (WebMD, 1). The only way...
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...history of jazz music. During his career which lasted more than half of a century, he composed thousands of songs. Duke Ellington created one of the most distinctive ensemble sounds in Western Music, while still playing what he called “American Music”. Duke Ellington will forever remain one of jazz’s music innovators. Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington was born on April 29, 1899. His parents were James Edward Ellington, and Daisy Kennedy Ellington. As a child growing up in Washington D.C, he loved music. At the age of four Duke listened to his mother play a popular piano tune called “The Rosary”, Duke cried saying the song was so pretty....
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...THE MARKETING MIX: 4 P’S Rob Sloan MKT1040-8 November 21, 2012 MAI PHUNG NAVI PRASHAD SARAH KON MATT GAMMON 5317904 6018196 5834577 6441950 I NTRODUCTION: Company Overview & Ryder Jeans Tommy Hilfiger has earned worldwide recognition as one of the top leaders in premium lifestyle brands. Its high quality “Classic American Cool” preppy fashion with a refreshing twist is currently distributed in 90+ countries 1. In 1985, with the support of a businessman, Tommy Hilfiger released his first signature collection, offering high quality clothes for men, women, and children. The brand became a major hit after George Lois, a famous advertising communicator released a Tommy Hilfiger ad in New York’s Time Square 2. The 1985 “Hangman Billboard Ad” instantly ignited Tommy Hilfiger’s career, making it the starting point of his worldwide success and popularity. In the 90’s, Hilfiger Denim created a very bold marketing campaign in which they featured emerging musical talents such as Britney Spears and Lenny Kravitz 3. The strategy was to develop lasting relationships with cultural influencers and trendsetters in order to entice younger consumers to purchase the brand 4. Pop culture was becoming a worldwide phenomenon, attracting young consumers all over the world. In 2004, Beyonce signed a deal with Tommy Hilfiger agreeing to be the spokesperson for Hilfiger’s True Star fragrance. Her relationship with the brand proved to be major success, as sales skyrocketed ...
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...various societies, but will develop understanding of the criminal justice system and the sociological implications associated with this, leading to important (and employable) skills acquisition. Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminality as well as society’s response thereto. Criminology incorporates various disciplines such as psychology, history, law, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry and has sub-categories including victimology (studying victims), penology (reviewing prisons), psychological analysis (profiling of crime scenes and perpetrators), etc. An economic profile is a basic overview of the economy in a certain state, country, or city. An economic profile should always include the expenditure or consumption of money in that area. An economic profile combines narrative information with selective business and financial data to provide an overview of the economic landscape of an industry, business sector, city, region or nation. Companies use economic profiles to assess new investment opportunities and evaluate the desirability of an area for relocation or business expansion. In government, these reports provide valuable intelligence and inform economic policy. Writing an economic profile requires knowing your audience and what it expects to learn from the report, as well as attention to the basics of good professional writing, including concise sentences that rely on active voice and minimize the use of specialized jargon. The term “student profile”...
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...Chapter 3 Overview: Crossovers and Covers Everything we have really discussed so far has taken place early 1900s, especially 1920s to the 1940s. (excepts for a few listening examples) Pop, Country Western, and Rhythm and Blues, the 3 genres that formed rock, actually coexisted in the early 50s. 1954-1956 was when things started to combine. The book says the 3 genres were “ruined.” Actually, the main 3 genres were not in ruins, many things in this chapter start to become opinion. The method for the combination of the 3 genres started with the crossover-records (songs) that originated in one market but succeeded in another. Of course examples existed before this time period but mainly started in the 50s. Frequently there were R&B songs that started to gain popularity on the Pop charts. Basically each genre had its own Billboard Top 100 chart, so for an R&B song to make it onto the Pop top 100 was very impressive and never happened before the 1950s. Be familiar with the crossover examples listed in the book as they may be on a test. Early Crossover Hits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYO263wui1w Lloyd Price-“Lawdy Miss Clawdy” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osxtbQdGXfI The Crows-“Gee” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJcGi4-n_Yw The Penguins-“Earth Angel” The Majors which we talked about last class noticed the interest in crossovers and of course moved to capitalize on the interest. They began producing their own crossovers. These became known as cover...
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...Table of Contents Abstract 3 What is IT 4 Culture 4-5 Language 5 Do not be left behind 5 Job Outlook 5-6 Annual income 6-7 Schooling 8 References 9-10 Abstract This report is going to cover Professional Language and Culture in the Information Technology (IT) field. It also includes a brief description of what the IT field is. Along with the job outlook projected from 2008 through 2018. One of the most important things in the IT field is to keep up to date with the latest trends. There is a chart covering the annual income of some of the careers in the field. As well as a chart that covers the annual total cost of tuition and fees for some of the best online schools. Professional Language and Culture Report What is Information Technology (IT)? IT is an acronym for “Information Technology” and you pronounce it by saying the letters individually. IT is anything related to computing such as the internet, hardware, software, networking, and even the people it takes to operate and maintain the systems. Almost all large companies have their own IT department that manage the computers, servers, networks, security, and anything else that falls into their area of expertise (Techterms, 2011). Culture According to a blog, by La Salle, “Culture has been a constant worry in the Information Technology (IT) field, since it has been observed that culture can influence on the success of IT adoption and usage” (2010). More often than not the professionals...
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...Marks and Spencer (M&S) is one of the many well-known British retailers; boasting over 700 stores in UK only and a work force of over 78,000 people world-wide.1 Marks and Spencer manages four (4) major sections, clothing, food, home and financial services. In clothing, marks and Spencer offer women’s wear, lingerie, menswear, children’s wear and footwear. For food, they offer fresh foods, ready meals, food for special occasions and wine. In the home section, they vend designer furniture, for example Autograph. With over 21 million people visiting the stores each week, M&S has become the number one provider of women wear and lingerie in the UK, and are rapidly growing their market share in men wear, kids wear and home.2 The clothing and home ware sales account for 49% of its business whilst 51% is in food i.e. fresh produce, groceries, partly-prepared meals and ready meals.3 In 2007; M&S unveiled the Plan A- a £200m project to become carbon neutral by 2012 as part of a contribution to limit climate change. “Through Plan A we are working with our customers and our suppliers to combat climate change, reduce waste, use sustainable new materials, trade ethically and help our customers to lead healthier lifestyles”4 Business Strengths and Weaknesses: M&S have been known for their brand and its awareness worldwide, which has resulted to be one of their strongest assets 5. M&S is the leading clothes retailer in UK and has managed to offer more choices and excellent...
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...A Summary of Various IT Topics: Topic 1, Topic 3, Topic 5 & Topic 9 John Doe Student #: 500 451 389 ITM 102 – 041 Professor: Sunday November 13th, 2011 X University 1. Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet has caused a war amongst other tablets in the market, especially Apple’s iPad. The CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is so confident with this product that he stated, “We’re going to sell millions.” Not only does it come with a $199 price tag, which is $300 less than the iPad 2, the Kindle Fire has several remarkable features. It contains an efficient browser that comes with “online print, music, and video content” McDougall 2011) 1. Due to the cheaper price, the Kindle Fire draws the consumers closer compared to the iPad, but iPads are still expected to outsell all other tablets on the market due to their name credentials. I would choose the Kindle over the iPad since iPad`s don`t come with flash, which most videos on the web require flash. Who would win the tablet war? I would say that the consumers are the ones who would benefit, as long as they can decide which tablet to purchase since competitors will introduce competitive prices (Amazon's kindle fire, a new player in the tablet wars 2011) 2. Over the next five years, Apple will be the top leaders in the new technologies because of they create the best computing products in the history. Some people will be intrigued by the Kindle Fire and price, but consumers know that the iPad is more efficient and more reliable...
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...Conflict………………………………………………………………….………………………4 V. Objective………………………………………………………………………….……………..6 VI. Proposed solutions……………………………………………………………………………7 I. Executive Summary This research paper examines the most effective way to manage conflicts in an organization. Paychex Inc. has been very successful over the years. During this year Theodore Flipper has noticed several clients has terminated their contracts with the organization due to our price increase. Since we lost clients we have been experiencing financial problems. The CEO of Paychex hired Gary Martin to straighten out the financial issues. Gary Martin has a successful background operating as Operations Manager with 25 companies over the last thirty years of his career. Every company he worked from has high reviews of about Gary. The operations area of Paychex, Inc. has been experiencing conflicts with Gary and his assistant manager, Jerry, ever since came to the organization. They can’t seem to come to an agreement on anything they discuss. Now, a meditator is onboard to help aide in these conflicts. II. What is a conflict? A conflict is a disagreement, fight, war or battle among two or more people. Conflict can be destructive or productive. Conflict can benefit a company if handle the correct way. If a conflict is not handled in the proper way it can be very destructive to the company. Conflict can range from a win-win, win-lose, lose-lose or a lose-win situation. III. History Paychex...
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...Personality and Learning Styles The personal action plan I would develop for using Axia's Educational Resources to achieve success would be to construct a hard copy overview of all the resources and refer to it during my course work. By constructing this outline of sorts I will be providing myself with a reference that will show me where to go for the specific project information I am in need of at that time. Axia provides files I can download to my computer as tools for my coursework enhancement such as: “Microsoft Internet Explorer / Outlook Express, Adobe Reader® 6.0, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia Shockwave Player, Microsoft Office Online File Converters and Viewers, Netscape and University of Phoenix Custom Screensaver.” I also have the advantage of the Universities Library for research of all kinds and depths. The Library is housed with article databases, books, journals, testing aids and the Library Tutorial that is the key to the Library’s use. While I use the Library’s resources searches for specific information can be made by using Boolean and wildcard logic to isolate my search needs in different databases such as Thomson Gale PowerSearch and EBSCOhost. The personal action plan I would develop for upholding academic honesty to achieve success would be to include an academic integrity portion in my overview or outline. Axia provides us, the students, with an academic honesty policy that is quite straight forward regarding the basic elements of ethical behavior related...
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...DEVELOPING YOUR PERSONAL CAREER STRATEGY (PCS) MBA Class of 2015 Smeal MBA Career Services Mike Brown, Director Emily Giacomini, Associate Director Deliverables: 1. Complete the PCS Appendices (at end of this document.) Save them separately from rest of PCS with YourNamePCS as the document name and e-mail them to Mike Brown at mjb74@psu.edu by Mon. July 29, 2013. 2. E-mail your updated resume in the John Q. College format (located here on the MBA Admitted Student Website) saved as YourNameResume to Mike Brown at mjb74@psu.edu by Mon. July 29. 3. Complete CareerLeader™ assessment by Monday July 29, 2013. To register: 1) Visit: https://www.careerleader.com/sign-in.html Go to NEW USER section. 2) Enter your email address and registration key: smeal-roadmap (with hyphen) 3) At user dashboard, click on TAKE THE TEST for each of the 3 inventories. 4) View your personalized results in each of the six sections on dashboard. Your printable CareerLeader™ Report is available in the Toolbox on user dashboard. Objectives of the Personal Career Strategy Assignment 1. Identify characteristics/attributes in support of your unique selling propositions. 2. Explore personal and institutional assets that will enhance your education and internship/job search process. 3. Understand and succinctly package past activity and build clear future goals. Developing Your Personal Career Strategy Successful organizations create strategic plans...
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...the Skills and Abilities of the Workforce Providing Well-Trained and Well-Motivated Employees Increasing Employees' Job Satisfaction and Self-Actualization Achieving Quality of Work Life Communicating HRM Policies to All Employees Maintaining Ethical Policies and Socially Responsible Behavior Managing Change Managing Increased Urgency and Faster Cycle Time Who Performs HRM Activities Outsourcing The Interaction of Operating and HR Managers HRM's Place in Management HR Department Operations HRM Strategy Clarifying Meaningful HRM Objectives HRM Policy HRM Procedures Organization of an HR Department Plan of the Book Summary Key Terms Questions for Review and Discussion Notes The Human Resource Manager and Managing Multiple Responsibilities Careers in HRM A Strategic Management Approach to Human Resource Management A Model to Organize HRM How to Take a Diagnosic Approach to HRM External Environmental Influences Government Law and Regulations The Union Economic Conditions p. iv p. 1 p. 2 p. 5 p. 7 p. 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 11 p. 12 p. 12 p. 12 p. 12 p. 13 p. 13 p. 13 p. 14 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 p. 16 p. 16 p. 17 p. 19 p. 19 p. 19 p. 21 p. 22 p. 22 p. 23 p. 23 p. 25 p. 28 p. 30 p. 33 p. 34 p. 35 p. 35 p. 36 p. 36 Competitiveness Composition and Diversity of the Labor Force Geographic Location of the Organization Internal Environmental Influences Strategy Goals Organization Culture Nature of the Task Work Group Leader's Style and Experience Strategic HRM: An Important Key to Success Strategic...
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...Chevron Pardip Singh MGT330 July 19, 2011 James Gargas Chevron According to www.Chevron.com “Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide.” Also, Chevron Company is one of the largest oil companies in the United States. Chevron is out of San Ramon, California. The company started in 1879 with the discovery of oil in Pico Canyon north of Los Angeles. The name Chevron became its legal entity name in 1984. Chevron also merged in 2001 with Texaco to grow its business in crude oil and the natural gas market around the world. The company employees 58,000 people around the world and also 4,000 in service stations. Chevron is producing more the two million barrels of crude oil each day. In this paper, the following topics will be discussed, human resources, technology, monetary and how this organization has optimized these organizational resources for effectiveness and efficiency. Chevrons human resources values diversity and they believe that diversity brings values and rich ideas to the company. Chevron holds strong principles against employees to have them reach their full potential The Company has received seven awards each year for possessing the perfect score for human rights campaign. Chevron does not hold any prejudice when concerning hiring employees who are gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual and transgender. Human resources department of chevron reaches out to universities and colleges to obtain...
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...main responsibilities of the job and the key tasks to be performed. A job description will set out how a particular employee will fit into the organisation. It will therefore need to set out: the title of the job to whom the employee is responsible for whom the employee responsible a simple description of the role and duties of the employee within the organisation. A job description could be used as a job indicator for applicants for a job. Alternatively, it could be used as a guideline for an employee and/or his or her line manager as to his or her role and responsibility within the organisation. Major grocery stores and big box retailers like ASDA regularly conduct hiring for jobs ranging from part-time, entry-level work to professional careers in the company corporate offices. Applicants must meet all guiding hiring requirements in order to work in the U.K. grocery chain. Basic employment requirements vary by position. Most entry-level jobs...
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...Chapter-01 Introduction Part Since 1973, the occasion has been recognized as World Telecommunication Day. So the significance is clear here that Telecommunication Sector has a particular acknowledgement in the world and the result is the creation of World Telecommunication Day. In fact, Telecommunication is one of the talks of the world at present. About 1.56% among 100 people has access to telecom facility. It shows the high potential in the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh.With the advancement of science and technology, we wonder regularly. Today’s world is the world of technology. No doubt of it that the most success sector is telecommunication. Few days ago people can not even imagine about the today’s communication ways. And it is also true that people have become more desperate to think about new things in this sector. In this course of action, mobile, voice call service, SMS, video telephony, teleconference, video conference etc. along with other communicating ways, have emerged. ABOUT THE BANGLALINK * Banglalink is the second largest cellular service provider in Bangladesh. As of August, 2008, Banglalink has a subscriber base of more than 10 million. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orascom Telecom. * Banglalink had 1.03 million connections until December, 2005. The number of Banglalink users increased by more than 253 per cent and stood at 3.64 million at the end of 2006, making it the fastest growing operator in the world...
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