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Hockey Game Research Paper

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Pittsburgh, the City of Steel, home of the National Hockey Team Pittsburgh Penguins. For years I had dreamt about going to a home game to see my favorite hockey team play, to see my favorite players. The second year we went will forever be one of the most memorable games, and days, for me. The events of that afternoon changed my view of hockey players and gave me a new perspective on professional athletes. It takes only a few minutes to make someone’s day, and those minutes with Brandon Sutter made more than my day. It was a cold Pittsburgh morning, snow flurries were falling outside, the highway next to our hotel was buzzing for a Saturday morning; it seemed like the entire city was gearing for the Penguins game later that afternoon. …show more content…
Pittsburgh is diffidently a hockey city, waves of people were swarming toward the entrances, all decked out in black, Vegas gold and white; it was like a sea of penguins. As my dad and I entered the area and found our seats, a huge smile was plastered on my face. I love being around hockey, it makes me happy to watch the game that I love. As it became closer to three, the players took the ice for warm-ups and my dad took me down to sit behind the net. The sound of slapshots and pucks hitting at the glass filled the arena. The pucks flew into the glass, making loud cracking sounds every few seconds. Some people flinched, but I didn’t, I was too starstruck to notice. Music blared, people laughed and took pictures, and some little kids asked for pucks, which players happily gave them. One player tossed a puck over the glass to a little kid, yet it ended up landing into some guy’s drink, which caused the player and fans around to …show more content…
He tried to look, but the gate was too far closed for him to see inside. Something inside of me told me that the person I saw was Brandon and not to leave. I stood my ground and watched for the gate to open. It seemed like an eternity until slowly the gate began to open and a Range Rover drove out our way. I tried to wave but I was too bashful, and that’s when my dad grabbed the sleeve of my jersey and waved it at the driver. I watched as he waved back and made a turn to head toward the light. I sighed thinking he wasn’t going to stop, but that’s when the unexpected happened. The Rover stopped in the middle of the hill and made a U-Turn. My heart stopped. It made its way back up toward where we were all standing, and in that moment, I know that I was about to get Brandon’s autograph. My dad and I were about seventh in line and I waited, thinking that Brandon was going to pull up to the first person in line and work his way toward the end, but I was wrong. He pulled right up beside me, put his window down and smiled. “Nice jersey choice.” I was in awe. “Does anyone have a black Sharpie?” I asked as I looked down to the lime green one I was holding. A woman pulled one out of her purse and let me borrow it as I took off the jersey. I was shaking like a leaf. I handed the jersey to Brandon, along with the Sharpie, and he signed

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