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Quality Appraisal

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Quality appraisal
Quality appraisal is part of inclusion/exclusion criteria, though risks excluding relevant data are averse (Wilstrand et al., 2007). Quality appraisal is useful to allow description of the range of quality within the studies and reflect upon their contribution to the final synthesis of the present study (McCarthy and Gijbels, 2010). The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme will be utilized, comprising to assess the credibility, rigour and relevance of the research. The researcher will use this appraisal to identify methodological flaws in the literature and provides the opportunity for a researcher to make informed decision about the quality of research evidence. The researcher has chosen this framework since the quality framework …show more content…
However, the anonymity could prompt truthful responses (Nieswiadomy 2014). Wilstrand et al.,(2007) conducted narrative interviews focusing on the individual experiences of six nurses working in a mental health setting. Egan et al., (2012) stressed that the more knowledge and confidence the nurse has in dealing with self-harm and suicidal behaviour, the greater is the perceived personal effectiveness when working with patients who self-harm. Perboell et al.,(2015) explained that nurses working in emergency departments after receiving self-harm education can display positive and empathetic attitudes towards. Gibb et al (2010) noted that mental health nurses can have a greater perception of their ability to help patients who self-harm compared with nurses working in the emergency …show more content…
Similarly, McCarthy and Gijbels (2010) affirmed that nurses who receive self-harm education display positive and empathetic attitudes towards individuals who self-harm. These findings are supported by Patterson et al.,(2007) and McAllister et al., (2009) who reported that self-harm education reduces antipathy towards patients who have self-harmed, improves nurses’ knowledge and understanding of the assessment and management of self- harm patients, and helps nurses to develop self-belief in their capacity to positively influence patients’

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