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Musical Artist Research Paper

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In any musical act, there are many more things to worry about besides simply playing music. In addition to songwriting and performing, a successful musical artist must juggle many important decisions, of which a single wrong move may end an entire career. These important decisions include record contracts, public promotion, where and when to go on tour, collaborations with other artists, their image (i.e. haircut, clothing choices, makeup), social media presence, and public appearances to name just a few. Musical artists generally become musical artists because they love creating and performing music, not because they love dealing with seemingly irrelevant yet important details of their own careers. That is precisely the reason why personal …show more content…
Many universities in the United States now offer degrees in music industry, which provide aspiring managers a very broad and contemporary knowledge of the music business. (Frascogna) Without background in one of these fields, it may be very difficult for a manager to maximize the opportunities that exist for his clients. Many argue that the best training for being a music manager takes place outside the classroom. Interning within the music industry, even at the most basic entry level positions of huge corporations, can provide a hands­on understanding of the music business that is unattainable in a classroom setting. Furthermore, an internship or entry level job in the music industry will help an aspiring artist manager to build a network of connections within the business, something crucial for success as a manager (Frascogna). Sometimes all it takes is a good ear for music and a charming attitude to get an artist to sign with you. Brian Epstein, a music store owner in London, had no previous experience managing musical acts before meeting and signing with The Beatles in 1961. (Beatles Bible) Upon hearing the Beatles for the first time, Epstein’s personal assistant admitted that the group was “absolutely awful”. Epstein disagreed, “I was immediately struck by their music, their beat, and their sense of humor onstage” (Spitz) Even after contacting the Beatles’ prior manager Allan Williams, who advised him “not to touch them with a fucking barge pole”, Brian Epstein went with his gut feeling about the young group and decided to become their manager. Epstein’s strengths as a manager didn’t lie in a network of connections or vast knowledge of the music industry, as he had none. He was much more valuable to The Beatles in his attention to detail and public image. He changed their normal stage attire from blue jeans and leather jackets to their signature matching suits. Furthermore, he

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