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Home Mold Research Paper

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Mold is an unfortunate and unwelcome reality that most homeowners will eventually have to deal with. The fungus exists everywhere, even in the air you breathe. The spores of mold travel quickly, landing on any hospitable surface it can find. Sometimes these hospitable surfaces are in our homes, where they land and grow and eventually form infestations. It's important to take mold seriously and the best treatment for mold is prevention.

In the Home

Mold's best friend is a pesky thing called humidity. When there's plentiful moisture in the home, mold thrives. To keep mold from growing in abundance, make sure the humidity level of the house never exceeds 60%. If you're not sure the humidity level of your home, you can install a hygrometer. …show more content…
Extra insulation can prevent moisture from accumulating in the walls of the home.
9: Run a dehumidifier. If all else fails and you're still stuck with excess moisture, purchase a dehumidifier and run it in the dampest areas of the house. If you have a large house, you might have to purchase more than one.

Outside the House

Keeping mold at bay is just as important for the outside of the home as it is for the inside. Just like inside, the best way to prevent mold is to keep moisture from accumulating on and around the home's exterior. To do this, follow these steps:

1: Drain water away from the house. Water can seep into the house from outside sources, so make sure to install gutters that point away from your house. Sometimes you might have to install extra gutters to keep the water in check.
2: Keep those gutters clean. Make sure you keep on top of regular maintenance for your gutters, cleaning them out to prevent clogs and checking for damage and wear. It's especially important to check for damage following strong storms.
3: Trim the bushes. Bushes that are too close to the house can trap moisture and allow fungus to grow. Keep the bushes in check or relocate them several feet away from the sides of the

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