...and Physiology for health & social care | Part Unit | | Whole Unit | Yes | Assessor | Shanroy Dehaney | Start Date | 20/05/15 | Submission Date | 10/06/15 | Feedback Date | 17/05/15 | Vocational Context | Task 1 - 3 (P1,P2,P3)You are working in a health clinic and have been asked to produce a poster to explain the functions of the main cell, tissue and body components to display in the clinic. Task 4 (P4,M1,D1)You are an advisor in your local sports centre and you have been asked to design and produce an information booklet to explain to clients how the body requires and utilises energy. This should include:Produce a written report on the body’s response to exercise. The report will be based on primary and secondary research. The report will include:Task 5 (P5,M2,D2) 1. An explanation of the concept of homeostasis and its role in exercise and healthy functioning of the body. 2. Measurements collected from practical work involving physical activity and your interpretation of them together with comments on the validity of the data collected.Task 6 (P6)Complete exercise programme and complete data form and graphs sheets | The Brief | Task 1 (P1)Using a large piece of paper, produce an annotated poster of a cell as it is seen under the microscope. You must include the following; * Organelles – nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula * Golgi apparatus * LysosomesThe notes accompanying the labels should include the main...
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...Assignment brief – QCF BTEC (Level 3)Assignment front sheet | Qualification | Unit number and title | BTEC 90 Credit/Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care | Unit 5 Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care | Learner name | Assessor name | | Louise Dada,Angela Lewis-Wright Alison Watson | Date issued | Hand in deadline | Submitted on | 10 November 2014 | 8 December 2014 | | | | Assignment title 1 | Know the organisation of the human body | In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. | 5a Criteria reference | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | | Task no. | | Evidence | P1 | Outline the functions of the main cell components. | | 1 | | Training Pack | P2 | Outline the structure of the main tissues of the body | | 1 | | Training Pack | P3 | Outline the gross structure of all the main body systems. | | 1 | | Training Pack | Learner declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Learner signature: Date: | Assignment brief 1 Qualification | BTEC 90 Credit/Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care | Unit number and title | Unit 5 Anatomy and...
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...Leaf Lab Report Background Cells and organisms must exchange matter with the environment to grow, reproduce, and maintain organization, and the availability of resources influences response and activities. For example, water and macronutrients are used to synthesize new molecules, and, in plants, water is essential for photosynthesis. Organisms have evolved various mechanisms for accumulating sufficient quantities of water, ions, and other nutrients and for keeping them properly balanced to maintain homeostasis. Plants absorb and transport water, nutrients, and ions from the surrounding soil via osmosis, diffusion, and active transport. Once water and dissolved nutrients have entered the root xylem, they are transported upward to the stems and leaves as part of the process of transpiration, with a subsequent loss of water due to evaporation from the leaf surface. Too much water loss can be detrimental to plants; they can wilt and die. The transport of water upward from roots to shoots in the xylem is governed by differences in water (or osmotic) potential, with water molecules moving from an area of high potential (higher free energy , more water)to an area of low water potential (lower free energy, less water). The movement of the water through a plant is facilitated by osmosis, root pressure, and the physical and chemical properties of water. Transpiration creates a lower osmotic potential in the leaf, and TACT (transpiration, adhesion, cohesion, and tension) mechanism...
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...Unit 5Anatomy and physiology for Health and Social Care P5Explain the concept of homeostasis with reference to the control of heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature and blood glucose levels. In this assignment I will be explaining the concept of homeostasis with reference to the control of heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature and bloody glucose levels. Firstly, I will start this assignment off by explaining what homeostasis is. Homeostasis is the tendency toward a relatively stable equipoise between symbiotic elements, especially as maintained by functional processes. http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q=homeostasis&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=sIhIUfPzGeiW0QWa5oHACw&sqi=2&ved=0C CwQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=4e753e884ed8bf36&biw=884&bih=537 A simple illustration of homeostasis is when we get really cold in winter, our body starts to shiver and by shivering the body maintains heat and warm us up. Another example may be that an individual may feel hot from doing an intense workout or simply walking in really hot heat, our bodies maintain homeostasis by sweating, this helps us to cool down and maintain body temperature. Negative feedback is the mechanism in which the body sustains conditions within specific perimeters. The body does this by conflicting an alteration that deviates from the norm. In other words, deviation produces negative responses to counteract the deviation. Metabolism is the amount of all the chemical reactions occurring in a specific order...
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...Homeostasis Day to day, we are exposed to many external stressors in the environment. These might be exercise, stress, anxiety, weather, changes of location. To survive these changes, our internal body is able to intelligently adapt. The maintenance of a constant and steady internal environment is controlled by homeostasis. P5 Explain the concept of homeostasis Describe homeostasis. For this, you must cover: * Definition of homeostasis * Internal environment- THREE systems that need to be regulated (water levels or waste products; body temperature; blood glucose) * Concept of negative feedback as a regulatory mechanism Websites: http://www.s-cool.co.uk/a-level/biology/homeostasis http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_aqa_pre_2011/homeo/homeostasis1.shtml M2 discuss the probable homeostatic responses to changes in the internal environment during exercise Identify and describe the homeostatic mechanisms and how they regulate a steady internal environment during exercise. Summarise - you do not have to explain this in lots of detail. You must cover: * heart rate and how this is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve system). The effects of increased body temperature and adrenaline on heart rate * breathing rate and how this is controlled by the respiratory centre, diaphragm and intercostal muscles * body temperature and how this is controlled by loss of heat by the body...
Words: 460 - Pages: 2
...Homeostasis: Homeostasis is the tendency of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced with external changes. The importance of having blood glucose regulated in the human body is because glucose is a sugar needed by cells for respiration. It is important that the concentration of glucose in the blood is maintained at a constant level. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, controls blood sugar levels in the body. Diabetes is a disorder in which the blood glucose levels remain too high. This is controlled to provide cells with a constant supply of energy. The blood sugar level is controlled by the release and storage of glucose, which is in turn controlled by a hormone called insulin. Here is an example of Homeostasis when blood glucose decreases. Insulin causes blood glucose levels to decrease, as would be expected in a negative feedback system. However if an animal has not eaten and blood glucose levels decrease, this is sensed in a different group of cells in the pancreas: the hormone glucagon is released, causing glucose levels to increase. Here is a picture of a Negative Feedback loop for blood glucose levels. Which explains the process mutch clearly. We can also see that the loops are the same but in one of the loops the glucose...
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...Homeostasis occurs when an organism or the internal conditions of the human body are at equilibrium. Usually, homeostasis allows the body to maintain relatively stable internal conditions, even though the outer part of the body may change frequently. In order to achieve homeostasis in the human body, a great deal of communication is required between the control center (brain), the receptors and other structures within the body (Marieb, Hoehn 9). According to Marieb and Hoehn, most homeostatic control mechanisms are considered to be negative feedback mechanisms. This system’s output shuts off the original effect of the stimulus and reduces its intensity. A good example of negative feedback is when we are in need of food and our metabolism slows...
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...A system that regulates an internal setting as well as managing a stable, constant condition of properties is homeostasis; essentially its function is maintaining stability and balance in our bodies constantly. External things, such as medications, medical conditions, stress, our diet and what an individual’s sleep environment is like can create a negative impact one’s sleep-wake needs (Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. (n.d.). Homeostasis fights these negative influences and does its best to keep our bodies in balance, such as our heart rate, breathing, body temperature and even our blood sugar levels. Fundamentally homeostasis keeps track of and triggers the body to sleep and determines the intensity of sleep (Brain Basics: Understanding...
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...Homeostasis is the process by which body systems maintain and stabilize a relatively constant internal environment. Most homeostatic control systems adjust internal conditions by acting against changes caused by the external environment. The human body works best under certain conditions, our body temperature, blood pressure and water concentration are variables that need to be within specific ranges for us to function properly and if they fall outside of these ranges there can be dangerous consequences. The body uses homeostatic mechanisms to maintain variables close to a predetermined ‘set point’, which is the optimum, ideal value for a variable. Through homeostasis, the body is able to maintain a stable internal environment even despite...
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...Introduction Homeostasis refers to the relatively constant physiological state of the body despite fluctuations in the environment. A form of homeostasis is blood glucose regulation. Blood glucose (sugar) is a main energy provider for the body and allows energy to be available to cells. The concentration of glucose in the blood must be maintained at a constant level, 3.9-5.6mmol/1, in order for internal systems to function in the stable condition needed for survival. Stable blood glucose levels is especially important as it is essential for normal brain function as the brain can only use glucose or ketone bodies as a ‘fuel’/ energy provider. Over 60% of circulating blood glucose is used by the brain. Regulation of blood glucose occurs by...
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...Define anatomy and physiology. 2. Recognize some of the different branches of anatomy and physiology. Be able to list an example of each. 3. Recognize the 11 organ systems. Recognize major organs and 1-2 major functions of each organ system. 4. Arrange the levels of structural organization from the most complex to simple. 5. What is homeostasis? 6. What is meant by the idea that homeostasis is a “dynamic process”? 7. What 2 organ systems are primarily involved in the maintenance of homeostasis? Which responds more quickly? 8. Can you describe an example of the nervous system regulating homeostasis? 9. Can you describe an example of the endocrine system regulating homeostasis? 10. List and describe the 3 basic parts of a homeostatic regulator mechanism? 11. What are characteristics of negative feedback? 12. What are characteristics of positive feedback? 13. Diagram an example of negative feedback. Identify the 3 basic parts in your example. 14. List 2 examples of positive feedback. 15. What is a homeostatic imbalance? What is a possible outcome of homeostatic imbalance? 16. What are general effects of aging on homeostasis? 17. Describe/recognize the anatomical position. Why do we need to understand this? 18. Name/label the major body cavities, their subdivisions, and the major organs contained within (be complete) . 19. What is the structure and function of serous membranes? 20. There are 2 layers of serous membranes. Name each and describe where...
Words: 374 - Pages: 2
...P5 - Homeostasis is ‘the process of maintaining a constant internal environment despite changing environments’ (Aldworth, Billingham, Moonie, & Talman, 2010). The internal environment that our body consists of is made up of blood, tissue fluid, body cell components and our metabolism and its process. Constant internal environment means that the chemical and physical composition should remain within a limited range in order to make it as effective as possible. Keeping the valuables within a limited range not only makes sure that the body’s processes are as effective as possible, keeping the well-being of the whole body and its maintenance up to good standards. Heart rate Negative feedback is a way in which regulation occurs within the body which requires receptors, your control centre and effectors in order to be able to function properly. When key variables within the body are outside the accepted range for any reason negative feedback returns the variable within it’s acceptable range. An example would be if the PH of your blood changes for any reason or you become too hot after exercise so your body tries to regulate those variables back within the suitable ranges by different methods. Blood glucose levels may fall for any reasons and the bodies way of coping with this is to produce liver glycogen which is converted into glucose in order to bring the energy levels in cells back up to the range which it should be within. Our brain and nervous system are involved in negative...
Words: 6602 - Pages: 27
...Homeostasis is one of the twelve principles of biology. It is the constancy of the internal environment in a living organism in order to function properly. Homeostasis is maintained by a series of control mechanisms by using negative and positive feedbacks. This series is divided into three subunits: thermoregulation, osmoregulation and finally chemical regulation. Each one has its own role in keeping the living organism healthy and any sudden changes might lead to organ failures and consequently death. One of the most significant mechanisms of homeostasis is the regulation of body temperature (thermoregulation), which is restrained by the thermoregulatory center in the skin receptors. The hypothalamus as well as skeletal muscles, preserving a set point of 37.5 ± 0.5 °C (Core temperature) in most mammals. This is important for maintaining the enzyme at its optimum activity, where most of the life keeping metabolic reactions (for instance, Krebs cycle in respiration) are catalyzed by enzymes and as enzymes are affected by both temperature and PH, it will be life threatening to have any changes in temperature....
Words: 410 - Pages: 2
...Concept of Homeostasis" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Anatomy and physiology Describe the concept of homeostasis and the mechanisms that regulate the heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature. Explain the responses to changes in the body during exercise and explain the importance of homeostasis in maintaining the healthy function of the body. In order for the body to work efficiently it must maintain a constant internal environment. P5: Explain the concept of homeostasis Describe your understanding of homeostasis and the homeostatic mechanisms that regulate * Heart rate * Breathing rate * Body temperature M2: Discuss the probable homeostatic responses to changes in the internal environment during exercise. Even if you do not take regular exercise you will be aware of changes that occur in your body if you do anything strenuous. Even just running for the bus might make you gasp for breath, your heart to race and your body start to sweat. Discuss what is happening in the body when these changes take place. D2: Evaluate the importance of homeostasis in maintaining the healthy functioning of the body. Having said that the body must maintain a constant internal environment in order to function in a healthy manner, now give details why homeostasis is so important for the body. What would happen in your body if these mechanisms didn’t take place? Homeostasis Homeostasis is the...
Words: 327 - Pages: 2
...M2: Explain the probable homeostatic responses to changes in the internal environment during exercise. D2: Explain the importance of homeostasis in maintaining the healthy functioning of the body. Homeostasis is highly important as many processes going on in our body are based on this phenomenon. Homeostasis processes every day in our body are diffusion, osmosis, active transport etc. Diffusion means movement of solute molecules from a section of its high concentration to the low concentration region. Osmosis is movement of water from a mixed solution to a concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane. Homeostasis is the balance or equilibrium. How your body works to maintain equilibrium is reflected in how your vital signs vary with activity. Heart rate, blood pressure and respiration are lowest during periods of rest and sleep. During exercise, blood pressure, pulse and respiration increase to meet the increased demand for oxygen and nutrients by your musculoskeletal system. The adjustment of vital signs to match your body's level of physical activity is an example of homeostasis in action. Homeostasis is the regulation and maintaining of the body's internal environment. These levels need to be controlled so that the body can function properly, for example enzymes work at optimum temperatures/ pH levels around the body, so in order to function the internal environments must be controlled. Levels which are controlled tend to oscillate between high and low about...
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