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Humanism Research Paper

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Humanism was a major turning point in human thinking. Since started by Francisco Patriarch, it has changed the way people thought about philosophy, basic life, and education. In a way, it had has roots that has reached deep into today's way of living. It was not a simple way of thinking, but a revolutionary thing that changed religion hugely. Catholicism was the only major religion. That had ruled the religious food chain in the 14th - 15th century. No one had thought of opposing its teachings or way to live life. One thing that it had taught largely was to fear God and that you had to give tidings to the leaders of the church to receive the lord's glory. Fear was also the only way to have blessing. Then Martin Luther, a major humanist, had a preposterous idea …show more content…
Only instruments had been used, but people saw the beauty of the voice. it had became a popular type of entertainment in the wealthy. People had also began to exploit the use of harmonies in a song, which still influence western music today. As well as harmonies, Cadences had also had a place in music to keep the beat. Also music sheets had started to be used, or the Madrigal. MUsic was used in plays to suggest moments such as fleeing or fighting. All of these techniques were used to music such as dancing music, which had just started becoming popular. The steps were very elaborate, and new instruments were used such as the harpsichord. Literature had also changed. Books had been controls by the Catholic Church. The only books that were given was by humanists who thought the church was unfair. Once Humanism had taken place, new books were introduced into society that resembled ancient Greek works. They were used to show human value, ideals, or a overview society on a deeper value. Even the bible changed, to the point where Luther had eliminated to catholic ways and verses that showed values that were not encouraged in his type of church. Everyday life had changed

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