...PT1420 Introduction to Programming Week-2 Lesson Plan TUE 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM Instructor: Tushar Patel (tspatel02@yahoo.com, tpatel@itt-tech.edu) CLASS: Topic: Unit 2: Software Program Design I Course Objectives Covered by This Unit CO2: Design programs by using flowcharts and pseudo code. CO3: Write programs that perform input, processing, and output. Unit Learning Outcomes LO8: Determine program input, processing, and output stages. LO9: Create the necessary flowcharts to describe a program’s structure. LO10: Use pseudocode to define a program’s structure. LO11: Formulate solution algorithms for calculations by properly following the order of operations. Key Concepts ▪ Determining input, process, and output ▪ Creating flowcharts and pseudocode ▪ Formulating algorithms Reading ▪ Gaddis, Chapter 2: “Introduction to Computers and Programming,” pages 29-55 Resources: • Data Projector • ITT Virtual Library • Text Books • Visual Studio • Lab Computers • Student Removable Hard Drive • VM Ware Player Methods: • Lecture • Group Discussion • Lab Work • Review exercise / Research Papers • Quiz Brief Lesson Overview: Today’s lecture we would be discussing the following topics. • Discuss how all programs basically consist of a three-step process: input, process, and output. Use the payroll calculation program...
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...Homework Assignment 1 Due on the first Test day Put your full name on the page footer (where page number is inserted usually). Keep the original questions and insert your answers with a different Font. Use the SpellCheck before the final submission. You will answer several discussion questions in Homework Assignment 1. Please type in your answer in a Word file and submit to the assignment drop box in My courses. Please attach a Word document to the assignment submission instead of copying and pasting all your answers to the box. In addition, please name the Word file as your name and assignment1. Example will be yuzhuliAssignment1.doc. This assignment is due on the first Test day. The cutoff time is 11pm on that day. Late submission is subject to the late submission policy (Refer to the syllabus for details.) 1. Chapter 1: Section 1.4 – Before you go on… What are the major reasons why it is important for employees in all functional areas to become familiar with IT? IT systems are integral to every function area of an organization, especially because organizations cannot operate without information technology. This is a huge reason why every manager and professional staff member should learn about IT within his or her specialized field. (21) 2. Chapter 1: Discussion question 1, Page 25 Describe how IT architecture and IT infrastructure are interrelated. IT architecture is a high-level map or plan of the information assets in an organization, while IT infrastructure is...
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...Professeur : _______________________________________ Email : ______________________________________ Bureau : ________________ Heures de Permanence : __________________________ Please contact your instructor about course related issues. If you have further concerns, contact the Language Program Director, Dr. Jessica Sturm, SC 186 (jsturm@purdue.edu), or the Program Assistant, Mrs. Mary Eddy, SC 111 (meddy@purdue.edu). Required Texts: HORIZONS Manley, Smith, McMinn, Prévost (5th ed.) [printed copy required for classroom use] HORIZONS iLrn Heinle Learning Center Access (includes access to on-line Student Activities Manual) Required Equip: headphones for use in computer lab; you will also need a microphone in order to complete certain homework activities. Recommended: Larousse Concise English-French, French-English Dictionary (Larousse, Paris) or another dictionary of your choice A copy of the textbook is available on reserve in the Undergraduate Library. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: French 101 is a beginning-level course designed to develop language proficiency in French. The course will help you progress toward competence in speaking, listening, reading and writing, as well as toward knowledge of French and Francophone cultures. The course focuses on active language use. You will interact meaningfully with classmates and develop communicative strategies. By the end of this course,...
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...Opportunity 2 Unit 2 Assignment 1: Homework Learning Objectives and Outcomes Determine program input, processing, and output stages. Create the necessary flowcharts to describe a program’s structure. Use pseudocode to define a program’s structure. Formulate solution algorithms for calculations by properly following the order of operations. Assignment Requirements Answer: * Short Answer 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 71 * Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 1 and 2 on page 71 * Programming Exercises Questions 1 and 4, starting on page 72 Required Resources Textbook Submission Requirements Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 3. Unit 2 Research Assignment 1: Researching Variable Naming Rules Learning Objectives and Outcomes Determine program input, processing, and output stages. Create the necessary flowcharts to describe a program’s structure. Use pseudocode to define a program’s structure. Formulate solution algorithms for calculations by properly following the order of operations. Assignment Requirements Use the Internet and the ITT Tech Virtual Library to research the following questions: What are the variable naming rules of Visual Basic, Python, and Java? List three similarities and differences in between the three programming languages. Required Resources Textbook ITT Tech Virtual Library: http://library.itt-tech.edu Submission Requirements Submit your written answers to your instructor...
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...HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY FRANK G. ZARB SCHOOL OF BUSINESS “Educating for Personal and Professional Achievement” DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING, TAXATION, AND LEGAL STUDIES IN BUSINESS ACCOUNTING 231 - COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS GRADUATE- 3 S.H. SP 2016 Section A: Wednesday, 3:30-5:50pm, CRN 21871, Starr 210 INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: Dr. Nathan Slavin OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Wednesday 2:25-3:25 LOCATION OF OFFICE: 043 Weller Hall PHONE NUMBER: (516) 463-5690 E-MAIL ADDRESS: actnzs@hofstra.edu Teaching Assistant: Ms. Dan Gu (516) 637-9517 Dgu1@pride.hofstra.edu GENERAL INFORMATION Location of Department Office: 205 Weller Hall Telephone number of Department: 516-463-5684 Department Chairperson: Professor Victor Lopez Department Administrator: Prof. Linda Schain DESCRIPTION OF COURSE This course introduces students to the concepts, conventions, and principles underlying cost accounting and analysis for use by managers for making decisions. At the end of this course, students will understand cost behavior and cost allocation techniques, appreciate internal profitability reporting and analysis, and understand both job order costing and process costing systems utilizing actual, normal and standard costing applications. Also, students will...
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...|[pic] | | | | | | |SOUTHWEST COLLEGE | | |Department of Mathematics | COURSE SYLLABUS MATH 1314: College Algebra INSTRUCTOR: Fatemeh Salehibakhsh E-MAIL: f.salehibakhsh@hccs.edu Office Hours T- TR 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm F 11:00 am – 1:00 pm By Appointment Only Location H. C. C. West Loop Campus Course Description Topics include quadratics, polynomial, rational, logarithmic and exponential functions, system of equations, matrices and determinants. A departmental final examination will be given in this course. Prerequisites Must be placed into college-level mathematics or completion of MATH 0312. Course Goal This course is designed as a review of advanced topics in algebra for science and engineering students who plan to take the calculus sequence in preparation for their various degree programs. It is also intended for non-technical students who need college mathematics...
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...Weekly Study Plan for AFE134: Business Statistics SP1 2015 | | |Week | | | |Weeks 1-2 |Introduction to Statistics|Business Statistics (BS) (Selvanathan |Module lecture recordings & lecture |Learning Statistics and Excel in |Introduce yourself to | | | |and Data Collection |et al): Chapter 1, Chapter 2 |workbook (A1, A2, A3, A4) |Tandem (LSET), Chapter 1: |the class | | |2 Mar – 15 Mar | | | |Introduction to Microsoft EXCEL & | | | | | |Video recordings: |Set up your...
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...WEBSTER UNIVERSITY • WESTPORT, ST LOUIS, MO • GEORGE HERBERT WALKER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & T ECHNOLOGY • BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BASIC FINANCE FOR MANAGERS BUSN5200 SU 2015 Section 07 3 Credits 06/01/2015 to 07/31/2015 Modified 05/20/2015 MEETING TIMES Thursday, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM, Westport Campus CONTACT INFORMATION Mike Boland Email: michaelboland57@webster.edu (mailto:michaelboland57@webster.edu) Phone: 6362363636 DESCRIPTION Managers and human resources management professionals must be able to understand financial information contained in financial statements and reports. Line managers must be able to understand financial information contained in financial statements and reports in order to evaluate their unit's financial performance, to communicate clearly with other managers, and to apply financial information when making decisions. Human resources management professionals must understand financial statements and principles if they are to effectively assist line managers and be strategic partners with other business functions. This course will focus on the interpretation and use of basic financial information by nonfinancial managers, not on the production of financial statements and reports. (FINC 5000 cannot be substituted for BUSN 5200.) Requisites None OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES Outcome Expectation Students have a basic familiarity with the field of finance and an understanding of the financial goal of a business, and they have an appreciation for ...
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...AP STATISTICS READING/HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT SHEET |Chapter and Section |Read Pages |EXERCISES |HOMEWORK |DUE DATE | | | | | | | |Section 1.1 |38-46 |1.1-1.6 | | | | |48-54 |1.7-1.12 | | | | |60-64 |1.13-1.18 |1.19, 1.21, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25, sketch histograms| | | | | |on your paper and then compare, 1.26 | | |Quiz | | | | | |Section 1.2 |69-74 |1.27-1.32 | | | | |75-81 |1.33-1.38 | | | | |84-88 |1.39-1.44 | | | | |90-96 ...
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...Materials:Financial Accounting, 7th edition, by Kimmel, Weygandt, and Kieso with WileyPlusSuggested Materials:4-Function CalculatorComposition Notebook | Instructor schedule posted outside office door or online at:http://web.byui.edu/Directory/Employee/saathoffl | Course Prerequisite Generally, students should have attained sophomore status (~30 credits) and have maintained at least a 2.5 GPA prior to enrolling in this course. Course Description and Objectives Description - This introductory course in financial accounting provides a basic foundation for other courses in accounting as well as in business and information processing. The course will include lectures, discussions relative to text assignments and problems, in class quizzes, and will emphasize basic accounting theory and practices. Homework will be done on-line in WileyPlus. Some will be reviewed in class, primarily in student groups, so that students may check their work and questions can be discussed and answered. Objectives – 1. Develop a working vocabulary of accounting terminology. 2. Gain an understanding and ability to work with accounting principles including, but not limited to, debits and credits, journalizing, posting, adjusting and closing entries/procedures, financial statements, internal controls, and corporate accounting. 3. Gain an ability to analyze transactions, apply them to the accounting cycle, prepare a trial balance, and compile financial statements. 4. Develop an understanding of and exposure...
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...Technology and Service Integration Unit 1 Homework The following homework is designed to cover the course objectives for this unit. Assignment 1.1: Textbook/Workbook Assignments • Complete the following exercises and questions from Routers and Routing Basics: CCNA 3 Labs and Study Guide: Vocabulary Exercise: Matching on page 3 VLSM Subnetting a Subnet Exercises on pages 9-11 VLSM Addressing Design Scenarios 1-6 on pages 15-20 Summary Route Exercises on pages 21-24 Concept Questions on pages 25-27 VLSM Case Study on page 27 Internet Research on page 29 (Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library.) • Complete Chapter 9 Review Questions 2-7, 10, 14, 20-22 on pages 258-259 of Introduction to Telecommunications. Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 2. . Assignment 1.2: Virtual Labs • Complete Virtual Labs 6, 7, and 8 from the CCNA 640-802 CCNA Simulator, which you can find by clicking through these paths: ICND1 Troubleshooting Scenarios Lab 6: IP Addressing and Routing. ICND1 Troubleshooting Scenarios ICND1 Part 4: Troubleshooting Labs Lab 7: IP Routing I ICND 2 Troubleshooting Scenarios Lab 13: IP Routing II Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 2. ©ITT Educational Services, Inc: Date: 03/13/09 Network Technology and Service Integration Unit 2 Homework The following homework is designed to cover the course objectives for this unit. Assignment 2.1: Textbook/Workbook Assignments • Complete the following exercises and questions...
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...Students should also be able to critically evaluate the use of international financial management models within a case analysis framework. Prerequisite BUS 106 with a grade of "C-" or better OR ECON134 with a grade of "C-" or better Course Materials Notes Lecture notes will be posted on iLearn throughout the term. Textbook International Financial Management, 11th ed, by Madura Business press Such as the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and etc. 1 Grading Policy Grade elements will be posted on iLearn. If you find any problem with your score, you must inform the instructor within one week from the time this score is posted. After one week, scores will not be reviewed. In the case of score dispute, the entire exam or assignment will be reviewed, not just the question(s) in dispute. The score could go up, down, or remain the same. A. Exams (65%) There will be two exams. Both the mid-term and...
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...SRS Document Of Course Management System Done By MARWA AL-AMRI < Yarmouk University > Course Management System 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope 1 1.3 Definitions and abbreviations 1 1.4 References 1 1.5 Overview 1 2. Overall Description 2 2.1 Product Perspective 2 2.2 Product Functions 2 2.3 User Characteristics 4 2.4 Constraints 4 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 4 3. Specific Requirements 4 3.1 External Interface Requirement 4 3.1.1 User Interfaces 4 3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces 4 3.1.3 Software Interfaces 4 3.1.4 Communication Interfaces 4 3.2 Functional Requirements 5 3.2.1 Creating Courses 5 3.2.2 Grade Management 5 3.2.3 Homework Submissions 5 3.2.4 Group Management 7 3.2.5 Online Quizzes 9 3.2.6 Create Accounts 10 3.3 Performance Requirements 10 3.3.1 Response Time 10 3.3.2 Throughput 10 3.3.5 Capacity 11 3.3.6 Utilization of Resources 11 3.4 Software System Attributes 11 3.4.1 Security 11 3.4.2 Reliability 11 3.4.3 Scalability 11 1. Introduction 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the course management system. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both stakeholders and developers of the system. ...
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...Course Syllabus Course Information Course Number/Section Course Title Term Days & Times Professor Contact Information Professor Email Address Office Location Office Phone Office Hours CS/CE 6352-001 Performance of Computer Systems and Networks Fall 2014 TuTh 1:00 pm - 2:15 am, ECSS 2.311 Jason Jue jjue@utdallas.edu ECSS 4.408 (972) 882-4429 TuTh 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm, or by appointment Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions A first course on probability theory. Course Description Overview of case studies. Brief review of probability theory. Queueing models and physical origin of random variables used in queueing models. Various important cases of the M/M/m/N queueing system. Little's law. The M/G/1 queueing system. Discrete time queueing systems. Simulation of queueing systems. Product form solutions of open and closed queueing networks. Convolution algorithms and Mean Value Analysis for closed queueing networks. Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes Ability to understand and apply M/M/1 queueing models Ability to understand and apply Little’s result for FIFO and non-FIFO queues Ability to understand and apply continuous parameter Markov chains and state dependent queueing models Ability to understand and apply M/G/1 queueing models Ability to understand and apply discrete parameter Markov chains and discrete-time queueing models Ability to understand and apply continuous-time open queueing network models Ability to understand and apply continuous-time...
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...ethnographic case studies and major theoretical approaches illuminates the range of human diversity, the forces that shape cultures, and how people adapt to a rapidly changing modern world. The central objectives of this course are to develop your intellectual skills, your cross-cultural fluency, and your sense of civic and moral engagement in global society. I hope that this course inspires many of you to become anthropology majors or minors, and grants each of you an anthropological perspective on your own life. REQUIREMENTS This is an intensive course that requires full participation from every student. You must attend all lectures, study all the assigned materials before the class for which they are listed, complete required assignments, actively participate in lecture, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of readings, videos, in-class activities and quiz/exam questions. Optional extra credit activities will be made available throughout the term. I expect that you complete 6-8...
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