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Homosexuality: Nature Or Nurture?

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Alejandra Lopez
Psyc 352
Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?
1. Based on this reading, the text and lecture, in your opinion are sex drives all biology or nature, or do they get shaped to some extent, or expressed do to societal forces? Explain and support your position
Human sexuality is so complex which makes this a very difficult topic to discuss. I wouldn’t say our sex drive is necessarily innate because those feelings of sexual desire don’t arise until we hit adolescence, but the fact that we grow to want to sexually express ourselves has always been predetermined. From an evolutionary perspective women were created to procreate and that in itself suggests there is a correlation between reproducing and sexual desire.
On the other hand I do believe sexual attraction and arousal is in some ways influenced by society. I believe religion, culture, and social norms play a huge role in shaping peoples viewpoint on their own sexual needs. The fact that there has been numerous studies on how porn addicts eventually become numb to what once aroused them makes me think our sexual desires can easily be influenced by what we are exposed to.
2. …show more content…
Do you personally think males and females differ when it comes to the issue of what makes them heterosexual? Why or why not?
Biologically men and women are completely different in terms of the brain, hormone levels, and sexual desires, but when it comes to what makes someone heterosexual I would have to say that their can’t be much of a difference and that the fundamental distinction between the two would be there gender itself. As contradictory as it seems I feel like our biological make up was formed to be

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