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Challenging Behavior Research Paper

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Having children with challenging behavior in your classroom can be very stressful; however, countless studies have found that teachers who create meaningful relationships with their students, especially the students who display the challenging behavior, are bound to have less issues when it comes to behavior. Many times children who display problem behavior will create a distance between the teacher and themselves, which can, believe it or not, encourage more challenging behavior. This is why it is important for the teacher and child to develop a meaningful relationship, but that relationship must first start with the teacher’s own self-reflection. This reflection process will help the teacher understand where he or she is coming from in terms of the relationship and will …show more content…
For example, a teacher may start the positive relationship by being sensitive and responsive to the student’s needs. This may lead the teacher into needing to use teacher talk, which is when the teacher explains why he or she is helping the student by saying something like, “I’m going to help you because it’s time to put the blocks away” (Kaiser and Rasminsky, 82). This type of dialogue will help the student to know what he or she is to expect from the teacher, which ultimately leads to him or her trusting the teacher. As the relationship between the child and educator develops, he or she may begin to encourage the child to talk openly about his or her feelings. Finally, to ensure that the relationship is heading in a successful and positive direction, a teacher may find it necessary to spend some one-on-one time with the child to ensure that he or she feels completely comfortable around the educator. When all of these things happen, a positive relationship is formed, ultimately helping to eliminate the number of outbursts that happen in the

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