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Honeybees Research Paper

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Honeybees (Apis mellifera) show consistent behavior when selecting which flowers to forage; in other words, honeybees will forage the same flower species as long as nectar is present and available. However, honeybees are not specialists who always collect nectar from specific flower species. Instead, are generalists; they pick up cues like odor and color from flowers when selecting where to collect pollen and nectar (Backhaus 1993). This means that certain flower colors are quickly learned and recognized by honeybees because of the food resources associated with them (Banschbach 1994). This theory can be traced all the way back to Charles Darwin, who anticipated the idea of predisposition which suggests pollinators can select a food source without any prior experience and that this is a …show more content…
Do honeybees select flowers based on nectar availability?
I observed that not only did the honeybees only visit purple flowers, but that there were two different purple flowers that they visited an equal amount. I hypothesize that honeybees select flowers with high nectar availability based on color because a higher amount of nectar collected would mean more food production for their colony. Alternatively, the honeybees will choose a flower strictly because of its color and the amount of nectar present is not relevant.
In order to determine this, I will conduct another manipulative experiment in a lab setting. I will create three purple flower settings of different nectar/sucrose densities: low, medium, and high which will allow me to determine if the honeybees are selecting a flower because of its nectar availability or not. The independent variable is the concentration of nectar (low, medium, or high). All concentrations will be available to the bee at once and the dependent variable is the latency or amount of time until the bee initially visits each concentration over the course of one hour. This will be repeated ten times with ten different bees as in experiment

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