...Entrepreneurship and Business Module Sessions • Combination of lectures and mentored group work sessions. Venue: F1A15, on Wednesday in Semester 1, Time: 11:00 – 1:00 pm. • Mentored group work sessions will be held in separate sittings throughout the day in Four sessions specified in the timetable. It will be announced in Week 5. • Students will be asked to self-select their project teams to fit into one of these four sittings, during which they will work through group work in a mentored environment. Groups will not be allowed to change sittings during the course of the module. Course Time Table • Week 2: Wednesday 25th September 2013 – Lecture – – – – Module Introduction and Rationale Course structure and rationale The importance of an integrative learning approach Why study Entrepreneurship? 4 • Week 3: Wednesday 2nd October 2013 – Lecture – Definitions of entrepreneurship – The main issues of debate • Week 4: Wednesday 9th October 2013– Lecture: – – – – The need for invention and innovation The nature of innovation Creativity in Theory and Practice Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Theory to Practice 5 • Week 5: Wednesday 17th October 2013 – Lecture: –...
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...they explore the tools and processes needed to accurately assess the political, legal, technological, competitive, and cultural factors that affect a firm’s strategies and operations within international and cross-cultural contexts. Integrative case studies are used to familiarize students with the challenging strategic decisions that global companies face as they work to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. Emphasis is placed on how the variable of culture interacts wth other national and international factors that affect managerial procesess and behaviors. This course also focuses on effective strategic, organizational, and interpersonal management as students learn how to develop the skills necessary to design and implement global strategies, conduct effective cross-national interactions, and manage daily operations in foreign subsidiaries. The growing competitive influence of technology is also discussed throughout the course. Prerequisites KG 592 Foundations of Business Management and Marketing Learning Objectives Students who successfully complete this course should be able to: 1. Use Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze specific domestic and international industries (Assessed by: BPP-Industry Analysis paper). 2. Analyze (compare/contrast) the effects of political, economic, legal and social dimensions on the global managerial challenges (Assessed by:...
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...Running head: SPIRITUAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT Spiritual Needs Assessment Daljit Kumari Spirituality in Health Care Home Grand Canyon University HLT- 310V February 23rd, 2014 This essays purpose is to finalize the spiritual needs assessment of a person that is to be selected to regulate his/her spiritual needs. Religion as well as spirituality do not contain the same definition, although they have been utilized regarding many opportunities. “The primary purpose of a spiritual assessment is to identify a need in the patient and formulate a care plan (Power, 2006, p. 17)”. This assessment plays an essential role within the patient’s care and assessment. The experience of health care is also something that can become as progressing or positive as for a patient as they can give and receive spiritual support that is satisfactory. This assists in promoting the health of a patient, preventing sickness or illness for example anxiety or depression, and to also assist patients to deal with difficulties in times during sickness. A spiritual assessment tool to gain a guide assistance for the health care professionals to cope and embrace the patient’s spiritual needs will be discussed in this paper by the author. According to “(Joint Commission, 2005), the main purpose of the spiritual assessment should be to identify the patient’s needs, hopes, resources, and possible outcomes regarding spirituality (p. 6)”. The best holistic...
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...Disability) student. During her nursing programme she has developed a major interest in diagnosing and communicating pain in people who present with an intellectual disability who are non-verbal. In addition during the last three years she has gained valuable experience through employment in a residential care facility for persons with an intellectual disability. This involvement has afforded her the opportunity to gain the fundamental importance of observing of the service users communication needs in relation to pain and pain management. This interest provided a cause for this integrative literature review. Approach: Wakefield (2014) has developed...
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...AACN Statement of Support for Clinical Nurse Specialists The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is committed to advancing professional nursing roles and highlighting the connection between well-educated nurses and quality health care. As a leading supporter of academic institutions that educate advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), AACN is keenly aware of the direct link between graduate-prepared nurses and both patient safety and positive outcomes. Within the APRN community, Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) play a unique role in the delivery of high quality nursing care. These clinicians are experts in evidence-based nursing and practice in a range of specialty areas, such as oncology, pediatrics, geriatrics, psychiatric/mental health, adult health, acute/critical care, and community health among others. In addition to direct patient care, CNSs also engage in teaching, mentoring, consulting, research, management and systems improvement. Able to adapt their practice across settings, these clinicians greatly influence outcomes by providing expert consultation to all care providers and by implementing improvements in health care delivery systems. AACN supports the full definition of the Clinical Nurse Specialist outlined in the American Nurses Association’s 2004 publication titled Nursing: Scope & Standards of Practice. (See Attachment A). Further, the growing body of research on CNS outcomes shows a strong correlation between CNS interventions and safe...
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...Miami School District Negotiation Paper Anonymous Organizational Negotiations MGT/445 August 1, 2011 Instructor Introduction The Miami school district has announced that as a result of unanticipated escalation in student enrollment, school boundaries for the upcoming year will be redrawn. Consequently, the school board signed on professionals to delineate new school boundaries, which were to be submitted the subsequent year. Compliant with the redrawn boundaries many students will be required to leave his or her current schools. As word of this news spread, parents began expressing their concerns to the school board. The objections put forth by the parents included effects on the quality of education, increased in travel to and from school, blending of economic and cultural boundaries, effects on property values, and social influences on children. In this paper a plan to address stakeholders concerns will be provided and the stakeholders will be identified. Next, this paper will determine what negotiation strategy to employ in an effort to effectively support the school board’s need to redraw the boundaries while addressing the concerns of the stakeholders. Finally, this paper will explain how ethics and culture affect the decision from the Miami School District. Stakeholders and a Plan to Address Their Concerns Numerous stakeholders are affected by these negotiations. According to Lewicki, Saunders, and Barry, stakeholders are the various individuals and organizations...
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...Addressing the Future: CURRICULUM INNOVATIONS 1.) LOCAL AND NATIONAL CURRICULAR INNOVATIONS 2.) GLOBAL CURRICULAR INNOVATIONS As man seeks for development, innovations are inevitable. In curriculum, changes and modifications are being introduced to keep with the changing world. • With the emerging theories of learning, instructional delivery and management, learning and teaching styles, modes of living and other societal changes in science and technology led educators to introduce innovations. 1. LOCAL AND NATIONAL CURRICULAR INNOVATIONS a.) 2002 Basic Education Curriculum b.) Third Elementary Education Program (TEEP) c.) Secondary Education Improvement and Development Program (SEDIP) d.)The New Teacher Education Curriculum for BEEd and BSed e.)The Ladderized Curriculum for Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) f.) Instructional and Curricular Excellence in School Leadership and Management – DepEd eXCELS A. 2oo2 Basic Education Curriculum THE VISION, MISSION AND RATIONALE OF THE CURRICULUM VISION: The Department of Education, envisions every learner to be: -FUNCTIONALY LITERATE - EQUIPPED WITH LIFE - APPRECIATIVE OF ARTS AND SPORTS and - IMBUED WITH THE DESIRABLE VALUES OF A PERSON WHO IS MAKABAYAN, MAKATAO, MAKAKALIKASAN AND MAKA-DIYOS MISSION: The DepEd’s MISSION is to PROVIDE QUALITY BASIC EDUCATION that is: - ACCESSIBLE TO ALL - LAYS THE FOUNDATION FOR LIFELONG LEARNING and - SERVICE FOR COMMON GOOD The Basic Education Curriculum developed...
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...04-75-100-Section 30 Introduction to Business Summer 2015 04-75-100-Section 30 Introduction to Business Summer 2015 Class meetings: | Tuesdays: 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. (OB B14) | Professor: | Prof. Nicole Anderson | Office: | Room 118 OB | Office hours: | Tuesdays, 5:30PM – 7:00PM | E-mail: | nsleiman@uwindsor.ca | Secretary:Office: | Ms. May NhanRoom 405 OB | E-mail: | nhan@uwindsor.ca | Teaching Assistants: | To Be Assigned | | | This course will familiarize students with business including marketing, operations, finance, accounting international business and human resource management. By the end of the course students should develop a general understanding of business including but not limited to its various applications and forms, key challenges to ethical decision-making, key success factors for a career in business, and the impact on, and the impact of, business on political, legal, social, cultural and economic environments. Methodology This class follows a lecture-discussion format. Students are expected to be prepared to discuss readings assigned for each class. With only limited time to meet during the semester, is it essential that students be prepared to engage, participate and contribute in each session. Lectures and readings will be supplemented by discussion, videos, and case studies, which apply concepts to real-world situations. Textbook, Other Materials and Course Web Site * Bissonette, G. 2012. Business:...
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...ad SAVS „Introduction to Management“ /.pdf/ COURSE GUIDE INSTRUCTOR/ LECTURER: PhDr. Ivor Krátký, PMP Adjunct Professor https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=42957652&trk=nav_responsive _tab_profile e-mail: ivor@iavconsulting.com Consultations: # 123 (as per pers. agreement) © Ivor Krátký, Praha – Ml. Boleslav, 2015 FileName: savs_MGTBASICS_Eng__COURSE GUIDE_DEFF-Sept2015 Revision: 15 Date : 28. 9. 2015 Page 1 of 7 1. AIMS OF THE COURSE: The course is designed to expose students to key concepts of management, including management styles, corporate management and hierarchical organization structures etc. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of management functions, roles, objectives and selected techniques not only as individual – independent realms or entities, but in their mutual connections and interdependencies, highlighting simultaneously the business and social implications within the “real” entrepreneurial milieu. The scope of the completed topics notwithstanding, the following five tenets will flow through and will be highlighted as the proverbial “golden thread” within all discussions & readings: “pro – activity and preparation is everything – the rest consists of merely executing it” “to be able to get to know and to manage anybody else, I must be capable of getting to know and to manage myself, to start with” “people won´t buy-in to the vision, until they buy-in to the leader” “miraculous...
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...INTEGRATION PAPER (Alternative Writing Assessment) Total Quality Management for Business Education Majors Second Semester, School Year 2014-2015 The integrative paper represents the culmination of your experience and classroom learning in Total Quality Management. The FINAL PAPER should be at least 5 PAGES (but no more than 10 pages, not counting cover page, index, reference pages, and any appendices). Your paper should focus on SELECTED FIELD TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT LECTURES WE HAD. THE PAPER SHOULD SHOW/ PROVE YOUR MASTERY IN COMMUNICATING THE CONCEPTS, AND THE THEORIES. Typed using 12 point font size, double spacing, one inch margins on all sides, and Times New Roman typeface. A hard copy rd of the final paper should be submitted PERSONALLY at 3 Floor, TIP Administration Building, Office of the VP for Strategic Initiatives. Don’t forget to email your final work to sirjaypy.tenerife@gmail.com on or before Thursday, 26 March 2015, 09:00 a.m. You will be graded using the rubrics for the reflection paper (see attached rubrics). 1. (50 pts) Explain the relevance of THEORY and PRACTICE (actual) of implementing Total Quality Management: a. What I learn vs. what I expect from taking the course b. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why? c. How and When I will use what I’ve learned? d. Feedback on the Instructor’s contact session (i.e., classroom, consultation, internet classroom assistant), and the materials provided. 2. (30 points) What specific...
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...Strategies Promoting More Effective Leadership Strategies Promoting More Effective Leadership “Exercising adaptive leadership is about you (an individual system) making interventions in a social system of which you are a part” (Heifetz, Grashaw, & Lisnksy, 2009). Leadership is a complex process and may have different meanings depending who you ask. This paper discusses strategies that promote more effective organizational leadership and interventions based on my assessment of organizational culture and adaptive challenges at Chipotle. Leadership “Leadership is a process, involves influence, occurs in groups, and involves common goals” (Northouse, 2013). Over the years, there have been many studies and theories defining and conceptualizing what leadership is. The common component described by Northouse (2013), is that nearly all classifications of leadership describe leadership as an influence process toward goal attainment. Leadership is not a linear, one-way event, but rather an interactive event according to Northouse (2009). Northouse (2009) describes leadership as working with people and leaders changing the way people think about what is possible. Strategies As described by Porter (1996), “Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value. Strategy renders choices about what not to do as important as choices about what to do (para. 2). Strategy involves setting...
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... Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for the purpose of this assignment. Robert J. Barnett Introduction: What Jim Collin’s epic book Good to Great is to the business and leadership world, Len Sperry and Jon Carlson’s book, How Master Therapists Work (2014) is to the field of psychotherapy and counseling. Both books tell us with vivid accuracy what key qualities separate the best of the best from simply being good at what you do. Len Sperry, MD, PhD, ABPP and Jon Carlson PsyD, EdD, ABPP. and their subject matter are of great interest to me. The subtitle captures the heart of the book’s content and the quintessence of what I want to learn more about, Effecting Change from the First through the Last Session and Beyond. I felt very inadequate as I began practicum concurrent with starting the MAPC program in August, 2013 (still do). Adding the privilege of doing practicum in a real clinic right from the start with real clients resulted in a high motivation to learn quickly in order to be effective and helpful. One of my supervisors at that clinic, in her first formal assessment of me wrote in response to the category/rating: uses theories appropriately:...
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...will imply the correlation usage of a more systematic practice able to recognize and evaluate individual patients in an accurate way. It refers to the best evidence formulating a clinical assessment parallel to the best possible expertise, and answering to all the client´s expectations when getting a treatment. Sherman (1998) describes, for example, the inherent rules in Evidence-Based Practice coming from the best available research for important outcomes in the guidelines, evaluation of certain agencies, units and even officers, as in the case of forensic psychologists and police crime- investigators forces, as well as, in the medical setting. Now, when we talk about Practice-Based Practice, in reality we are talking about When suggesting a...
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...Integrative Couples Therapy Paper When couples get together, the challenges which each experiences in life are unknown. This is the excitement which a couple shares as their lives are joined as one. Within their lives together, sometimes they experience challenges in themselves and others. These challenges may feel as if they are individual at times, but in theory, each challenge is going to affect the relationship which they have built with each other. It takes a commitment to the relationship to be able to reach out to a stranger (therapist) and ask for guidance regarding some challenges which are more overwhelming than others. Reaching out for help can bring the relationship back to its unit, as well as bring the individuals...
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...client's need for our business.” Negotiating the Right deal with the Client, is also dealing with so many competitors. Needless to say, we need to be competitive and excellent in the negotiation process, t o give us a chance to close the deal. As one of the parties involved in the negotiation process we need to stand a better chance. We would be in an even better position if the client was new to the market or pioneering; we would have more leveraging power in such an instance. Timing can play a huge role in negotiations sometimes. Negotiating at the right time is a strategy not many are aware of but can capitalize on it if they are aware of this fact. Strategy and Tactics The result of profiling my answers to the negotiating style self-assessment for Competing, Avoiding, Collaborating and Accommodating showed a moderate to high score that clearly indicates what kind of negotiator I am as explained in the interpretation guide as follows: a. Competing - I got 17 for a score (moderate to high) showing that I am a result-oriented, self-confident, assertive negotiator and is focused primarily on the bottom line, having the tendencies to impose my views upon the other party and in the extreme can become aggressive and domineering, which also showed in my score for the assertiveness index of four (4) which is high. b. Avoiding – I got 16 for a score in this style (moderate to high too) showing that I am a negotiator that exhibits style that are passive, making attempts to avoid conflict...
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