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Hook Up Culture and Human Relationships


Submitted By Taoo
Words 1569
Pages 7
Tao He
English 209. Prof. Fitzgerald
Final Draft Essay#2

If human history were a long river, the changing of the modern society would be one of the most striking sprays in the history. In today’s world, people are changing their attitudes about sex and marriage. Many norms and standards have changed dramatically. Yesterday, the world was still a man-dominant society, but today, more and more women hold many senior jobs and show that they are as capable as males. Yesterday, young men were still struggling with how to make their girlfriends happy, but today, causal sex especially “hookups” are becoming more acceptable and popular among young people. Yesterday, the main goal for everyone was still to marry an ideal partner and built a family, but today, there are more and more singles saying “no” to marriage. It is really difficult to judge these changes because they are not just simply a positive or negative issue but also a reflection of human development. In my point of view, we should hold a positive view of the phenomenon that women have more economic power because it is a symbol of the improvement of female statues. However, when people are trying to break the bonds of convention and live freely, it is very easy for them to fall into a wrong path. I believe many people have lost themselves when they are pursuing causal sex and the status of being single. The increasing economic power of women not only shows women have the same capability as men do but also improves the status of women. It is true that this change threatens the traditional male-dominated culture and blows male’s self esteem. In the article “The End of courtship,” Alex Williams reveals that this change of women’s economic power is one of the biggest factors that challenge the traditional male-dominated dating structure. However, I believe it is the time for men

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