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Horse Stall Research Paper

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Invariably horses must spend time inside a horse stall. Appreciating the consequences that result from poor stall maintenance is imperative to the health and longevity of your animals. A poorly maintained stall can lead to serious health issues for your horse. Stall confinement can lead to respiratory problems, especially when horses remain in the stall for long periods. Appreciating the dangerous consequences of poor stall maintenance

Cause of Respiratory Problems in a Horse Stall

Bacteria are responsible for respiratory and breathing ailments in horses. A horse stall is a natural breeding ground for the particles that contain them. They are inherently a part of their feed, bedding and foot materials. Poor maintenance practices in a horse …show more content…
However, you must use caution. Blowing bacteria filled air around inside the horse stall is not a wise solution. All you do is circulate the problem whipping up dust in a whirlpool effect. This actually makes problems worse. Floor fans, even upright types, will move the air around, but they also send harmful particles into the air that would otherwise not become airborne.

When you set up a ventilation system for your horse stalls, make sure it circulates the air, but does not stir up dust. The best way to reduce the dust factor, but still keep the air moving, is to use ventilation fans that pull air out of the entire stable. The fans should be situated at least midway from the floor to the peak of the roof. Two fans at adjacent ends of the barn, will help circulate air, bring in fresh air, and keep the air inside the stalls from becoming stale and breeding bacteria.

Clean & Dry

Damp bedding and feed are very prone to bacteria. Bedding needs changed at least everyday and often twice daily during the hot, humid summer months. While lightly wetting hay for feeding helps keep the number of airborne bacteria down, it should be cleaned immediately after

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