...you want to do when you graduated from your university? Do you want to be a white collar or a manager in a company? Do you want to be a teacher in a school? Or do you want to be an actor or actress? I will say no. I have my own dream job even it looks like ordinary – an owner of a special store. My special store is a combination of a coffee shop and bookstore. We serve drinks, desserts, and all kinds of books. We also serve wireless network for all of our customers, they can bring their laptop here, and we will provide free desserts to our customers every three hours. People can come to this store for relaxing or studying. Imagine that you come to a store and buy a cup of your favorite drinks, then, you sit at the corner and pick one of your favorite books from the bookshelf, and enjoy both of them in your remaining time. Will it sound amazing? That is what I want to do during the rest of my life. If you do not put your dream into action, the dream would only be a dream, it will not become a reality. For achieving my dream, I have to complete my Bachelor’s degree first. My major in my university is finance, and this is relevant to my future job. I can take some major courses about finance first cause manage finances is the basic skill to start my own business. And I can also take some management and marketing courses to prepare for my future job. During my university life, I have to study hard and try my best to obtain scholarships or I can do some part-time jobs in the school...
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...and Guangdong Province Health Department. However, in my opinion, administrative staff or finance people usually don’t understand what physicians are doing. We know that physicians normally work solo, and make decisions individually, which means they usually don’t have the tendency to view and solve problems based on a large-scale vision. They also have little knowledge of finance, but they need to know how to interact with patients. When I was an intern in a nursing department, communicating with patients was a common thing for me every day. I needed to understand their demands and concerns. Better clinical outcomes would show if there is good interaction between medical staff and patients. For finance people, they don’t need to communicate with patients. Instead, they focus on the future to help hospitals develop better and make more benefits. When I was an intern in the Bureau of Pharmaceutical Affairs of the Guangdong Province Health Department, I knew that administrative staff is in charge of hospitals to ensure the implementation of basic drug policy among hospitals. I noticed that they usually got feedback from leaders of each hospital, and they checked the outcome reports submitted by hospital. There was little collaboration and communication with clinical staff. I wonder if there is a difference when the two sides collaborate together. What take-aways are you able to derive from this article? After reading the article, I learned about the differences between CFOs and...
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...GRAND FINANCE CONVENTION] “Invest Local. Aim Global: Be better. Be Bolder. Be a Risk Taker.” (Summary, Reaction & Application) Mendoza, Melvin Ross T. A2C Summary “Great Beginning starts here” Perhaps these words from the tag line of our school entered my mind as we attended the Grand Finance Convention held at Sm Cinema 1&2, Lipa City. This was indeed a day of opportunity for us students to learn more about the real world. Both cinemas have their invited speakers for the topics that should be discussed during the day. After we have settled down the program started with a doxology, followed by the national anthem, and the opening remarks by the dean. The first speaker came up to the stage as he introduced himself, Mr.Jesi Bondoc. He discussed the introduction and definition of investment as well as his steps or rules to guide us in investing. He briefly emphasized each step starting with the first one; always begin with the end in mind. It means that before investing we must have a goal or reason for doing this so that we can be motivated because we know our purpose in entering such risk. There is no sense of doing something if you don’t have any plans from it. Even though you gained a lot, if you don’t know where to use it, then it will be such a waste. Second, we must investigate before investing. It is just necessary that we are aware of any details we could get before getting involved in a certain decision. It would be in our advantage...
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...employees when they leave, dramatically underscoring the difficulty to attract, motivate and retain the best employees in an organization. Our project covers the introduction and importance of talent management. It is followed by the application of talent management in National Bank of Pakistan and recommendations for the bank to retain and improve its talent. LITERATURE REVIEW: A detailed survey of the concerned literature has been carried out based on various journals, reviews concerned magazines and internet and presented below: Any Organization needs to have a vision and a well defined strategy on hiring for the future. We should have the right talent to attract and retain the best available talent for which a number of measures for talent management are required. [KARTHIKEYAN, 2007]. Emphasis has been paid on initiatives that can be put in place to help organization to retain and nurture the talent [PANDIT, 2007]. The fundamental aspects about the definitions of human recourses have been discussed and planning of new models has been discussed. The need to disband the conventional school of thoughts about organizational behavior has been advocated and a new approach has been suggested for HR [ANANDARAM, 2007.] The Strategic Development of Talent by William...
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...Accounting & Finance Department Plan Human Resources Department Plan Melanie Hanson Patrick Blessinger Bus3011 Spring 2014 Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary 4. Human Resources Description 4. Accounting and Finance Description 4. Human Resources Purpose Statement 4. Accounting and Finance Purpose Statement 5. Human Resources Goals and Activities 5. Accounting and Finance Goals and Activities 5. Management Goals and Activities 6. Human Resources Organizational Structure 6. Accounting and Finance Organizational Structure 6. Management Organizational Structure 7. Human Resources Interview 7. Accounting and Finance Interview 7. Management Interview 8. Human Resources Performance Standards 8. Accounting and Finance Performance Standards 8. Management Performance Standards 9. Conclusion 10. Accounting and Finance Organizational Chart 11. Human Resources Organizational Chart 12. Accounting and Finance Strategic Alignment Worksheet 15. Human Resources Strategic Alignment Worksheet Executive Summary The Atha Corporation is a company based on strong ethical standards and beliefs. In order to ensure these beliefs are enforced we have taken measures to revamp our company for the better. With the extra funds we have received from a partner, we will be able to expand our company to double the previous year’s sales. To do this we will need to make drastic changes in all departments, especially in Human Resources and Accounting and Finance. These changes...
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...that brings you more. Powerful blocks of business knowledge that you can stack to build your iMBA. Global experience. l Colleagues, customers, competitors, and ideas come from all over the world. A good strategist, manager, or executive in any field recognizes the value of crossing geographic boundaries and gaining international experience. In the iMBA we make that happen. l richly diverse MOOC world with the selective world of a very personalized online degree program. Every course has a MOOC portion and a for-credit portion, blending the global experience with the intimate cohort experience. Stackable Specializations. l We call the blocks of business knowledge Specializations. With each Specialization, you are eligible for certification. Once you complete the full set of Specializations, you are eligible for a full MBA. l We created the program to integrate the open, democratic, and Bold leadership. Bright minds. Bridge to practice. Every Specialization is self-contained. Each one brings all the pieces you need together into one pre-integrated package of business know-how. l The Specializations draw on not only different academic departments within the College of Business, but also other high-ranked programs at the University of Illinois, as well as leaders in the industry. More flexibility. l Start anywhere, anytime, and apply what you learn Professors Aric Rindfleisch, Denise Lewin Loyd, and Heitor Almeida...
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...among a pool of many others because we believe there is a correlation with these professions with the beginning, middle and end stages of a career in the industry. To learn more about these fields we were given the pleasure of interviewing and talking to the individuals that have seen success, failure, and have overcome obstacles to earn lucrative incomes throughout their career. The given perspectives of these community role models have helped us with our research on really getting an in depth look on...
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...1. What is Islamic Finance? Islamic Finance Definition Islamic Finance is differs from conventional finance in that Islam prohibits charging interest on loans. It involves the provision of financial products and services by institution offering Islamic Financial Services (IIFS) for Shariah approved underlying transaction and economic activities, based on contract that comply with Shariah law. Shariah is the factor that distinguish Islamic Finance from Conventional Finance. . Islamic finance is a form of finance that is based on Shariah, or the body of Islamic law. Shariah, “the way to the source of life” is filled with moral purpose and lessons on the truth, and is more than just a set of legal rules. Shariah represents the idea that all human beings and governments are subject to justice under the law. It is common to use the term “Shariah-complaint” to describe anything that is permissible under Islamic law. Shariah prohibits the acceptance of a specific interest or fees (Riba) for loans of money. Islamic finance involves structuring financial instruments and financial transactions to satisfy traditional Muslim strictures against the payment of interest and against engaging in gambling. It is a field of growing importance for conservative Muslims, especially in the Middle East, who are uncomfortable with Western-style bonds and banking that involve explicit payments of interest Shariah, the law of Islam, originates from two principal sources: the Quran, the Holy Book...
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...teams at different jobs. While I was working on a school PowerPoint group project presentation, team work was important. Our group met to discuss what information we would need on the presentation. Next we choose who could do best on what part. When I was younger I worked as a manager at a fast food restaurant. When preparing fast food, team work and great communication were a must. Without effective team work it’s easy to fall behind. All persons on the shift had a job to do, be it cashier, cook, or filler bagger. These jobs working together insured a productive day. My experiences working with teams have been positive because I was able to learn from them. I learned how to talk to people with respect. On my present job I am a car sales consultant. In the auto sales business you have sales consultants, sales managers, and credit/finance specialist. There is also advertising to bring in customers. We all work as a team to move from one step to the next. The customer comes in looks around with a sales consultant. Once the customer picks out a car the sales consultant or sales manger completes the initial paper work. The finance specialist reviews how the car will be purchase and what type of credit or finance may be needed. Teams are used in the work place because some jobs cannot be completed individually, but can be completed as a team Teams are used in education, athletics, or the arts. In education teams are used in presentations or in doing research. Teams are a big...
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...1. Why are you interested in the position? When I first came to the University of Rochester I had no idea how I would pay for school. I quickly had to learn how to responsibly handle my finances and it is a skill that I use today. However, it is a daunting task to find a way to finance one's education. I believe that by taking this position, I can help others be more aware of their options when it comes to finances. 2. Why should you be picked to be a Salt Ambassador? Two of my previous positions required strong programming and interpersonal skills. With that in mind, I believe I have a strong background for promotion, event planning, and planning. 3. Do you have any experience with money skills and management? My money skills and mangement...
Words: 323 - Pages: 2
...The media’s watching Vault! Here’s a sampling of our coverage. “Vault has become the go-to source for career preparation.” - Crain’s New York Business “The best place on the web to prepare for a job search.” - Fortune “Vault is indispensable for locating insider information.” - Metropolitan Corporate Counsel “[Vault guides] are an INVALUABLE CliffsNotes to prepare for interviews.” - Women Lawyers Journal “For those hoping to climb the ladder of success, [Vault’s] insights are priceless.” - Money magazine “To get the unvarnished scoop, check out Vault.” - Smart Money Magazine “[Vault guides] make for excellent starting points for job hunters and should be purchased by academic libraries for their career sections [and] university career centers.” - Library Journal Customized for: fugui Family (ffugui@gmail.com) University of California, Irvine Online Career Library Customized for: fugui Family (ffugui@gmail.com) University of California, Irvine Online Career Library s f b t= c o l j= qe b= ql mW= ^ a s f ` b= c o l j cfk^k`b Customized for: fugui Family (ffugui@gmail.com) University of California, Irvine Online Career Library molcbppflk^ip cáå~åÅÉ= mêçÑÉëëáçå~äë © 2008 Vault.com Inc. Customized for: fugui Family (ffugui@gmail.com) University of California, Irvine Online Career Library s f b t= c o l j= qe b= ql mW= ^ a s f ` b= c o l j cfk^k`b Customized for: fugui Family (ffugui@gmail.com) University of California, Irvine Online Career Library ...
Words: 87343 - Pages: 350
...M Finance Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. - M Finance - 2012-2013 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. - M Finance - 2012-2013 I Inhoudsopgave Vak: Institutional Investments and ALM Vak: Valuation and Corporate Governance Vak: Thesis Vak: Asset Pricing Vak: Derivatives and Asset Management Vak: Empirical Finance Vak: Research Project Finance Vak: Financial Markets and Institutions Vak: Private Equity and Behavioral Corporate Finance for Finance Vak: Financial Risk Management (Quantitative Finance) Vak: Real Estate Management Vak: Adv Corporate Finance 4.1 Vak: Valuation and Corporate Governance for Finance Vak: Institutional Investments and ALM for Finance 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. - M Finance - 2012-2013 II Institutional Investments and ALM Course code Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) E_FIN_IIALM () 6.0 English Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. prof. dr. C.G.E. Boender prof. dr. C.G.E. Boender, prof. dr. T.B.M. Steenkamp Lecture Course objective Achieve advanced knowledge of the investment process of institutional investors, like pension funds and insurers. The main objective is to fully understand the most important theoretical concepts in the institutional investment process and the way these concepts are used in practice. After following the...
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...entrepreneurship and Family enterprise Page 9. Finance Page 11. marketing Page 13. organisational behaviour Page 14. strategy Page 16. technology and operations management Here is a list of electives that were offered to the MBA Classes of 2012. This list is not comprehensive and is likely to change annually to reflect changes in the economic and business environment. If you are interested to find out whether a particular elective is being offered for your class, you can email us at mba.info@insead.edu. Also, notably 90% of the electives will be offered across both campuses, but there are some courses that will be tied to a specific campus due to the availability of the professor or the link to the specific region. All students will be given a full list of electives offered for their class in Period 1 so that they can take this information into account when planning for their campus exchange. accounting and control applied corporate reporting To be successful in any career involving financial analysis, you need a deep and broad knowledge of financial reporting standards and their application in practice. Building on the concepts covered in core courses, this elective gives students an understanding of the rationale and principles behind financial reporting. It also provides a clear sense of the main players (managers, directors, employees, investors, lenders, legislators) – and the main tensions between them. Ultimately, it shows students how to get their own financial reporting...
Words: 8199 - Pages: 33
...An Analysis of Case Studies Prepared by Rafiqul Alam Khan Rakibul Haque Department of Finance Page 1 Dhaka, June 05, 2014 Acknowledgement All the praise and appreciation to Allah, the most merciful and beneficent who has enabled us to submit this humble work. We would like to express our special thanks and honour to our course teacher, Sonia Munmun, who guide us in every minute whenever we sought, and who showed us the right track to conduct the study. Finally, we would be happy if the findings of this study could make any contribution in the field of business efficiency. Department of Finance Page 2 Table of Content 7 Abstract Chapter 01: Context and Rationale Preludes: the General Scenario Rationale of the Study Objectives Methodology: Primary & Secondary Sources Limitation Chapter 02: Framework of Case Study Chapter: Foundations of Group Behavior Case Incident 1 Case Incident 2 Chapter: Understanding Work Teams Case Incident 1 Case Incident 2 Chapter 03: Conclusion & Recommendations Conclusion Findings References Department of Finance 8 8 9 9-10 10 11-14 15-17 17-19 20-21 22-24 25-28 29 30 30 Page 3 Abstract Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization...
Words: 5326 - Pages: 22
...1/26/2015 The Effect Of Compounding Complete Guide To Corporate Finance | Investopedia Free Newsletters | Free Annual Reports | Register | Sign in Search Investopedia Symbol DICTIONARY Investing Basics INVESTING MARKETS PERSONAL FINANCE Fundamental Analysis ACTIVE TRADING Mutual Funds & ETFs FINANCIAL ADVISORS Economics EXAM PREP Tutorials TUTORIALS VIDEO SIMULATOR Bonds & Fixed Income Calculators Complete Guide To Corporate Finance Chapter One Chapter Two 3.1 Time Value Of Money 3.2 Discounted Cash Flow Valuation 3.3 Loans And Amortization 3.4 Bonds 3.5 Stock Valuation Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five 3.2.1 Introduction To Discounted Cash Flow Valuation 3.2.2 Annuities And The Future Value And Present Value Of Multiple Cash Flows 3.2.3 Perpetuities 3.2.4 The Effect Of Compounding AAA | Discounted Cash Flow Valuation The Effect Of Compounding Compounding is the ability of an asset to generate earnings, which are then reinvested in order to generate their own earnings. In other words, compounding refers to generating earnings from previous earnings. Suppose you invest $10,000 into Cory's Tequila Company (ticker: CTC). The first year, the shares rises 20%. Your investment is now worth $12,000. Based on good performance, you hold the stock. In Year 2, the shares appreciate another 20%. Therefore, your $12,000 grows to $14,400. Rather than your shares appreciating an additional $2,000 (20%) like they did in the first year...
Words: 1605 - Pages: 7