Premium Essay

How Did Frank Morris And The Anglin Brothers Try To Escape Alcatraz?

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Pages 1
Many attempts to escape Alcatraz have been tried by many prisoners for many years (Hopkinson, 6). Some hopeful escapees who tried to escape were shot and killed during their attempts. Others who have tried have drowned swimming in the cold waters of the San Francisco Bay and many of the man were found shivering in the waters and returned to the prison in handcuffs (Hopkinson, 6). Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers did not intend to swim. Their plans were to use their raft and life preservers.
Of all the escape attempts, the plan carried out by Morris and the Anglin brothers was considered the most sophisticated (Watson, 9). They showed prison engineers, designers, and even the warden that Alcatraz was not the escape proof fortress it was

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