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Social Work Observation Paper

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SAMMinistries is an organization that is dedicated to assist the homeless. They provide housing, shelter, programs, and services to help those at risk of becoming homeless get back to their regular routine where they can attain self- sufficiency. SAMMinistries priority is to give these people hope, and reassurance that everything will turn out in their favor. In order for this organization to support the homeless and work with them they need to attend school or have a job. This organization tries to meet the needs of every family they are involved with, and give them a place to turn to when they have nowhere else to go. Their mission is to decrease and overcome homelessness with the help of the community, staff, and volunteers.
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The younger children at SAMMinistries are unaware of their situations, therefore think they are in a hotel or visiting for a while. Some children were comfortable enough to speak to me and tell me about their daily school routine, parents, pets, and emotions. In homework help I would help certain kids every day so I got to learn about them a little more. The way the children acted and facilitated their parents was astonishing, because these kids do not have the privilege to get spoiled, be selfish, or to enjoy all the new technological devices. The kids that I worked with were aware of their situation, but every day they came with a willingness to progress and learn. During my time there we were all a team, they learned from me as much as I learned from them. The volunteer coordinator, Roxana Miranda, is an astounding person that was there every day helping the homeless. She gave me a tour of the place and informed me about internships, and different opportunities available for me. Gena, the homework helping director, would tell me about her experiences with her clients, and the outcomes of the families she worked

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