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How Did Khrushchev Build The Berlin Wall

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The Division of Germany was tragic, yet necessary. Germany was split into east and west. On May 7,1945 Germany surrendered to the allied forces. The Berlin Walls construction started at midnight on August 12, 1961. The building of the wall was a disaster for Khrushchev. Stalin tried to negotiate with the East Germans, but did not sign the treaty. The soviets were not gentle and were not inclined to be gentle with anyone. It was more peaceful for the Germans than it ever was during the war for them. Some germans speak of regret that the Berlin Wall was not still standing. The allied forces divided Berlin at the end of 1945, creating a period of peace for Germany. At the end of the war Germany was split into East Germany and West Germany. The Germans surrendered on May 7, 1945. The allied forces decided that Germany had to much power. The allies decided that they could not give power back to Germany immediately, because the war might flare up again. At …show more content…
It was a symbol of everything that was wrong with communism. As the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union grew so did the fear of the Germans. The soviets allowed the December deadline to pass without signing a treaty with the East Germans. Fear continued to grow within Germany. John F. Kennedy thought that Khrushchev would take this time to seize power as it says in “The Cuban Missile Crisis.” He believed that Khrushchev would spark a new crisis. The soviets were the opposite of gentle when it came to treating the Germans. They would harass the Germans in the streets. They would push them around and harass them. The Americans were much better but would still push them into walls in the streets or harass them in the streets. When they first arrived in the occupation zones they were not inclined to be very gentle with the Germans at all. Even after this it was still safer than it was during the war and it was more peaceful for them to

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