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How Did The Role Of The Church Change Throughout The Renaissance

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During 1500-1600 the church had many roles in the lives of the people and in the government. The church ran everything in return made it very powerful and controlling. Since the church was so powerful and controlling, people had faith in it and were willing to devote time and money to the church. Throughout the Renaissance the power of the church began to decline rapidly. Although the role of the church changed throughout the Renaissance it was the base to everything in this time period, such as art, literature, poetry, science, and philosophy. Art was being controlled by the church during and before the Italian Renaissance. Every piece of art had to go through the church and be approved. A lot of the art from the 16th century has the bible or something religious in it because the church was controlling the art. As the church began to lose power, the style of art began …show more content…
Like the art as the church lost power the freedom of the authors opened up. They were no longer scared that the church was not going to approve it and could write what was on their mind. There was a big change in Literature during the Renaissance as the church began to lose its power Literature was one of the biggest things that changed and people noticed the change in the style of literature. The style of writing changed during the Renaissance, the style changed for the better people responded positively to the new style of literature. Poetry also was run and overviewed by the church which put restrictions on it also. Like art and litereature, poetry also changed in style as the church lost power. Also like art and literature poets felt that they had more freedom to write how they pleased. The style also changed during the 16th century and the people responded well to the change in style in poetry as well as

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