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How Does Atticus Change In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and I am on page 208. Book is about a family that lives in the country, this family is called the finch family their mother is somewhere in the book I’m not sure where but they have a mother like worker named Calpurnia, in this journal I will be the theme about Atticus basically the theme about him. One major theme in the book is that there is more to one person then first thought. Atticus a great father and a lawyer and fit this theme. As first seen through Atticus was he acted like he was one hundred, he acted like he was old but he was really young. He is acting like he was mean but he not like that. Atticus is more loyal. He has a new tone in voice in front of the kids. Calpurnia is a maid that works for Atticus. Her first impression to me was that she was a silent lady that cleaned the house. What changes about her is that now she and the kids Jem and Scout are with her most of the time and now she is more active. Another reason that …show more content…
Also I think that Cal is the better mother figure. Some of the reasons why I think that Cal Is that Cal is always with the kids more then aunty and while Cal is with the kid’s aunty is busy with herself. Quote in the book “We need to clean up all that mud off that face of yours so you can look as new” This proves that aunty only cares for her self and wants her self to look amazing with someone else. Second reason why aunty is a bad mother figure is that she is a racist to all kinds of people and says nigger lover in front of scout and she learns this word and she starts to say it front of Atticus. Atticus starts to hear this then tells Scout to cut it out. Last reason that aunty is a bad mother figure is that she does not fit in a group and she isn’t social at all she babysat the kids one time and the way she babysat and all she did was sat alone while she told the kids to go away from

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