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How Does Flu Affects Life

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Have you ever thought about how the flu can effect your life or your child life? The flu had so many ads and almost all the ads can be true but which ones could help you make the decision on to get the flu shot. The ad 5 reason to get the flu shot for your child is telling you what it can help your child and tell you what it does for your child health. The ads that shows a pregnant lady and her child that said that they got the flu shot and not the flu help the pregnant people to get the flu shot. The last ad is the grandparent to get the flu shot with their grandchild but it tells the older people is that that can get it to and be health and safe to get sick. Technology can help people to prevent the flu and help them.

The first ad that says 5 reason to get your child vaccinated against the flu shows us how the flu can help our children. It tells us how it effect our child and pros about the flu. It says that the spray vaccine is for your child that is age 2 or up and it is safe. The ad talks about how it is painless and easy to give and had been use in other countries it's be safe for kids. It states that if you have the flu then you will be in the hospital and that the flu is a nasty illness. They want parents to see this because it would help them if they don't want to the vaccine for them. So maybe when they read that then they would hope that the mom or dad would get the flu vaccine. …show more content…
It says that "We got your flu shot ... not the flu. It shows that the pregnant people that it is good to get the flu vaccine. It tells that if you get your flu shot while pregnant then it would protect your new born during their six mouths. At less if you get the flu shot then you or the baby would have to have the illness and go to the hospital and be there for days because that isn't good for pregnant

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