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Vet Nurse Research Paper

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The RCVS describes a Registered Veterinary Nurse, (RVN) as,
“supporting care of animals receiving treatment within veterinary practice.”
This is quite vague and falls short of the reality as seen in working practices.
What is clear, is that a RVN is an important member of a much larger team. Vets, RVN’s, Animal care assistants and Receptionists, all work together to provide the best possible care for animals and owners.
However, according to a recent RCVS survey,
“over half the pet owning population do not understand the role of vet nurses.”
Owners appear to think RVN’s are glorified cleaners, receptionists and people who just give TLC and cuddles to cute furry animals. In reality I think I can best describe the working life of a RVN as that of multi tasking ninja!
Cleaning is a large part of daily routine. All animals need to be cleaned and toileted and all areas of the practice must be cleaned to avoid cross infection………and not just once a day!! The cute furry animals do get TLC and cuddles, but they can easily sink their canines into your skin when scared or in pain. One minute you can be clean and tidy, the next covered in a range of …show more content…
Leaving on time is not an option when in mid treatment of a sick animal and breaks and lunchtimes become moveable feasts. Some days are routine, blood tests, health checks, vaccinations, castrates and spays, all of which I saw in work experience. Situations can quickly change, like when a puppy with Parvovirus was admitted. Barrier nursing procedures were put in place and distressed owners calmly reassured. Sadly the animal died, but work carried on. In another practice on a quiet day, a dog attacked by another was rushed in as an emergency. In spite of the team’s hard work, the dog did not survive. Being a RVN is as much about caring for people as for the animals in these situations. Owners need calm support and comfort when difficult decisions have to be

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