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How Does Screen Time Affect Children

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How does screen time effect your children? For viewers who are wondering if screen time is ruining their children. It's time to let go of screen fears because we are in the future! and what do you use in the future, that's right technology. Now a days you can't hold a job unless you know how to operate a computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. so why not start teaching them young. More media content is designed for children every year including sofware that is educational and not so educational so let your child play on a phone for an hour a day learning math and abc's or let your child watch cartoons hours at a time it's really up to you and you choose to use screen time.

In paragraph 5 of It's Time To Let Go Of Screen Fears there is an important statement that says "Screen time has become an everyday part of life. There's no need to keep children away from it." I strongly agree with this statement because we are in the future and everyday jobs are now requiring you to atleast know how to operate a computer. Why would you keep your child from gaining experience early on? The best time for anyone to learn is when they are young because their minds are like sponges and they crave education. …show more content…
Every single day new games and apps are being made. This includes learning tools like apps to help kids with math, reading, and writing I know this because I've used them and they helped me bring my grades up. Many of the educational apps are free as well so it's like a free tutor at any time of the

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