Free Essay

How Important Was Technological Superiority in Explaining the Success of Imperial Powers in Any Two Wars Between 1870 and 1900?


Submitted By minimuza
Words 4285
Pages 18
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} else { // it's not a subnet either, so it's either a valid IP, or invalid // was it supposed to be a subnet ? if ( netmask == true && single == false ){ errored = true; } else { if ( __vip( address ) != true ){ errored = true; } } } } } return !errored;
// outer wrapper - sets error colours, only do validation at all if passed the right object function valid_ip( initial_address, allowempty, netmask, range, single )
if ( initial_address.value == undefined ){ initial_address = document.getElementById(initial_address); } if(initial_address.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_ip(initial_address.value, allowempty, netmask, range, single) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }


function __valid_comment( comment, allowempty)
var errored = false; if(comment == undefined || comment == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[\w\d\.\-,\(\)@$!\%\^\&\*=\+_ ]*$/.test( comment ); } return !errored;

function valid_comment( item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_comment(item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

function __valid_itemname( itemname, allowempty )
var errored = false;

if(itemname == undefined || itemname == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\. ]*$/.test( itemname ); } return !errored;
function valid_itemname( item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_itemname(item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

function __valid_match( match, value, allowempty )
var errored = false;

if(value == undefined || value == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { var re = new RegExp( match ); var ma = re.exec( value ); if ( ma != null ){ errored = false; } else { errored = true; } } return !errored;

function valid_match( match, item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_match( match, item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

function __valid_username( username, allowempty )
var errored = false;

if(username == undefined || username == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*$/.test( username ); } return !errored;

function valid_username( item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_username(item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

var password_cache = new Array();

function valid_password( pass1id, pass2id, allowempty ) {

var password1 = document.getElementById(pass1id); var password2 = document.getElementById(pass2id); var errored = false; var p1 = password1.value; var p2 = password2.value;

if( p1 == undefined || p2 == undefined || (p1 == "" && p2 == "")) { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[^\s\"\']*$/.test( p1 );

if ( p1 != p2 ){ = warning_colour; password_cache[ pass1id ] = warning_colour;

if ( password_cache[ pass2id ] != errored_colour ) { = warning_colour; password_cache[ pass2id ] = warning_colour; } } else { = normal_colour; password_cache[ pass1id ] = normal_colour;

if ( password_cache[ pass2id ] != errored_colour ) { = normal_colour; password_cache[ pass2id ] = normal_colour; } }

} = password_cache[ pass1id ] = (errored ? errored_colour : normal_colour); return !errored;

// valid_port is used for the user defined port that goes with a drop down list of standard ports
// if the dropdown is not at 0 value we dont need to check this function __valid_port(port, portchoices, allowempty)
var errored = false; if( portchoices != undefined && portchoices.value != "0" ) { errored = false; } else { if ( port == '' && allowempty == true ){

} else { errored = !/^[\d:]+$/.test( port);

if(!errored) { errored = (port < 1 || port > 0xFFFF); } } } return !errored;

function valid_port (portfield, portchoices, allowempty)
if ( portfield.value == undefined ){ portfield = document.getElementById(portfield); }

if ( portchoices.value == undefined){ portchoices = document.getElementById(portchoices); } if(portfield.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_port(portfield.value, portchoices, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

// valid_host_or_ip - what is entered in this field must either be an ip address
// or a hostname. Where a hostname has to conatin some letters.
// if the optional allowempty parameter is present and true
// then the filed is allowed to be empty, otherwise that is an error state
// if something is optional then it can be allowed empty

function __valid_host_or_ip(name, allowempty, tryip, allowport)
var errored = false; if(name == undefined || name == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); }

else { if (allowport == undefined) { allowport = false; } if (allowport) { var parts = name.split(":"); name = parts[0]; if (parts.length > 1) { if (parts.length > 2 || !/^\d+$/.test(parts[1])) { return false; } } } // have something to check against // a hostname is must contain at least one letter in each group of numbers // otherwise we test it as a valid_ip instead var parts = name.split("."); var len=parts.length; for( var part=0; part= lower && value 255 ) { valid = false; } else if( !/^[a-z0-9\-_\.\s]+$/i.test(name) && safe == 'true' ) { valid = false; } else if( !/^[\x20-\x7E]+$/.test(name) || /[]/.test(name) ) { valid = false; } }

if ( valid ){ _ok( field ); } else { _error( field ); } return valid;

function validcomment( field,blank,max_length )
var inputval = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; } var valid = true;

if( ( typeof( inputval ) == 'undefined' || inputval == '' ) && blank == 'false' ) { valid = false; } else if( /[]/.test(inputval) ) { valid = false; } else if( inputval.length > max_length ) { valid = false; }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); }

function validhostname( field, blank, wildcard )
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( ( inputval == '' || typeof( inputval ) == 'undefined' ) && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( typeof( inputval ) != 'undefined' ) { var hostnames = inputval.replace(/\r/g,""); hostnames = hostnames.split("\n"); var hostnameslength = hostnames.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < hostnameslength ; i++ ) { // see rfc1035 - (Domain names) // also see windows xp network id recommendations // also not allowing hostnames with just a number if( /^[0-9.*?-]+$/.test( hostnames[i] ) || /^[-\.]/.test( hostnames[i] ) || /[-\.]$/.test( hostnames[i] ) ) { valid = false; break; } if( ( hostnames[i].length < 1 ) || ( hostnames[i].length > 255 ) ) { valid = false; break; } else { var parts = hostnames[i].split("."); var partlength = parts.length; for(var part = 0 ; part < partlength ; part++) { if( ( parts[part].length < 1 ) || ( parts[part].length > 63 ) ) { valid = false; break; } if( ( !(/^[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$/.test(parts[part])) || /\s/.test(parts[part]) ) && wildcard != 'true' ) { valid = false; break; } else if( ( !(/^[a-zA-Z0-9?*](?:[a-zA-Z0-9?*-]*[a-zA-Z0-9?*])?$/.test(parts[part])) || /\s/.test(parts[part]) || /[*]{2,}/.test(parts[part])) && wildcard == 'true' ) { valid = false; break; } } } } }

if ( !valid ){ _error(field); } else { _ok(field); } return valid;

function validpacaddress( field, blank )
var inputval = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

var valid = true;

if( inputval.length < 1 ) { valid = false; } else { if( !( /http:\/\/.*?\.(pac|dat)/.test(inputval)) ) { valid = false; } }

if ( !valid ){ _error(field); } else { _ok(field); } return valid;

function validiporhostname( field, blank )
var valid = false; var inputval = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( inputval == '' && blank == 'false' ) { valid = false; } else { var iporhostnames = inputval.replace(/\r/g,""); iporhostnames = iporhostnames.split("\n"); var iporhostnameslength = iporhostnames.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < iporhostnameslength ; i++ ) { if( iporhostnames[i] == undefined || iporhostnames[i] == "") { valid = blank; } else if ( validipvalue( iporhostnames[i] ) ) { valid = true; } else if ( validhostname( iporhostnames[i] ) ) { valid = true; } } }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validipordomain( field, require_protocol, blank )
var inputval = field; var valid = true; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else { var ip_domain = inputval.replace(/\r/g,""); ip_domain = ip_domain.split("\n"); var ip_domainlength = ip_domain.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < ip_domainlength ; i++ ) { if( !validipvalue( ip_domain[i] ) && !validdomain( ip_domain[i],require_protocol ) ) { valid = false; } } }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validnumber( field,lower, upper, allowempty )
var value = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { value = document.getElementById(field).value; }

var valid = false; if( ( value == undefined || value == "" ) && allowempty == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( /^\d+$/.test( value ) && !/^0\d+$/.test( value ) ) { value = parseInt( value ); lower = parseInt( lower ); upper = parseInt( upper ); if ( value >= lower && value max_length ) { valid = false; }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validurl(field,require_protocol,blank,asterisk)
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; } if( blank == 'false' && ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) ) { valid = false; } else { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/);

var urls = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; urls.push( inputval[i] ); } var urlslength = urls.length;

for( var i=0; i < urlslength; i++ ) { urls[i] = urls[i].replace( /'/, '' ); // get rid of any *. or .* asterisk notation in our wildcard syntax // as the rest of the validation does not care for it if( asterisk == 'true' ) { urls[i] = urls[i].replace( /\.\*/, '' ); urls[i] = urls[i].replace( /\*\./, '' ); }

// Repeated '.' is valid in query or fragment even if not in domain or path // So replace these by a single '.' so don't fall foul of later tests // Note can't use /g option to regexp as overlapping matches var oldurl; do{ oldurl = urls[i]; urls[i] = oldurl.replace( /((\#|\?).*\.)\.+/, '$1' ); }while( urls[i] != oldurl );

if( /(-\.)|(\.-)/.test(urls[i]) || /\.\./.test(urls[i]) || /[\{\}|\\^\[\]'`]/.test(urls[i]) || /\/\/$/.test(urls[i]) || /^\./.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'true' && !urlregex_forcehttp.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'false' && !urlregex.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( /^https?:\/[^\/]/i.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validurlpart( field, blank )
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) && blank == 'false' ) { valid = false; } else if( /[\s]/.test( inputval ) ) { valid = false; }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validdomain( field,require_protocol,blank,wildcard,asterisk )
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; } if( blank == 'false' && ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) ) { valid = false; } else { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/);

var domains = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; domains.push( inputval[i] ); } var domainslength = domains.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < domainslength ; i++ ) { // get rid of any "." prefix if we are accepting wildcards // as the rest of the validation does not care for it if( wildcard == 'true' && /^\./.test(domains[i]) ) { domains[i] = domains[i].substr(1); }

// get rid of any *. or .* asterisk notation in our wildcard syntax // as the rest of the validation does not care for it if( asterisk == 'true' ) { domains[i] = domains[i].replace( /\.\*/, '' ); domains[i] = domains[i].replace( /\*\./, '' ); } if( /(-\.)|(\.-)/.test(domains[i]) || /\.\./.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( wildcard != 'true' && /^\./.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'true' && !domainregex_forcehttp.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'false' && !domainregex.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( /^https?:\/[^\/]/i.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validurlordomain( field,require_protocol,blank,wildcard )
var inputval = field; var valid = false; if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( inputval == "" && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( inputval != "" ) { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/); var url_domains = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; url_domains.push( inputval[i] ); } var url_domainslength = url_domains.length;

var valid_count = 0; for( var counter=0; counter < url_domainslength; counter++ ) { if( validurl( url_domains[counter], require_protocol, blank ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validdomain( url_domains[counter], require_protocol, blank, wildcard ) ) { valid_count++; } } if( valid_count == url_domainslength ) { valid = true; } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validbrowserproxyexception( field,blank )
var inputval = field; var valid = false; if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( inputval == "" && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( inputval != "" ) { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/); var url_domains = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; url_domains.push( inputval[i] ); } var url_domainslength = url_domains.length;

var valid_count = 0; for( var counter=0; counter < url_domainslength; counter++ ) { if( validurl( url_domains[counter], 'false', blank, 'true' ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validdomain( url_domains[counter], 'false', blank, 'false', 'true' ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validip( url_domains[counter], blank ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validhostname( url_domains[counter], blank ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validipandmask( url_domains[counter], blank ) ) { valid_count++; } } if( valid_count == url_domainslength ) { valid = true; } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function transliterate( input,original_chars,new_chars )
var output = ""; if( input.length > 0 && original_chars.length ' ); var start = timeslot[0].split( ':' ); var end = timeslot[1].split( ':' );

if( start[0] >= 24 || end[0] > 24 || start[1] > 59 || end > 59 || ( start[0] == 24 && end[1] > 0 ) ) { valid = false; }

if( start[0] == end[0] && start[1] == end[1] ) { valid = false; } } else { valid = false; } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function select_all( element, prefix )
var i = 0; while ( document.getElementById(prefix+i) ) { document.getElementById(prefix+i).checked = element.checked; i++; }

function xmlGet( url, runme )
var xmlHttpReq;

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla/Safari xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }'GET', url, true); xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( xmlHttpReq && xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) { runme += "( xmlHttpReq.responseText );"; eval ( runme ); } }

try { xmlHttpReq.send( null ); } catch (exception) { /* something went wrong ... ! */ error = 1; }

delete xmlHttpReq; delete url;

function smoothGet( url, runme )
var self = this;

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla/Safari self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }'GET', url, true); self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( self.xmlHttpReq && self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) { runme += "( self.xmlHttpReq.responseText, url );"; eval ( runme ); } }

try { self.xmlHttpReq.send( null ); } catch (exception) { /* something went wrong ... ! */ haserror = 1; }

delete self; delete url;

var urldetails = new Array();

function urlDetailer( id, initial, source, before, after )
if ( !urldetails[ id ] ) { urldetails[ id ] = new Array( before, after, initial ); if ( source && source != "" ) { smoothGet( source, "urlDetailerUpdate" ); } }

Tip( urldetails[ id ][ 2 ] );

function urlDetailerUpdate( response, caller )
var details = response.split( "~" );

/* the notation for the details array changes depending upon what we're looking at */ /* however, the first few notes are the same */ /* type, id */

var id = details[ 0 ] + details[ 1 ]; var before = urldetails[ id ][ 0 ]; var after = urldetails[ id ][ 1 ];

if ( details[ 0 ] == "youtube" ) { /* parse youtube details ... */ content = before; content += "YouTube Video - " + details[ 2 ] + ""; content += ""; content += "" + details[ 6 ] + ""; content += after; } else if ( details[ 0 ] == "whois" ) { content = before; content += details[ 2 ]; content += after; }

urldetails[ id ][ 2 ] = content; Tip( urldetails[ id ][ 2 ] );

function toggleTree( id )
var element = document.getElementById( id ); var indicator = document.getElementById( id + '_node' ); var historical = document.getElementById( id + '_expanded' );

if ( element ) { if( == 'none' ) { = 'inline'; indicator.src = '/themes/default/treeclose.png'; historical.checked = true; } else { = 'none'; indicator.src = '/themes/default/treeopen.png'; historical.checked = false; } }

var __toggleTreeSelectLast = -1;

function toggleTreeSelectDown( ev, tree, num, id )
var key = ev.shiftKey;

var element = document.getElementById( tree + '_tree' ); var indicator = document.getElementById( tree + '_nodule_' + num );

toggleTreeSelectMark( element, num, indicator );

if ( key != true ) { // don't do this if they've pressed select __toggleTreeSelectLast = num; }

/* URL higlighting */

function updateURLHighlight( vid )
var typedurl = document.getElementById( vid ).value;

var match = /^(([^:]*):\/\/)?([^\/]*)(\/?.*)$/.exec( typedurl );

document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML = ""; if ( match[ 1 ] ) { document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += "" + match[ 1 ] + ""; } if ( match[ 3 ] ) { document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += "" + match[ 3 ] + ""; } if ( match[ 4 ] ) { document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += "" + match[ 4 ] + ""; } document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += " ";

function toggleTreeSelectUp( ev, tree, num, id )
var element = document.getElementById( tree + '_tree' ); var indicator = document.getElementById( tree + '_nodule_' + num );

var key = ev.shiftKey; var endpoint = num;

if ( key == true ) { num --; }

for ( var i = ( __toggleTreeSelectLast + 1 ) ; i

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Learning Theory

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