Premium Essay

How the Hr Department ‘Supports’ Your Organisation


Submitted By Nici612
Words 1034
Pages 5
For the attention of the
‘Board of Directors’.

How the HR department
Your Organisation

October 2014


1. Introduction

2. HR Function

3. HR Activities – Supporting Strategy 4.1. Recruitment 4.2. New Employee’s 4.3. Employee Relations

4. HR – Supporting Line Managers & Staff 5.4. Maternity Pay / Leave 5.5. Retirement / Pensions 5.6. Maintain A Safe Working Environment

5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Further to the recent organisation re-structure forecasting the closure of the HR department, the following report has been created to highlight the importance of the HR activities and the support it offers within the organisation.

This report highlights how certain HR functions can save the business a considerable amount of money. Although the HR department doesn't increase revenue, it can add to the bottom line through cost saving measures, therefore it is crucial your HR department, along with its skilled HR professionals survives this planned re-structure and its existence remains in place for the future.

2. HR Function

The Human Resources (HR) function is concerned with the issues of managing people within the organisation. It develops, advises on and implements policies relating to the effective use of personnel.

Their aim is to ensure that the organisation employs the right balance of staff in terms of skills and experience, and that training and development opportunities are available to employees to enhance their performance and achieve the employee’s business aims.

The HR professionals have a clear understanding of the business objectives and are able to devise and implement policies which select, develop and retain the right staff needed to meet these objectives.

Not only do the HR professionals deal with staff welfare and

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