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How The Louisiana Purchase Changed Over Time

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As soon as the purchase began, the native Indians in America were forced to move from every time to time, while doing so they were forced to move by gunpoint even though they were there first on the land. People today can’t even imagine being forced to leave out of their home just because they were differently in America. Never the less, this is what people had to do just because of the United States policies weren’t outfitted for this case. Now, the United States citizenship policy idea has changed drastically over the years for the better. Throughout those years, the united states had to go through episodes of where slavery was prevalent, the overall inhabitant ratio, and how the government did things that were questionable. When the Louisiana purchase began, slavery was in an outrage. As people expanded outwards and need more man power to work land development. This made slavery a big part …show more content…
Mr. Jackson; a known senator that was pro expansion at all cost to benefit, quoted the use of slaves as “Slaves must be admitted into that territory; it cannot be cultivated without them” excerpts from the U.S. Senate Debate of the Louisiana Governance Bill. Mister Jacksons’ view of slaves was right in the grand scheme of things; slaves were a big push on the expansion but people thought otherwise. Senator Brackenridge was fully opposed to slavery and had something to say about it. “I am Fully against slavery… I fear our slaves in the south will produce another St. Domingo.” excerpts from the U.S. Senate Debate of the Louisiana Governance Bill. Mr. Brackenridge told Mr. Jackson off because of fear that the events of St. Domingo would happen again. While the debate goes on about how slaves will be important for the expansion a spark of

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